
The lunch bell rang and students piled up in the cafeteria. Alek Danny and Andrea gathered at their table. Two presences were missing. "I wish he could he could head quickly it's not a good thing seeing like this." Andrea said with a heavy sigh. "Yea me too Santiago is a dumbass." Alek chimed in. "Why am I a dumbass? Where's Nolan?" Santiago said sitting down. He was with Amy. Andrea rolled her eyes "We don't know." She lied. "Is he okay?" Santiago asked again. "We don't know but what I do know is that you don't care so shut up." Alek snarled. "I don't care? What do you mean I don't care? Of course I do." Santiago said in an offended tone. "If you did he wouldn't be like this." Danny said and leaned back on his seat. "Like what?" Santiago asked confused. What are they talking about he asked himself. "Like nothing you piece of shit." Alek pulled out of his seat and walked away. The table watched him saunter to a group or nerdy boys and settle down there. They immediately fell in conversation with him. "I guess I'll be going too." Andrea said and walked to a group of girls. Danny stayed. Amy looked at him expecting him to also leave. "What? This is my table. Your boyfriend and his friends found me here." He said and took out a book and read. "Let's leave Tiago." Amy said and gathered her things. "No I'm staying you can leave." Santiago said in the softest way possible and Amy left although she was insecure about Santiago but her competition wasn't present today so she didn't mind leaving him there.

"Danny what's going on? Is everyone mad at me?" Santiago asked in a guilty voice with a hint of sadness. "I don't know you should ask them." Danny replied. "Is Nolan okay though?" Danny rolled his eyes and kept quiet. "Is he?" Santiago asked again. "Look Santiago I'm sure I'm saying this on behalf of everyone Amy is rude and we don't want her here anymore. She insulted Andy and will do it again because she's a piece of shit. Excuse my French. Also don't worry about Nolan." Danny said with a mischievous smirk. "I'm sure Saturday's date will fix him." He said and sat back. At the indirect mention of Jeremih, Santiago felt his heart beat fast face hot and fists clench. "Is he still going? I told him not to. He should listen to me." Santiago said through gritted teeth. "Why should he listen to you Santiago? You aren't his brother or anything." Danny taunted. "Or...it's something else. Are you still in love with him?" Danny taunted with a straight face focusing on his book. "I was never in love with him. Jeremy is not good for him he's a badboy he smiled he fights. " He exclaimed. Danny felt like laughing at the sad sight. Santiago was one oblivious motherfucker and he acted liked he didn't like Nolan he did. He totally did. So he didn't respond he just kept reading Dorian Gray.

"Guys where's Nolan? Has anyone seen him?" A voice said when they were waiting for Danny to get back. Santiago was the first to turn around. "What do you want with him?" He snarled. Jeremy only smiled like a full bright smile. "I just wanted to talk. Nevermind I could just call him." He said and walked away. Santiago felt like screaming and plumelling his head on the ground. He hated Jeremy with a passion now. How could Nolan go out with a guy like him? Was he that special? But he thought Nolan liked him. Maybe he did but not anymore. "There's Nolan." Andrea said looking at the white Suzuki Grand Vitara. It parked infront of them and Nolan got out. His clothes were dishevelled,his hair messy as if he was running his hands through it many times. His lips were red maybe from being bitten. His eyes had red rings to show he was crying and they were swollen. His knuckles were bruised and bloody. Everyone jumped. "Are you okay?" "What happened?" "Nolan. Baby what's going on?" Nolans's heart swelled at the sight of his friends worried about him at least everyone cared. He smiled a beautiful genuine smile. "I'm good guys I needed a breather and to properly think so yeah I'm okay." He said. Santiago felt his shoulders slump. He was smiling and he was fine.

"Nolan are you okay?" Santiago finally asked after everyone was quiet. Nolan felt his anger come back at this moment. "Yes Im good Santiago. Everyone I'm okay. I promise. What I'm panicking about though is my date." He exclaimed after and the almost immediately everyone fell into conversation about his date which Santiago wasn't interested in. He just stood there and watched them talk.

He was going he had an outfit a plan a venue and money. He was ready and looking forward to it. He liked Jeremy that's what he said. He was cute and hot apparently hey texted and started using heart emojies. All before that darned date. Santiago slammed his bedroom door and flew himself onto the bed.

Darn you hormones! Damn you Nolan! Damn your pretty face! Damn me falling for you but not being able to do anything about it! Damn you Amy.