Chapter 77 - Paris, France

Janella pov

Its already 3years since I left her but it feels like it happen yesterday, I didn't dare to called anyone since I left the philippines even my parents I didn't contact them especially her I'm scared to call her and tell her everything because I know she's mad at me for what I did.

I know she wokes up 2months after I left she tried to call me but I didn't call her back I'm so a shame to her I don't know how to face her and if she ask why I didn't wait her to wake up.

I also heard she's step down as CEO of their company and I know this is all because of me, sam always called me but I didn't answer her call I know she's sulking with me because I didn't attend her wedding, I want to witness her wedding but I'm scared to see loui again I don't know what will happen in case we meet again.