
"What are you saying, Matsu? Are you out of your mind?" Jiro asked bewildered.

"What did I do? I just said what I felt for her? Is that a wrong thing?" Matsu looked at Jiro then answered and looked back at Yaami.

Hayashi couldn't believe what he heard just now. He started to think about how Yaami would react to Matsu.

Will she accept him? What if she says yes to him? What should I do now? Hayashi paused for a second and thought again. Why am I thinking like this? What is happening to me? Why is it bothering me so much?

Yaami was dumbfounded when she heard Matsu. She unconsciously looked at Hayashi, and she saw him looking at her as well. It took some time for her to come back to reality. Then she started to think seriously about it for a few minutes.