Chapter 46

Niall: get out of here – I look at the guys who felt serious – look at the strings – he said into the microphone, his hands went to a mousqueton attached to him – I’ll pull one

Dinah: it’s mine – they heard through the hearing aid, while the boy next to camila took her buckle off.

Niall: I’ll put it on camila – the carabiner left his vest – let me hook you, cami – attach the carabiner to his vest by moving it around to make sure it’s ok – remember the trick I taught you – she nodded slowly – ok, wait for you to pull, don’t let loose rope, plan your climb before you start, and make sure you look first at where you’re going to step, ok – his look was fixed on her, his lip between his teeth. She knew it meant that gesture – you’ll be fine – she assured before kissing her forehead – go up carefully, Dinah holding

Dinah: I’ve got her little blond – she heard again, feeling a little jerk – you’re ready!