Time flies quickly, as three years pass. During this time, Marianna is released from prison to go and complete the rest of her sentence doing community service. Martin is there with Santiago and Claudia.

Despite initial fear and self-doubt, Hernan does a good job leading the company. His sisters, Adrianna, Aurelio, Antonio, and Martin are there to help him. Montes De Alba Inc. grows from strength to strength. Life is good.

During all this time, Helena and Carlos have been kept separate from each other. They have had no contact with each other and have no idea how the other is doing.

In Helena's prison cell,

She is in solitary confinement. She says to herself that no matter how long it takes, she will escape and make the lives of the twins and those around them a living hell. She says that even if it's the last thing she does, she will do it. She adds that she will hit them, where it hurts the most. She adds that she will target their children.

Days pass,