


She is Xenon Kathrine Anderson, a beautiful girl, a girl that came from a Palace named Xyxaxe Kingdom, she is one of the princess of that kingdom, but then she needs to go to Philippines because of a prince that hides in that country for the safeness of his family, not knowing tha his family needs him, the prince that came from the Zentre Kingdom the most Powerful kingdom

"You need to go there, your highness"- her father said with authority

"What are you talking about, your majesty?" She said like she can't understand what her father said

It silents the whole dining hall, so probably, she understand it because it is very loud and clear

"You heard me, your highness. So do what I said" Her father said

"No I won't leave this beautiful life just to find someone I don't personally know! I wont leave this beautiful life I have just for that stubborn prince!"- She shouted in disagreement

His father wants him to find and get back the prince, and of course she would literally say no, how can you find the person that you didn't even know the name or face? Who will, right? Only the idiots, and she's not an idiot

"Then, I can't do anything but to kick you out of this beatiful life you have" he said emphasizing the beautiful life word

"No, you can't" She said in a low voice

"Yes, I can'' the king--her father said

"Then, I-I w-will go there, j-just make s-sure that you will give me allowance and my cousins will come with me" She said

"Yes, your cousins can come" he announced

She just don't wanna be apart with her beloved, but then because of this prince, she will be separated, and she hated him for that!

'Wow, just wow. I really really don't know what to do and act without my Brothers and Sisters on my side, I don't even know how to smile at the others!' She thought

"Kathrine, it's fine, you will see me often my sister, I will visit you as long as I have time" Her second brother, Xackrick Kapler said

"But, kuya Kapler? Can't you just stay with me? In the Philippines?" Xenon asked, almost begging just to get her brother's approval of her suggestion

"You know that he has a wife, sis" Her twin sisters, Xyline Kazhis and Xathline Kexhis said then giggled

"And a Duke, remember? My sister, I'll visit you too, maybe, every other month? Is that fine? Then I'll stay for a week?" Her oldest sibling and brother, Xyler Katrione asked

"You are the soon-to-be king my brother, don't kid around" Xyline said then laughed

"Yeah, definetely! Obviously, perfectly, infinetely right" Xathline agreed then joined her twin to laugh

'How can I leave this family? My day won't be the same without kuya Xyler's rant about his ettiquette and such as the soon-to-be-king, he always talks to me about his problem! How can I leave ate Xylene that gives me advices and also giving me the obvious answer? How can I leave Ate Xathlene's -y ending in everytime she will agree and making me happy? How can I leave kuya Xackrick's mindset to teach me all the ettiquettes that the royalty must know? My mother and father that loves me with their very own way? And, of course the kingdom, being the hidden princess is having a little tiny advantage, and it is to go anywhere without no one noticing you, How could I leave my favorite kingdom? My favorite view? And ofcourse my favorite chocnon chocolate drink that is exclusively made fir me as per my wish to my mother, how would I leave it?

"They are right, my brother" She said politely, yet cold annd sad

"We do have a lot of time for you, our very own princess, because little sister needs to feel all the love that her family can give" Her brother Xackrick said then put his arm on the shoulder of her oldest brother who is smiling too

"That's why I really really love this family!" Xyline and Xathline exclaimed in chorus again then they laughed at their bubblyness

"Xyxaxe hug, indeed!" Xyler shouted then they all hug

"Hug me, too, my kids" their mother said enthusiastically

"How about me? Do you already forget about me?" Her Father, Xendrix said

"Of course not! even if you will throw my very own little princess outside the castle and even if she is not known as a princess together with our unknown princess cousin too" Xackrick said sarcastically, but everyone knows that it was just a joke, so they all laugh and hugged their parents too

"I just wanted to help, you know how soft hearted I am, and besides both of them are our friends, I can't just leave them and their kingdom slowly fall from the very very top" their father said

He is the most amazing man that she saw in her entire life, and she loves it when she always saw how her father's heart soften

There was this time that his father step out of the castle to check what is happening outside their home, then his father saw a homeless person the next two months, you won't see even a single homeless person, because they all lives in a condominium type of house

"You are awesome, dad. And I don't hate you if that is what you are worried of" she blew out my words

"We are always here to support, man" her mother said

That's the callsign of their parets, man and woman. And she is really really fond of it.

"Yeah, of course I knew it, woman. Because I always see the all of you watching me outside the castle" Her father teased her mother. She loves everything in this family and she will love it 'till her last breath

"Maybe every holidays I'll visit here, I am still a princess in this castle right?" She asked her parents

"Of course, you will always be our princess" her mother and father said in unison and hugged her more tightly

'Just wait for me, your highness. And I will come and get you, so, enjoy your remaining time being independent'
