Chapter 79 - Meet them

Anha pov

It's been three years since janella left and since she left loui and in those three years a lot has changed especially to loui, she's been distant to us, I know and I noticed that even though she says she's just busy because she doesn't often get along with our drinking sessions at the bar, she can fool our friends but not me I know her very well and I know she isolates herself from us.

But I understand her and I don’t want to force her to tell us everything maybe she wants to have some time for herself and I let her.

“Baby where are you going?" Boyo asked me while I was fixing myself in front in the mirror, she slept here last night because she fetched me in the bar and I told her to sleep here because its gettin late if she goes home to loui’s house.

“I'll go to jasmine's house will do the fitting for her wedding." I said to her and she get up from my bed and hugged me from behind