Chapter 3

Marc: But, it has already been said – he approached her – everything is confirmed and it cannot be anything – I look at the screens – what are you doing? – Asked frowning, she did not answer

Karla moved her hands undoing and uploading codes or formulas. She did not know how she would do to convince those above, but all she knew was that she would save Lauren, she would have promised it and whatever happens she would keep her word, the young woman had placed all her trust in her and did not intend to disappoint her

Henry: But we can talk to them – I look at Marc – convince them that at least, I don't know – I lower my gaze, putting a hand to his hair, stirring how desperate he would come up with an idea – to let us continue with the program or do it. Out of here

Marc: They do not care how effective the projects have been – I speak quickly – they already have an agreement and if one breaks it, open very serious problems – he sighed and looked down – they want to edit problems or another war – he gave a few steps forward turning his back on Henry – they don't care who they can leave – he turned to see him – but nothing comes from here

Karla: I'm not going to leave them – she took a bracelet that was on the desk, putting it on her right wrist. He turned to see the capsule and gave a sad sigh, returning his sight to the screens

Sliding his fingers up showing a figure of a woman next to it, with a small panel of various options and settings, he searched for what he wanted to activate on the panel, decreasing the substances cytokine, endorphin, adrenaline, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocic, and then connect the IV, activate the muscle relaxant, sedative, and lower the temperature to low 0

Henry: Are you really going to do it?! – He saw her surprised, because he was not expecting it

Karla: yes, it is a precaution – she got up from her chair approaching the capsule – I will come for you Lauren – she raised her hand showing the bracelet, a small light illuminated the bracelet making the wall in front of her show it like a secret place, then move your hand grabbing the capsule enter that place – and if not – under the head looking at the bracelet on his wrist that has already lowered – my descendants will come for you – just when the wall ends by closing the doors open showing some men in soldiers uniform, drawing the attention of those present who turned their gaze to this

Soldier: Doctor Karla Cabello – I look at the woman – Doctor Henry styles and Doctor Marc Milek – I turn to look at the two men – they have to accompany us

The three looked at each other and then walked to the exit, Karla before crossing the door turned her head to see the wall where Lauren's capsule was located, "No matter how long it takes, I'll get you out of here" she thought as she let out a sigh and then continue walking, without imagining that it would be more time than she thought, and she would not be the one who would save her

Years later...

Dinah: really girls – she settled on the furniture leaning back fully on it – I told her looking at those fucking beautiful eyes that she has – she said almost in a sigh

Lucy: Here we go again – she said denying without taking her eyes off her cell phone

Ally: I'm going to pretend that I believe you – she said funny

Dinah: I'm not lying – she said something offended

Ariana: don't tell me – he looked at her mockingly

Dinah: Well, if I tell you, Chacho – I look at Camila – tell them, you were there

Camila: Actually, you changed some things Dinah – she made a sign with her hand – but only in some things

Dinah: No, of course not, Mani – I look at Normani – tell them, you saw everything

Normani: well, after you melt and crawl until you can't, I think maybe, you may have said it – I look at her – in your mind

They were in the living room , Dinah is technically lying on the sofa, Ally sitting next to her with Camila's head on her legs, while on the other piece of furniture, Lucy along with Ariana on the piece of furniture leaning on the arm on each side, while Normani was sitting on the rug leaning on the middle table

The girls started laughing louder than before at Dinah's face of outrage

She was going to complain, but the sound of the door closing interrupted her.

Veronica: I get bitch – speak entering the room with bags in hands

Camila: Finally – she got up – What a good meal!!

Ariana: why did you take time? – got up picking up a bag

Dinah: I know, don't tell me – I speak getting up – you met a cutie and you couldn't resist

Veronica: why do I say no, yes yes – I leave the bags on the small table in the center

Lucy: of course, you don't miss a single one – she got up somewhat annoyed – I’ll go get spoons for the ice cream

Ally: I'll accompany you – she got up from the furniture walking behind her, giving Veronica a reproachful look

Veronica: and now what happened to her?! – I look at all the girls

Normani: Don't you tell me? – I speak sarcastically, taking things out of the bag

Veronica looked at her confused without understanding what they were referring to. He was about to speak, when the front door was heard open again, voices and laughter were heard throughout the house

Harry: they saw his face – he spoke between laughter – that was epic

Zayn: Yes ha ha ha that was very funny – he was wiping a few tears from laughing so much

Ariana: HELLO GUYS!! – Hello, he approached Liam – Hello precious

Shawn, Louis, Harry, Zayn, Niall: HELLO!! – They greeted smiling entering the star room

Liam: Hello beautiful – he said hugging her, giving her a kiss on the cheek

Zayn: now, now, now separate – pull Ariana

Dinah: yes, a lot of love makes my stomach turn – made a face of disgust

The girls both the boys gave a little laugh at the jealous brother behavior that Zayn was doing, and then headed to the carpet or some of the furniture

Ally: here are the spoons, and the glasses – she came out of the kitchen, with glasses in her hands, along with Lucy, who was bringing the spoon

They sat in some place in the room began their afternoon was already customary to make such meetings, sit and talk about anything, tell what happened to them

They all got along very well, the occasional differences that they had, but it was normal among friends, knowing each other since they were little helped them to know each other better, their parents are great friends, the trust and affection they have led them to see how uncles, they like their son had known little separated over time but turned to assemble the large company that united them. The trust that united this group of friends was indescribable, they knew that they could walk hand in hand with their eyes closed, even with the many defects that each one could have, they knew that they would not let fall

They took advantage of any occasion, to have a good time of fun, that in case there were many adventures they had, they liked to test their limits, joke a little, or do nonsense, which as a result ended up in punishments or with photographs of themselves outside a local

Fate brought them together, but time made them friends, and circumstances made them brothers

Veronica: you don't remember that one when I jump from the tree – I speak with a laugh – it seemed like it was flying

Normani: HAHAHA yes, it reminded me of the ice age possum – took the ice cream vote

Dinah: HAHAHAHAHA I remembered that too – I raise my hand to high five with Normani, who responded immediately

Harry: I know I can fly – I stretch his arms raising a little, imitating the animated character

Ariana: ha ha ha that was very funny – she wiped away a few tears from laughing so much – I thought she would not, because of the face she made

Louis: But at least he did – I have a scoop of ice cream – you didn't dare

Ariana: if they gave me the strongest challenge – she crossed her arms pouting, Liam who was next to her looked at her tenderly because of how adorable she looked, not resisting he hugged her around the waist giving her a kiss on the cheek

Niall: Don't complain, the loudest they gave it to Cami – he pointed at Camila with his finger

Lucy: yes, you're right about that – I take a sip of your drink – I wouldn't dare to do it

Dinah: My chacho is super brave, there is no one like her – she took a bite of her pizza – and more if they offer you a family size pizza and a banana Split

Ally: I wouldn't dare do that – she bit her pizza – not even for food

Normani: Not even for some delicious and delicious waffles?! – asking suggestive

Ally: well, I should think about it – I speak pouring myself a glass of soda

Veronica: well but Mila did – I look at her and smiled at her – and I respect you for that

Camila smiled while eating her pizza, remembering the moment when they challenged her to do such a crazy thing, at first she refused but, after they convinced her, telling her that if she did she would have a family–size pizza for herself and an ice cream that she wanted, she couldn't deny. Although I doubt it a bit because of tremendous nonsense that she was going to do for a pizza and an ice cream, but she wanted to have fun for a while, besides that they would not stop bothering her if she did not, and they would start calling her "banana hen" and that bothered her and it irritated a lot that, after thinking it over, he accepted. The challenge itself consisted of going through a veterinarian just when the person in charge of walking the dogs without an owner came out with them, Camila had to carry with her a piece of steak for the dogs to follow, she had to run at least one block, where the boys were waiting for her in the car. That day Camila never thought that she could run so fast and how the adrenaline of the moment would have entered the car like it does in the movies, but as they say after the scare, the taste comes, and yes she likes it

Lucy: guys this week it's time to do a movie marathon – I speak excited

Louis: And what category do you have to see? – I put the ice cream pot next to him

Dinah: well, I say he plays with terror – I take a drink of his soda

Camila & Ally: NO!! – They spoke with fear

Shawn: We could see action – he suggested.

Liam: or science fiction – shrugged

Zayn: We have to agree – he reached for another piece of pizza from the coffee table.

Niall: How about we combine them all – everyone looked at it weird – I say we choose some movies that contain a bit of both, either horror and action

Normani: we could see zombie movies – he shrugged – since there are some that have action and you see it's a bit scary

Ally: YES! And we'll see, my boyfriend is a zombie

Dinah: NO! In that case, we'd better see Ally, sorry – she hit her forehead – to say "the nun"

Ally threw a pillow at Dinah while the others giggled little

Lucy: oh by the way – I speak passing a piece of pizza – Zayn – I get their attention – you said you wanted to tell us something

Niall: It's true – he was thoughtful – you said it was important

Zayn: ah – she passed her bite that she had in her mouth – yes, I almost forgot – I look at Ariana who was on another piece of furniture to her right – Ariana and I wanted to say something to her

Ariana: Or rather propose something

Shawn: What thing? – I ask intrigued

Zayn: There is something we wanted to tell you ... – he was interrupted

Telephone (One call, answer banana, one call, answer banana, one call, answer banana)

Niall: seriously Mila, I love your ringtone – she laughed

Camila: – she threw a cushion at him – SHUT UP!!

Dinah: and you're envious for not having a very original ringtone – he threw a napkin at her

Normani: and with much love – I speak with a funny tone and a small tone of sarcasm

Telephone (One call, answer banana, one call, answer banana, oh answer Idiot, you don't hear that they are calling you)

Ariana: yes a lot of love – she laughed

Camila: I'm seriously thinking about changing it – she took some napkins from the small table in the center

Dinah: Don't even think about Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, I create that ringtone especially for you, also – she moved her hair like a diva – I sing it

Ally: I told you to pick the Beyoncé song – she wiped her lips

Camila: yes, but I didn't think the ringtone would be like that – I wipe her hands and lips

Phone (If you don't answer at once I'll kick your huge ass you have so, oh, one call, answer banana)

Veronica: you want to answer at once – she covered her ears – it is torture to hear that

Dinah: – I throw him a cushion – you want to say a blessing, you are listening to my beautiful and melodious voice

Camila got up from the carpet going to the corner where she had left her backpack with her books, which she was supposed to use, since she had excused herself from her mother that she was going to do homework so that they would let her out, for the simple reason of being punished. Well, the last challenge that Camila did was to enter the Jarpher house to get roses, but due to her bad luck they caught her with her hands on the mace. He leaned over, searching his backpack for the phone, finding it in one of his pockets. When Camila found him, she answered immediately without noticing who it was, because the phone had not stopped ringing for a long time.


Camila: Hello?

XXX: Hello beautiful