Chapter 12

It will be difficult to forgive everything that happened in those years, nothing will be like before, there was no doubt about that, I just hoped they were much better

A typical sound of a message is heard, gaining the attention of those present who looked in the direction of the point that came from , the Latina got up from Dinah's lap, walking to the corner where her backpack was, taking the phone out of his pocket, returning back to the sofa, sitting in the middle of Dinah and Normani

Camila: - she looked at her phone, sighed again, looked up - it's Austin, he says it will take another hour to look for me, why he can’t find anything to wear

Normani: Harry - I get his attention - he's trying to get over you - I look at him teasingly

Harry: poor fool - he let out a nasal laugh - he will never look like a diva like me

Camila: you better go home now - she got up from the sofa - Dinah, Mani are accompanying me - she said looking at them

Normani: Sure - she tried to get up, but the moment she tried she was returned to her seat

Dinah: of course not - crossed her arms - you're totally crazy if you think I'm going to help you get ready for Austin

Camila: Dinah, come on please, don't be bad, help me - she pouted - Harry - I get her attention

Harry: don't even think about it Mila - crossed her arms - I am used to make you dazzle, but this time no, I'm sorry, I also can't, I have some insects to humiliate

Camila: ahgr... Come on Dinah - I look at her pleadingly - I don't want to choose the clothes, inappropriate

Louis: are you saying you want to look good for him - raised an eyebrow

Camila: NO!! Of course not, that's why I need your help - she sighed - I don't want to look good, but not bad either

Ariana: Ah, I'm falling - she got up - you want to see yourself like that, like "I'm pretty but I don't want anything serious with you"

Camila: if something like that, help me - made eyes

Ariana: I have an idea - I walk in the middle of the room - today we tell you yes or yes - I look at her brother, who shrugged

Niall: and what do you have in mind little squirrel - I look at her mockingly

Ariana: - showed him the middle finger - as you know there is another business dinner tonight - I look at everyone - it occurred to me that we could meet at Cami's house - shrugged - our parents will not be there, so we would ask his permission, the girls would stay at his house waiting for him to come back from his date, while you - he pointed to the boys - are playing with those idiots

Louis: sounds like a good plan but you forgot something

Shawn: If I remember correctly, Mrs. Sinu forbade us all to go to her house together - she continued - because of what happened last time

Ariana: it's true - she walked back to her seat thoughtfully

Telephone (One call, answer banana, one call, answer banana, one call, answer banana)

Camila: - she looked at her cell phone - I didn't say her name 3 times but we already invoked her

Phone call*

Camila: Hi mom

Sinu: Hello darling, you're already coming home

Camila: Yes mom, I'm just picking up my things

Sinu: very good darling... By the way, Austin called me, did he say they were going out together?

Camila: yes... ah... that, she also called me, said she is going to pick me up in a few hours

Sinu: then hurry up honey, see you later

Camila: yes... Goodbye mom..., mom wait a minute

Sinu: Yes, tell me my love

Camila: ah.... Ariana wants to talk to you


Camila: - she covered the phone with her hand, walking towards Ariana extending it - tell her

Ariana: What?! - I look at her confused - to tell her what?! - Camila looked at her with obviousness - Ah... Why me?

Shawn: ah well it wasn't your idea? - He said it obvious

Dinah: and... Because right now you are her favorite - full

Ariana: Of course not - she hastened to say - the favorite has always been Ally, let her tell him

Veronica: not because Ally is the Beam up her sleeve, if they don't listen to you, she would have to try another then she would continue, Ally would be like... - she moved her hands thinking - our last resort

Ariana: - she let out a sigh - Oh... why - took the phone, getting up from the furniture


Ariana: Hello Aunt

Sinu: Hello darling, Cami told me you wanted to tell me something

Ariana: So... it is... that... we-ell see eh...

Sinu: What's wrong, it's a bad thing

Ariana: no, no, of course not auntie, Ah... it's more... a... a request...

Sinu: ok, just say it darling

Ariana: I wanted to know if we could stay at home tonight, with Cami, how she is punished and... Stay alone

Sinu: it won't be heaven, there's Sofia

Ariana : it’s almost the same - she whispered - but we will all also stay alone and I had thought if..., I don't know, will you let us stay with her, yes aunt

Sinu: I don't know honey the last time they stayed...

Ariana: I know auntie, but this time nothing will happen, I give you my word

Sinu: that was the same thing they told me

Ariana: I didn't promise her anything that was Dinah


Dinah: - I look at her narrowing her eyes - that's traitorous, wash your hands and sink me - whisper


Sinu: I will trust you, only if you promise me.....

Ariana: I will not let them play in the living room, nor for Dinah and Camila to enter the kitchen, there will be no strangers or loud music, I will not let thunder enter the house, and any other disorder of any kind

Sinu: - a sigh was heard - okay, you can come

Ariana: ohhh, thanks auntie, I promise you I won't let you down

Sinu: I hope so, I'll tell her parents, goodbye honey

Ariana: Bye Auntie


Veronica: and... - He moved his hands - What did he say?

Zayn: Did you get it or ... We call her again for Ally to try

Ariana: not necessary - on the way to the furniture - Sleepover tonight where I hair!! - scream throwing himself in

At that moment, only a few screams of excitement could be heard, Veronica with excitement ran where Ariana throwing himself on top of her, causing a few laughs, from one moment to another they were all on top of each other laughing until they couldn't, if they knew that those moments would be very difficult to repeat

Ariana: ok, ok - she said getting up - we are going with Cami, and we see you at night, right? - I look at everyone who nodded

Ally: I'll see you at night - she said adjusting her hair a little messy - I promised mom to accompany her to the nursing home today

Normani: ok, then we will be Dinah - she pointed to the highest one - Vero, Ari, Lucy and me - she said pointing to each one

Lucy: ah... I'm not poor to accompany you girls either, but at night she caught up with them - I speak quickly

Veronica: Why? - I ask confused with a frown

Lucy: I already have another engagement - she said taking a glass of soda from the table

Veronica: What kind of commitment - she crossed her arms - and... With whom?

Lucy: with anyone you are interested in - I talk to later drink her drink

Ariana: - covered Veronica's mouth - I think we should go now

Harry: if it's true - he said getting up

Liam: They have the address, right?! - I look at Louis

Louis: ah... - ruffled his hair - I think so..., I don't know

Harry: don't worry, I have it - he smiled at Louis

Zayn: good - he said getting up - you drive - he threw the keys to Liam

Liam: What? No wait... - I tried to turn it but it was late all the boys were running towards the exit

Ariana: - she let out a little laugh - come on - she said taking her hand

Ally: Wait, we have to fix this... - I look around, seeing the pizza boxes, ice cream cans and soda glasses scattered all over the room

Dinah: ah... Yes... - I look at the disorder - Later, we have to go - she said Walking towards the door

Ally: girls!! - I call them - when they gave us the house, it was on the condition that we take care of ourselves

Camila: It was actually to keep us in one place - I ramble quietly - and find each other faster

Veronica: yes, but now we can't nun, we're already late - she said as if nothing were following her path

Normani: yes, Allycat - she said putting an arm around her shoulders - what if tomorrow we come and... We fix all this - she said pointing to the mess

Ally: - let out a sigh - ok, tomorrow we come - I look at the girls who nodded, most of them reluctant

Veronica: and don't forget about the boys - she told Ally - don't be clowning and come help - I look at the lowest one, who nodded to what was said

Lucy: Ally - I get her attention - can you give me a ride? He asked, receiving a nod from the girl.

They walked to the exit, one in front of the other, Ally being the last, who was in charge of closing the door, and then returning to their path along the small stone path