Meanwhile: Marianna tells Adrianna that eventually Hector will get bored of her(Adrianna) and come to her (Marianna). Adrianna rolls her eyes and tells her that she is not going to stoop to her level and engage in petty arguments and leaves. Marianna says (to herself) that it doesn't matter what Adrianna says or thinks because soon, she will tie Hector to her.

Later, at the university:

Aurelio and Aranza are walking together, with one of Aranza's friends, when they ran into Mauricio, and his friends. Mauricio sneers at them. Mauricio tells Aranza, that she has made poor choices by preferring a poor low life like Aurelio to him. Aranza tells him that the only poor choice being made will be by whichever girl is stupid enough to fall for him because he has no respect for women.