Chapter 22

Camila: no Jane, you already promised, you already went, and we will take because we will – he crossed his arms, looking at her firmly

Dinah: blackmailer culona, I did it ok, but we are not going to carry so many trinkets – she put her hands on her waist

Normani: but once a year, it doesn't hurt Jane – I speak looking at the cart with a shrug

Dinah: once, once a year – he raised his voice a little – you will say once a day, look what they have, chocolates and cookies is not what we are going to eat a whole weekend

Camila: there are not only cookies and chocolates – she was removing the products from the cart – there are also – she said taking a box – cereals and bars – she said showing them

Dinah: Camila – under the box that was near her face – I'm going to repeat it for the thousandth time, no. we go. To. Wear. Everything. This – he said pausing the words

Camila: but you promised – she said with her head down lowering her tone of voice