Unknown POV.
‘So guys I want to ask something.’ Brian says suddenly.
‘Yeah, shoot.’ Edmond responds as he pats himon the shoulder.
‘So I was wondering if you guys would go to live in the witch realm? You know, you mentioned that earlier.’ Brian says staring straight at both me and Jessa.
‘Good question Brian but I think I know the answer for that. Jessa would never leave here for some realm she has never been to.’ Thea says, smiling at Jessa, who looks away almost immediately.
‘Actually, Thea, I will have to return to the witch realm. I have to go and claim my place, I have to submit myself before they find me themselves because if it gets to that, things will be more complicated.’ Jessa says sadly.
‘Oh right. It is fine. It is just that we will miss you so much. Bervelyn is going to miss you, you know?’ Thea says as she tries all her best to preventer tears but they come out anyways.