Chapter 85 - Wifey

Samantha pov

"Babe I need to go I have a meeting with our new client." Jiyoo told me we just finished our breakfast but I was still feeding our daughter because she was late to be awake.

"Alright just take care and don't forget your lunch ok." I said to her and stood up to fix her tie.

"Ok, do you have any plans today?" She ask me so I just shook my head after I adjusted her tie and I lifted our daughter to take her dada to her car.

"Nothing, me and seji will stay here in our house, maybe I will call you if we want to go out." I told her so she nodded.

"Alright take care, baby be good to your mom ok dada will go to work so we can buy your toys ok." Jiyoo said to our daughter and kissed her on the forehead while sèji just smiled at her.

"I need to go bye babe." She said to me and she kissed me on my lips after that she got in the car and left our house.