
Nolans's alarm clock rang out the whole room and he woke up startled. It was Sunday a church day. He wasn't excited for church who is a really. He took his phone and checked his message. The first one was from Jeremy. His boyfriend he felt his heart stutter. He replied him. The second one was Santiago.

"Call me" it read.

He didn't waste time and clicked on the green button. "Hey are you okay? What's wrong?" He shot out the moment Santiago picked up. "Hi I'm okay." Nolan breathed out a sigh of relief. "Gosh then why did you make your text sound very urgent?" Santiago laughed." How do you make a text sound urgent Nolan?" He asked him and Nolan sat down on his bed. "You just do. And it did." He said and fell back on the bed. "Anyway why did you want me to call?" He asked.

"How was your date?" Santiago asked over the phone. Nolan felt his heart sink into his stomach. Why would he ask him? "It was fantastic. I enjoyed it very much. Jeremy is a gentleman he..." As Nolan retold yesterday's events Santiago felt anger and sadness bubbling up inside him. He was happy but not with him when he talked like this it was like he was trying to spite him. But he wasn't he was just Nolan talking excitedly about the things he enjoys and liked. "That's good Nolan. I'm glad you're happy." He said when Nolan finished. "So what are you doing today?" Santiago asked. "Uhhh I'm going to church and sleeping after. I will be exhausted after witnessing fake Christians and all." He said already choosing his outfit to wear. "Okay have fun." Santiago said. They said their goodbyes and hung up.

"Naomi behave. This is a church not our house." Mrs Easton scolded at the scowling girl. "He shouldn't even be here if he's not repenting and asking for forgiveness for being a disgusting homosexual." Naomi said and walked away. For the first ever Nolan didn't feel sadness when his sister insulted her. He felt anger. He pushed it down and waited for later. It seemed like forever.

Forever did come. And Nolan was ready. After church and greeting a few people and Naomi sneering at her brother across the church hall. The Eastons were piled up in their navy blue Suzuki Baleno. "Naomi what's your problem with me." Nolan asked as calmly as he could. Naomi looked at her brother. "Don't talk to me." She said Nd turned away. Nolan turned her to him. "We're talking you little shit. I said what is your problem with me." While Mrs Easton wanted to tell 'language' she couldn't the air was so thick in the car you could chainsaw it. "My problem is you're a faggot Nolan a faggot. That's not natural okay? If I lived with you 9 months in the womb with you to accept this bullshit? Count me out. Nolan being gay is a brainwash okay. It s not okay. Only men and women are supposed to be together." She said calmly. And Nolan felt something snap in him. "Listen here you little homophobic piece of shit. If anything's a sin and unnatural is you being a stuck up bitch. Look everyone in this car in this Earth have commited a sin unintentionally. You've had your virginity broken at 16 that's the biggest sin ever. But you choose the one sin that has nothing to do with you.. the one sin you won't account for should we one day. Stay out of my way Naomi. I'm gay whether you like it or not." He said and was panting the time he finished. He sat back and watched the trees become clear and into a blur.

It won't take time but he won't be here for it.