Chapter 2:The library clash

"I am maybe sweet, caring and loving for the loyalists...but I warn you now, dare to betray me or mess with my pride I will chuck you out from the ugliest time of your daylight."


Pearl's PoV:

It's been two days since that accident on the cafe and I have last seen that man. However I couldn't figure out why I cannot stop thinking about him. His dark eyes which looked like a puzzled mystery. The way he was gazing at me seemed like as if he was reading my soul, piercing it with his intense gaze. His words which was short yet twisted. Overall in my opinion he didn't look like someone to mess with. And noting his double meaning words were repeating in my head making me go through sleepless night. I am not someone who would easily let something effect me but why this man whom I just talked with 5 minutes is giving me this much headache? No matter how much I try I convince my self it looks like my heart doesn't want to forget him. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice someone waving their hands at me making me snap out of my dreamland.

"Hello?!...Earth to Pearl!" Sarah yelled in my ear waving her hands making me flinch while she gave me an annoyed look. Looks like she was calling me for a long time.

"Where are you lost Pearl? I have been calling to what it seems like forever but here you madam not giving me any attention! Like dude where the hell are you lost?"

" No where apparently but leave it...anyway where are the others?!" I asked Sarah who was with me while the rest where not in sight making me frown.

"First of all thanks for dodging my question so royally and second the others are doing class extra 30 mins to clear there confusions with the teacher...but anyway tell me what were you thinking? seem lost, are you okay?"

"Yeah I am fine just a little headache and I was mainly thinking about the assignment." I lied to Sarah hoping she would buy my lies because there was no way I am gonna tell tell her. And if I do I knew she would exaggerate it making false assumptions of me falling in love at first sight. Moreover since I have described the whole messy scenario of the cafe accident with my group Sarah and Kerin had been all berserk assuming me a cliche novel character. Well perks of having crazy friends.

"Ok fine? But still...Never mind. You will do good!" I sighed when Sarah believed me even tough she seemed hesitant. Nevertheless we left the locker and went to the canteen waiting for the others.


Shawn's PoV:

I was on my office signing some documents but slowly my mind drifted to that cafe girl. Her innocent, confused and fear stricken face was something to look at. She was indeed an epitome of beauty. Honestly I being an intimidating man never felt attracted this much. But it was different with her. She was like a magnetic enchantress pulling me towards her without even realising it. This was probably the first time I have asked my man to find out about a normal girl. As mainly I ask my man to dig out information of my sinners.

I was also kind of confused like why would my man take this much time to get information about a simple girl. Normally they can get informations about criminals in less than 1 day but now they were taking two freaking days. I was not restless to know her would be lie but I was super impatient. I called John and asked him about her.

"Did you find out about her?"

"Yes sir a bit but not the complete seems like her information is very difficult to get. And everything related to her seems very well secured. I just got to know about her name and family members but other than that no external details and I am coming with the file." John said in his hesitant but serious voice at the same time making me confused.

"Ok quick." I ordered him with my usual cold voice which everyone has gotten used to and busied myself to ponder on her thoughts. It was really weird of what John said. And that girl looked pretty innocent and she didn't look like the one to have secrets. Oh man I am going crazy! What is this girl doing to me?

Sometime later I heard my door being knocked to which I responded a "come in". I saw John appeared with a file on his hand. He passed me the file and left my cabin while I opened it with a deep breath. The first thing that caught my eyes were her beautiful photos. She looked to have a childish personality but the familiarity of this girl with her makes my heart beat faster. However when I opened the next page I couldn't believe my eyes. She was her. I thought that her face held similarity but she was really her, the one I have been looking for so many days "PEARL WEST".

I was first angry but later I was confused. First her name turning from Pearl West to Pearl Miller. Then the information of her family. I was knew a cousin of mine doing a deal with Miller in a family meeting when he was discussing about his new project. I never took interest in my family discussions so I neglected it moreover it wasn't even my project. And as far as I knew the Miller's were nowhere related to Pearl 10 years back. Her family was complete different from Miller which was a shocker. Then there was also something that involved Pearl getting in an accident 2 years back which caused her to have a memory loss. I knew one thing the Miller's were filthy rich but yet decent and mystery is something not in there system. Nonetheless I must admit they have done a great work hiding Pearl's information. All of this things are getting tangled in a maze but one thing is sure memory loss or not I am damn sure Pearl is guilty for that incident 10 years back. I have gotten hold of my culprit after so many years and I swear I am not in a mood to let my prey go free. She would have to suffer and she will suffer. Prepared or not I am going to make her life hell and there is no stopping. Just wait Pearl.... "I am coming to show you hell!"


Author's PoV:

There was madness now which have taken over Shawn. He finally found his culprit or that's what he thought. He was so blind with revenge that he didn't even realise everything has a price. In a revenge not only one grave is digged rather there are two graves. He thought he would destroy her but little did he know he was wrong as he is gonna burn himself along with her in the flames of vengeance. He looked at her pictures with a shivering gaze and he knew his short trip to London will be extended. He had all those vile things running in his mind for making Pearl suffer and he thinks he is going to have no regrets doing so. Huh! If only he knew.

Pearl along with her friends went to the public library which also had a small cafe with it after their classes. It was a cozy place which they often visited. The owner had a very nice relationship with the group. She was a petite old lady in her mid 50's and a widower. She had kids who offered her to live with them to which she denied. After her husband Mr. Kent Jenner died she had decided to look after the cafe on her own. Mrs. Jane Jenner would always say her history with this cafe. She and her husband had built with with a lot of love and she had sworn to look after it till her last breath as it was the last token of love from her husband. The petite lady was a jolly person and the people around loved her tales with her husband. Pearl sometimes wished to have such a partner in her life who would love her and cherish her but the reality was far too bitter than this. Mrs. Jenner loved Pearl the most because of her beautiful personality unlike those rich snobbish brats. She always treated her like a daughter and prayed for her betterment.

The group was chilling in the library while sipping their beverages and discussing there assignment. They were so engrossed in there own gossips that they didn't acknowledge the sudden ominous aura around them. The group was doing all fine unaware of the hawk like eyes trained on them more like on Pearl.

Pearl was reading the slide when she felt the sudden need of using the rest room. The person watching over her smirked when he found her going in the restroom alone. He made his way towards her and locked the door of the washroom. Pearl after completing her business went to wash her hands not knowing a guy's presence in the restroom suddenly startled when someone put hand on her mouth preventing her from screaming. She gasped in horror looking at the man so familiar to her. Her poor heart was doing a somersault at the close proximity and fear.

Shawn had his dark eyes trained at her struggling figure. Her eyes were tearing up making him feel satisfied or that's what he thought.

"I am removing my hand from your you better shut your mouth or else I will shoot you."Shawn husked near her ears in his deep warning tone making her shudder. She was badly trembling when he left her body and breathed heavily. Her eyes held confusion, fear, nervousness and panic. But with whatever courage she had she finally spoke stuttering.

"W-what do y-you wa-nt from m-me? Why a-are you h-here?"

"I am here to settle my scores with you and it is not something good for you or let's say I am here for you!"

"Oh do you want me to pay for your dress that day?" Pearl spoke this time trying her best to not stutter. But her innocent reply made Shawn let out a humourless laugh and his laugh had ants crawling over her skin as she looked at him terrified.

"Do you think I want to you to pay for my dress? Oh my my, look how innocent you are!"

"Then what do you want?!"

"I want you baby girl to be mine and I will make you mine. Since you have to pay your price to capture my attention towards you making me crazy for you and yeah don't forget about the sleepless night I had spent in your thoughts."Shawn's words made Pearl lose her temper. He was acting like a lunatic admirer in front of her which she despised the most. So in her anger she did something she wasn't suppose to do. Pearl slapped him across his face making his jaw tilted towards the other side and yelled.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THOSE WORDS TO ME?! YOU CHEAP INFANT!DO I LOOK LIKE A TOY THAT-" Before Pearl could complete her sentence Shawn pulled her towards him grabbing her elbow. He looked at her with his rage filled eyes which was enough to scare the living daylights out of her life. Pearl's eyes widened by the sudden impact on her front and she is scrambled when she looked at his eyes which was piercing her soul making her regret of her action. Shawn's breathing was ragged in anger and his grip on her waist tightened with his fingers digging her skin making a cry slip from Pearl's mouth. The slap thing had bruised Shawn's male ego quite bad moreover he was the great mafia king whose presence was enough for people to surrender their soul and a mere dove like Pearl pulling such daring stunt didn't set well with him.

"How dare you? I was talking with you nicely but it seems to me you like it in hard way...I am patient doesn't mean that you pull that stunt.( Shawn voice was so terrific that time which made Pearl to go all shivering and now she was regretting her action)...Oh my baby, you will regret hard for this action and baby soon you will be fucking mine under my mercy and I will teach you manners how to respect a mafia king!."

"M-mafia ki-ng? Y-you a-re a ma-mafia?!...p-please le-t m-me go I am so-sorry!"(Pearl started to cry vigorously at the new found information. Never in her life she had thought of this. She was panicked and Shawn's next word was enough to suck the soul out of her life.)

"I didn't hold you to let you go and remember this you are my possession and don't you dare run away from me baby girl or else you won't like the after effects...and I am leaving you now since I have work but let me warn you if you dare to tell anyone about our little talk I swear I will kill everyone you love. And trust me my love I am not joking...and yes I got your number and I would call you so don't you dare ignore me."Shawn said and left the restroom but not before placing a hard forceful peck on her cheeks. It was enough for Pearl to take so much stress for a day and unable to hold the bitter confrontation she fainted letting her drift into darkness.


"It's easy to make a fake obsessive confession but bearing its intensity is something which is destructive then a turbulent."


Hey guys I know it's very confusing with Pearl's identity but have patience it's gonna be clear soon but till then take care and vote, follow and comment!!And guys in the prologue you have seen that I wrote Pearl Miller, don't be confused because at that moment I was writing according to Pearl's perspective when she was telling her friends about her crazy fantasy. I hope I am clear. Goodbye!!mine