Chapter Four


My eyes follow the gentle flipping of pages as my brother gradually eats up all the words I have written.

He is sitting cross legged on the floor beside me, the book placed in front of him and a finger tracing the words gently.

I watch him for a few seconds before turning away to look at the window. It's morning and it's beautiful.

The entire room is bathed in golden light from the sun, feeling me with nostalgia for the life I once had.

It's the first time in a while that I would be feeling like that. I don't know if I like it but it's a step up from gloomy depression.

"You got all these from memory?" asks my brother when he's done.

"Not all. I'm writing it out like a story, remember? The events are the same but the conversations... made up". I answer and collect the book from him.

"Guess what" he beams me an enthusiastic smile.


"I got permission from mama. She said that I can take you out today." He is grinning from ear to ear like an extremely pleased school boy. I force a smile I'm sure looks like a grimace.

"Where are we going?"

"Anywhere you want Layla. Just mention it".

Although I'd rather continue writing, I nod and say, anywhere.

My brother gives me another smile and leaves me alone to change out of my angelic dress now stained in some parts with ink.

I really don't want to go anywhere today. They've made me so used to this place that even stepping out of the room scares me.

Nevertheless, I change into a dress with more colour and hope- no,pray- the day turns out great.


Iman got back home from school annoyed. She wouldn't talk to me and generally ignored me. So I did the same too. Naja'atu was more than enough company anyway.

One of the first indications I got that she was annoyed was the way she dropped her school bag. She dropped it in the living room. On the FLOOR.

This is Iman we are talking about.

She normally dropped her bag in the room in its designated spot.. by the wardrobe.

The second was her reluctance to talk to me and the fact that she was replying questions with phrases.

I had an itch to ask what the matter was but decided to hold my peace lest she transferred her aggression to me.

When I couldn't take it anymore -she began slamming doors and ripping papers apart- I decided to take the risk and asked, "what happened in school today?"

"Nothing" came the taciturn reply.

I prodded a little further, "Are you sure? You've been behav- "

"I said nothing. Leave me alone!"

"I am not holding you. Just because I asked, you are now shouting at me". A low hiss escaped my lips.

Iman slammed the wardrobe closed and said to me,in a voice filled with barely contained anger,

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. Never forget that I am older than you".

Hands on my waist akimbo, I apologized... with an eye roll.

Iman was just getting started.

"You are so rude, do you know that? Just 'cos I let you get away with things, you think it's a yard stick to speak to me the way you wish".


"That's how insensitive human beings are made, do you know? When we let people speak the way they want regardless of who gets hurt in the process".

She blew out a frustrated breath and sank to the bed looking so sad I felt like hugging her... even though she had just thoroughly scolded me.

I was beyond convinced then that something had gone wrong. Iman hardly ever lost her cool. She was mostly always calm, you know? A cucumber in human form.

She blew out another breath, "Sorry about that".

I went to her and sat down by her feet," People call me insensitive all the time. No need to apologise".

" I just hate humans at times."

I sat up and placed an arm around her shoulders, "It's a good thing we are imps then".

Iman shrugged me off and smiled.

I made a mental note to ask what had upset her later, only to forget all about it.

Perhaps if I hadn't, the course of future events would have been different.


Dinner was going on great until our mother brought up the topic of someone staying with Naja'atu. To keep her company, she said.

"Let Layla stay with her" suggested Iman as soon as mummy finished talking. She was already back to her cool -as-a-cucumber self.

"Oh please yess. We will finally have peace!" exclaimed Lawal. He turned to me and asked when I would be leaving.

With a scowl, I replied," I am not going anywhere. Sister Naja hardly ever stays at home".

Naja'atu gracefully spooned rice into her mouth and chewed like one in deep thought. I heaved and sighed; scowled and grimaced trying to pass across my feelings of disagreement.

I loved Naja'atu. A lot in fact , but the thought of staying with her and her husband did not bode well with me.

"So, Layla, you don't want to live with me,abi? Don't you know it gets lonely?"

" But sis, you are usually at work. And.. and what about school,um? How do I go to school from your place?"

I tried to sound persuasive without seeming desperate; although I was very close to getting there.

"Calm down Layla. It was only a suggestion. You don't have to come if you don't want to,no one is forcing you".

Naja'atu gave me a reassuring smile and resumed eating.

"Iman and I will come to visit during holidays. That's for sure".

From the corner of my eye, I saw Iman shooting me an annoyed look. Naja shrugged and dinner continued without further interruptions.


The following day started out breezy with puffy cotton candy clouds dotting the horizon. Since I was no longer in pain and was afraid of staying around Naja'atu lest she resurrected the idea of me staying with her, I went to school.

The students' turn up was more than that of the very day of resumption. My best friend even came (she almost never resumes during the first week of resumption).

"Layla" she said as I took a seat beside her," How come you are just resuming today?"

I told her that I had resumed on Monday and that I hadn't come the previous day due to ill health.

"Well, I resumed yesterday. So, how was your holiday? Go anywhere interesting?"

"Nope. Stayed at home and fattened myself up".

"That explains why you look so good. Take a look at me; I am a dried up little twig".

I was about laughing when another voice, unkind and cruel joined the conversation. I bit down a groan as soon as I heard it.

It was Samantha. I should probably write here that she is my best friend's half sister. They weren't the best of friends and perhaps it was that dislike that rubbed off me.

"Telling on me to your god- mother,abi?"

"We were only talking", answered Winifred without meeting Samantha's eyes.

"I heard that part about dried up twigs. Are you saying that we don't feed you at home?" asked Samantha with a withering smile.

"That's your assumption".

Samantha arched her eyebrows in that way I have always envied, "Really? You are becoming bold o! Is it because of impaired sight over here?"

"Watch your tongue madam" I warned.

Samantha shook her head in disgust and muttering something about arrant stupidity, went to her seat at the rear of the class.

,"Does you know who she reminds me of? Cinderella's step mother" Fred commented and we both giggled conspirationally.

"She reminds me of Lucifer".

"The cat or the other one?" asked Fred.

"Both" I replied and we bursted into malicious laughter.

Later in the day,we had library period. It was my favourite period of the day because it was the time I usually dozed off under the pretense of reading.

Fred and I left the class before the others in other to get the best books and sleeping corners respectively. Unfortunately, the best of my sleeping spots was already occupied by some senior students. SS3 girls...brrr.

"Should we go back?" Fred asked, worried.

"Why? It's the same school fees that they are paying we are also paying". I argued.

"I know, but they are seniors".

"And so are we. Come on my friend, let's go joor". Ignoring Fred's protests, I dragged her along.

The girls looked up as we got closer. I recognised the one closest to us to be the head girl. The head girl whose name I didn't know. She spoke up first.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's time for our library period", I answered meekly, innocent expression and all.

"Where are the others?"

"Behind us".

The head girl looked behind me and frowned,"I don't see them".

"That's because they are still in the class", I replied in a tone that suggested the head girl had asked a stupid question.

"So you two are the serious ones, right?", asked the girl beside the head girl with an ugly sneer.

"Can't you see that she is wearing glasses? Are they even medicated?", the last girl asked, squeezing her gloriously big nose.


"Let me see it", requested the head girl with an outstretched hand.

I removed it and gave it to her.

"Hmm... okay. They are-"

The library door bursted open and a familiar voice said,"Sorry I am late".

Beside me, I heard Fred whisper,"Senior Iman?".