Chapter 10

Alfred: children, I present to you Lucía vives - he said introducing the girl

Sofia: you said you live - she was somewhat pensive - they are not the owners of private clinics

Alfred: yes, that's right - I look at her confused - how do you know that miss?

Sofia: I heard Dad talk about a partnership with them - shrugged

Alfred: that's right, his parents are currently in an important meeting, so it will take a long time

Harry: and... - He said hoping he would continue talking - what candle we have in this funeral

Veronica: Will you stay with us?! - He said with enthusiasm seeing the girl with a smile, which was erased when she received a blow to the head from Dinah

Normani: disguise - whispered in her ear

Alfred: if my girl - he said smiling - can she stay with you?

Ally: YES!! - Sofia: NO!! - They looked at each other

Alfred: - I look at them both raising an eyebrow - it will only be a couple of hours, as soon as their parents' meeting is over

Sofia: and... Why can't you stay with her? - She asked crossing her arms - and her parents what? They have no one to leave her with

Alfred: they are not from this city - he explains - the babysitter who had to take care of her, some family problems arose, and I am somewhat busy, her mother has given me some things, and her father made me a babysitter while busy - I look at both who were in front of the group - Could you do me the favor of staying with her? It will only be a couple of hours

Sofia: - I look at him for a moment raising an eyebrow with my arms crossed - I have to consult it with the band, give us a moment to discuss it - she said turning around making a signal to the boys to come closer to her, moving away enough not to be listened

Taking the hint, the man returned to the car, leaning back on the cape, while the children, understanding Sofia’s signal, walked towards her, forming a small circle, without noticing that two members were missing.

Sofia: what do they say, should we take it or cancel it?!

Dinah: no, of course not

Ally: but we are not going to leave her - I speak firmly - she comes with us

Liam: then we would have to go home

Harry: how about we postpone the plans - he shrugged - just until he's gone

Zayn: I don't think so, those meetings always take time

Louis: if so then, we will have to leave it for tomorrow, today we could not

Niall: Maybe it's not a bad idea to take her with us

Normani: and expose ourselves to be reported - I stare at him - no

Veronica: I don't think I will, you look good people - I turn to look

Dinah: you only say it because you like it - she crossed her arms - and that doesn't count

Veronica: I don't like it, of course not - she said looking away

Normani: oh yes he likes it - I smile mockingly

Sofia: ok, then let's go home with her, okay - I look at the boys, who nodded reluctantly

Ally: I don't think so - he said looking over Sofia's shoulder - it seems that we have two who disagree

Sophia, as well as the boys, immediately turned around, looking at the car where the girl was lying and two other little girls by her side

Camila: Hello, my name is Camila - she held out her hand - alias bananeitor - she approached a little - but don't tell anyone - she whispered

The girl gave a small amused laugh, the other next to her just rolled her eyes

Ariana: nice to meet you, I'm Ariana, Ariana Miller Grande, but you can tell me Ariana Grande - he extended his hand

Lucy: The pleasure is mine - I shake his hand, corresponding the greeting - my name is Lucia, but my parents usually call me Lucy - he shrugged

Camila: - she got a little closer to her face - your eyes are very beautiful, they are lighter than mine

Lucia: - She was surprised to see her so close - Ah ... yes ... tha-that ... I think - she let out a small nervous laugh

Ariana: CAMILA!! - I scold her - I'm sorry, she always does that - she said something sorry

Lucy: don't worry - she smiled - yours are also very pretty

Camila: Really?! - I ask excitedly, receiving a nod - Grandpa says that the eyes are the window of the soul - I smile - when I grow up, I am going to marry the person who has the most beautiful eyes in the world

Ariana: Camila, I already told you that I'm not going to marry you - she said looking at her nails

Camila: I'm not talking about you, Ariana - she said something annoyed

Ariana: of course - she said ironic - who else could it be?

The man who is not there was also, listened to the conversation I had girls, it seemed very funny to hear his little talk, that means had dropped them well, and if they liked, the whole group too, because according to your decisions they managed to make them change their minds being the minors, they always got their way. He noticed that the group was approaching the girls, "well, the band spoke" he thought

Sofia: What are you talking about - stopped in front of the girls?

Ariana: We knew our new friend - she said hugging Lucy on one side and Camila hugging her on the other

Camila: We will take her with us - I smile - I want to show her my discarded list

Ariana: Camila, I already said that I am not going to marry you - he said looking at her, he liked to annoy the Latina with that

Camila: you are the first discarded - she said sticking out her tongue

Sofía: let's see, no one here is going anywhere, and you - I point to Camila - you're going to get married when you're 40

Ally: you are not exaggerating - stood next to her

Sofia: no - I look at her - of course not, it is long enough to look for her prince with beautiful eyes - I look at Camila - you are only 32 years old , you have enough time, a lot of time, so do not rush

Camila: yes - she smiled, I look at Lucy - are you accompanying us? - The girl looked at her confused - let's... - someone was heard coughing exaggeratedly - you are fine - I look at Dinah, who nodded - are you coming? - He asked again

Sofia: I don't think she wants to go... she will be very bored

Camila: I don't think so - I look at Lucy - come on, you'll have a lot of fun, let's... - She was interrupted again, by another exaggerated cough - Are you okay?!!

Sofia: Ah... - she shook her head pointing - uhg... Yes... - He moved again - I think so

Camila: ah... Your neck hurts - I look at her confused, she saw part of the group hit her forehead, at one point she felt a blow to her head, she was going to claim, but she saw Ariana make the same movement, she looked at something for a moment confused

Dinah: let's give it a minute - I speak something low, just for the group to listen

Alfred: and... Children - on the way back to the group - can stay with the girl Lucia

Sofia was going to speak, say a resounding "No", it was what she wanted the most, to continue with her plan, but she couldn't say it, being interrupted by a girl who wouldn't let her speak to contradict the decision.

Ariana: yes Alfred, she is coming with us - I look at Lucy giving her a smile

Alfred: well I'll come to pick you up in a couple of hours - he opened the car door - where will they be?!

Ally: at home, go to the Styles' house, maybe you'll find us there - he shrugged - if not, go to mine, but on second thought - I put my hand to his chin - the Hamilton house is closer

Alfred: ah... Oh... Ok... - he said something dubious - well, I'll tell his parents that they are fine - I speak opening the car door - by the way, where were they going?!

Normani: to the park!! - Veronica: to the store!! - Dinah: to the museum!! - Sofia: library!! Harry: Ice cream shop!! - Zayn: To the lookout!! - Liam: Skate Park!! - Niall: To the zoo!! - They all said at the same time, earning a look of confusion from Alfred

Ally: and... To the church - I finish saying smiling

Sofia: we-ell ah... - I look at her a bit annoyed for a moment, and then look at Alfred a little nervous - uh... we-we-ell... see ah.... We were going to the museum, to see some... new paintings... yes that.., and uh... Then to return some books to the library, and... Ah... Then go buy something, an ice cream maybe to go to the park to eat it - he shrugged - there we were going to try the new skateboard, and enjoy the view of the viewpoint for a moment - he finished saying with a sigh

Alfred: I see you have the day planned - I look at them smiling - and... The zoo, and the church

Sofia: ah... we...ell... - I speak nervously scratching the back of her neck

Dinah: We were going to show Camila how she would end up if she doesn't stop eating bananas - she spoke smiling at the Latina who was looking at her with a frown - and we promised Uncle Jerry that we would take a walk around , you know - she shrugged - to listen to the beautiful teachings of our dear Yisus

Alfred: ah... Ok, good luck - he said goodbye by starting the car - bye

Louis: bye... - he said following the car with his eyes - well he left - warning

Sofia: - let out a sigh - Ok, let's go home

Camila: but we weren't going to the park - she asked confused

Normani: You said it yourself, we were going, past tense

Lucy: and... Where were they going? - I speak somewhat shy

Camila: let's go to war - she said smiling

Lucy: - I look at her confused - ah... Where?!

Veronica: it’s our game, something dangerous, but fun

Lucy: Can I go?! I ask hopefully

Dinah: ¡NO! - Verónica: ¡Yes! - Normani: ¡No! - Camila: ¡YES!

Sofía: ah... Uh... - she crossed her arms, already doubting what to do, she knew that if her parents closed the deal, they would see her more often, so you have to get used to her presence, Niall approached she whispered something in his ear, she looked at him somewhat confused, and he just shrugged her shoulders - Well ... If you want to come you will have to do something first

A smile appeared on her face but it was not one of happiness, Dinah and Normani were upset but when they saw her face they understood it, they both shared a knowing look, Ally for her part was already praying internally, why it was not exaggerated, she knew not he could avoid it, he only has to accept

Lucy: and... What do I have to do?!

Sofia: follow us and you will know - she said starting to walk

Some let out a small laugh walking with Sofia, Camila for her part with Ariana went hand in hand with Lucy, who was a bit nervous and shy about what could happen, in addition to a look that did not leave her. They walked a few blocks, before reaching their destination all the way they were talking or singing or saying the odd joke to relax the new member like that, they arrived at a small park somewhat far away, it seemed like a small forest they went up to a hill where at the top was a large tree. As soon as they reached the top, everyone without exception threw their backpacks on the grass that surrounded the great tree to sit under its shade.

Ally: ah..., I already missed this place - she said with a sigh

Sofia: OK Lucy come here - she said getting up from the ground followed by Lucy - you see that store - she pointed by passing an arm around Lucy's shoulders - the one on the other side of the street?!

Lucy: yes, I see her

Sofia: well, you see.., I forgot to bring the fruit and I need you to bring some bananas - she shrugged

Lucy: you say go steal food

Ally: mercy - got up off the ground - Jesus, no - I look at Sofia

Sofia: No, no, how do you think? Not that - she said moving away from the group together with Lucia - do not repeat that in front of Ally or you will want to spend the whole day in church - I whisper the last - no, you will only go to drink some borrowed bananas, then we pay it off

The girl looked at her a little doubtful going to the store to steal, Well to "lend" the bananas was not good either, she had never done that, her parents have enough money to buy her a whole chain of stores, that was clear to her, She never thought that someone would propose to do that, thousands of scenes passed through her mind where she entered the store and they discovered her, if her parents found out...

Lucy: ah... - I doubt - Ok, I'll do it - I look at Sofia

Sofia: really?! - She looked at her surprised, she thought she would not accept, she was brave, that made her proud, the girl nodded somewhat doubtfully - ok, you are going to bring some bananas, but you must not let them see you, I have brought several fruits, but I forgot bring bananas

Camila: you forgot to bring my platano - I look at her annoyed

Sofia: yes, I forgot to bring your BANANA - he stressed

Camila: it is said platano - she crossed her arms

Sofia: No, banana

Camila: platano

Sofia: banana

Camila: platano, I'll tell the grandmother - threatened

Sofia: banana, then tell grandma

Camila: platano, I'll tell Grandma and I'll eat your chocolate

Sofia: Well, don't tell grandma, and she says platano

The girl watched the interaction of the sisters, there were times when she was grateful to be an only child, but other times she was not, and at that moment she was not doing it.

Veronica: I don't understand how you always fall for the same thing - she said, leaning back better on the tree

Sofia: you say it why you have not tried them

Veronica: being like that - crossed her arms - I don't intend to try them

Liam: ready for your litmus test - he smiled at her

Lucy: Yes - he smiled back

Sofia: ok, go - she said sitting down next to Dinah - here we wait for you