Chapter 36

We started the trip, the adventure began rowing in sync, managing to advance through the weak current of the river, although it took us a bit at the beginning to keep the rhythm it was not so difficult yet that we were not used to rowing against the current, we had done it but not in rivers, let's say some lagoons are calm waters. Little by little we were catching the rhythm, thank heaven the current was very weak, which made our work easier. Silence settled between us, each one looked around admiring the landscape, the trees around the river gave a somewhat intimidating appearance, with all the fog around them, I think at least thirty minutes passed, when the silence was interrupted

Ally: Nature, the Lord makes such beautiful landscapes – I speak suddenly

Dinah: well yes ..., But beautiful, beautiful, let them say, how gross that Bello ... – I look at Ally – no, but if it is something graceful – I look at the trees – it gives some chills