Chapter 14.14

Unknown POV

"Hey bro", "Hey Edmond " Brian and Thea both say in unison as they turn to see the new couple who have just joined them.

All the people around are acting as if nothing has changed or ever happened but a certain someone in the room is finding it difficult to even find his throat.

'hi.. How are you all?' Edmond asks and Jessa’s heart skips a beat just from the mere sound of his voice.

'hey Jessa, are you not going to congratulate me?' Halley says, a stupid smirk playing on her lips whiles showing off her ring.

'oh congrats! Sorry I did not know you guys are already married... I would have even attended your wedding' Jessa says, putting on a fake smile.

'thanks and actually, me and my husband decided to just register the marriage in a court. You know, it is the love that matters right?' Halley says whiles holding Edmond's arm tightly, as if someone is going to snatch him away.

"yeah, love" Jessa scoffs, emphasizing on the word 'love'.

An uncomfortable silence settles between the duo after Jessea has given that statement.

Even those passing by could sense the tension in the part of the room where the group stands.

'hey bro come on let us go have some wine and have a little men's talk and hey, you have to give a good reason why you did not inform me about your marriage' Brian says, trying to lighten the mood a little and he succeeds in doing that.

'Okay, Let's go' Edmond responds and follows Brian who has already taken the lead but not after taking a quick glance at Jessa, winking at her.

Jessa’s POV

I can’t believe he winked at me whiles walking away and I can't deny the fact that I liked it, the fact that my heart skipped a beat.

I can't believe he still can invoke these strange but undeniably pleasurable feelings in me after all these years of been away from him.

To be honest, I thought I was over him but I guess I was totally wrong and the sensations I am feeling in my body right now are clear evidences of that.

"Hey, Jessa how have you been?" Halley asks me, smirking.

Just looking at her face, I want to just destroy that fake heavy makeup face of hers.

Halley is now different from the best friend I had years ago. I mean, she is nearly unrecognizable with her fake boobs, fake butt and the annoying toy face, probably from too much plastic surgeries. Now, she sure looks like a typical bitch.

I can't believe Edmond has been spending his money on her for all this fake body.

Since she has started it, I am going to play along.

"I have been quite well. Actually I am now a secretary at a publishing company.

By the way, what's up with you?" I answer her question nonchalantly but deep inside, God knows I want to throw her out of the party.

'yes Halley, how have you been?' Thea inserts, She has clearly been waiting for an opportunity to get on our once best-friend's nerves.

'Haha! Do I need to even answer that? as you can see, I am now with the beloved man of my dreams and as a matter of fact, my appearance screams it all" the bitch says proudly, rolling her eyes, seeming bored with the question.

"Oh yeah I can see you are indeed with the beloved man of your dreams ' Thea says, sneering at her. Haha.

" mmm Mrs. Matchington, did you decide to have Mr. Edmond as an immediate beloved, after squandering all of Randel's money? because the the last time I checked,......’ I also interject, acting as casual as I possibly can, whiles smirking at her.

I decide to intentionally trail off the last part of my words.

'mind the way you talk to me miss Johnson' Halley says, clearly agitated. Mmm she's just acting as I wanted her to behave.

'why? Why is miss Mills saying this? I mean, no one has to get angry for hearing the truth right?' Thea says whiles taking two glasses of wine from a passing man serving drinks at the party. She gives me one just as she finishes talking and takes a sip of her wine.

I guess Halley who has just realized she is one against two gets the idea to walk away after Thea has dropped the bitter statement but like hell I would let her go! Ha, I am not even half way done with her yet.

"oh, not so soon miss Mills. Haha! In fact, I have one more thing I wanted to ask....actually, are you not the one who started this questions and answers? ' I ask her, raising an eyebrow at her whiles at the same time, holding her arms to stop her from escaping. Hehe.

Halley looks like she wants to talk but I beat her to it.

' Actually, I quite can't get my head around the fact that Miss Mills always wants to be the mistress. Hmm, Why do you always want to be the man snatcher?' I say, twisting her arm a little too hard.

'Do you think just because you have those fucking fake boobs and butt you are beautiful?' I say, now raising my voice which draws the attention of some of the quest there to our place.

I know I am probably acting like a crazy bitch right now but I do not really give a fuck. This woman here has really left a scar on me.

"Hey you all! This plastic fake woman here is really a disgrace to womanhood. You all married women should watch out because there is a damn home wrecker here" I say again but this time, raising my voice so everyone I’m the room can hear me loud and clear and I continue to twist her arms more strongly.

'ahh' Halley shouts in pains and I swear it is like music to my ears.

‘this bitch here literally snatched my men from me twice' I shout whiles dragging her to the middle.

I wonder where her so called husband is but right now, I do not care about Edmond’s whereabouts one bit.

All I want to do is to humiliate this bitch and make her taste a bit of what she put me through.

I know I should not do this at my niece's birthday but the hatred wins over everything.

I push her forward, expecting her to land on the floor but she never do.

'ENOUGH! " Edmond's bone chilling voice sounds through the hall making me raise my eyes to see him standing few meters away with Halley in his arms, his mouth in a thin line.

'Oh Thea! I can't believe you just stood there and watched' Brian's voice follows, making Thea roll her eyes.

'what should I have done? I will never stop someone for doing something so absolutely right Mister' Thea retorts back at Brian.

'I am so disappointed. Come on!’ Brian says as he pulls his wife away, clearly not wanting strangers to listen to their bickering.

‘oh seems Mr. Matchington has finally decided to show himself huh?' I say, sneering at them.

'Hey Miss Smith, can you explain to me why you were harassing my wife? " Edmond states staring at me furiously.

I in turn roll my eyes and ignore him, choosing to call Bevelyn who is chatting happily with her friends and seems to be oblivious of the situation.

She probably was not in the room when I was humiliating Halley.

" Hey Bevelyn! Come here, go and show auntie her room. I am so tired." I call the girl who runs to me joyously.

I hold her hands and start to walk away.

"Miss Smith! I suppose I asked a question?" Edmond asks, anger clearly dripping from his voice. Ha, Like I care.

"yes you did but I am too spent to answer unnecessary questions" I stop briefly to answer and then go ahead with my niece who is taking me to the room they prepared for me.

Seriously, I am done with dealing with these people. Ugh!.

Author’s note;

Thank you for reading, stay safe.