"S-Stay b-back!" Lucian yelled, "Y-You should be dead by now!".
Orion just grinned. The kind that sent chills down my spine.
Well this is a side of him I've never seen before. Lucian was already trembling.
"Why aren't I healing! What did you do to me!" He cried.
"My nails secret a venom that stops you from regenerating" Orion replied and with that, he swiped his arm forward, slicing Lucian on the chest. Blood splashed everywhere as he let out a gut wrenching scream. My hand flew to my mouth, muffling any sound as my eyes widened in horror. Lucian is a terrible person and he deserves everything he's getting but why do I have this nagging feeling? To not let him die?
Orion trapped his head between his large palms, nails digging into his skull as he pressed. Lucian let out an ear piercing scream as Orion added more pressure. I could hear the cracking of bones. He's really going to crush his head! Shit. I have to do something.
"Orion!" I yelled, as I walked inside with the support of the staff. "Stop!"
He froze. "I told you to leave" he said, not looking at me.
"I told you I won't leave without you" I retorted.
"Then stay back. I have to end him"
"No you don't" I said firmly. I can't just bear to see Orion killing him this way. I can't stand the screams. Nor the blood. There's been enough suffering for everyone today.
"I won't be able to sleep well with images of him hurting you while knowing he's still alive" he said, digging his nails into Lucian's head further eliciting more screams from him. Blood oozed from different parts of his head. I took a deep breath as I walked closer to them and placed my hand on Orion's arm.
"You don't have to kill him" I said, my voice soft, hoping he would look at me. He didn't. "Just let him go".
"I can't" he snapped. Ugh now who's being stubborn. "Look what he did to you"
Well I haven't seen my reflection yet so I had no idea what I looked like but with how angry Orion was, it must be pretty bad. His anger is also justified. I mean, Lucian nearly raped me. If Rowana hadn't been there in time, I wouldn't be here now. And yet, I couldn't bring myself to let Orion kill him.
"He didn't get what he wanted from me. Rowan saved me in time" I told him, hoping he would just release him.
"What do you mean?" He asked, head snapping in my direction.
"Yes!" Lucian screamed. "I-I didn't fuck her okay!".
"You what?" Orion growled, baring his fangs.
Uh oh. I'm guessing he didn't know. Okay now he's dead. Completely toast and there's nothing I can do. I took a few steps back.
"I didn't fuck her!" Lucian repeated, bursting into a fit of coughs, blood spilling from his mouth.
"I nearly did though" he smirked. "I was so fucking close. So so close. I can see why you love her. She tastes so good"
Fuck. He's digging his own grave. Orion looked so pissed. His nostrils were flared and his eyes were morphing from black to the reddish gold I saw earlier. Even his fangs were growing longer.
"And those lips of hers" Lucian went on, "are intoxicating. After kissing her once, you didn't think I'd stop did you. If only Rowan didn't interfere, I'll be balls deep in her sweet tight little h-
Before he could complete his sentence, Orion smashed him to the ground. He pulled his nails out of his head then grabbed his hair and slammed him onto the floor again and again and again as if he weighed nothing. The floor was breaking and blood was splattered all over.
I returned to doorway. My body hurt too much and I couldn't walk anymore so I sunk to the ground, trying to block Lucian's screeching and the sound of bones crushing.
Well I did try but seeing that he wasn't even a bit remorseful for what he did threw me off. They say that once at the hands of death, you start to regret some things you've done. Your whole life flashes before your eyes and you wonder if you could have done some things you did in a better way. I guess it's not the same for everyone seeing that Lucian wasn't even a bit sorry.
It hurt though. It hurt that he enjoyed hurting me. If he was given another chance to live, would he do it all over again?
Who knows how many innocent people he has raped. Shit. To think I was going to forgive him and make Orion let him go. I felt a single tear run down my left cheek.
Orion threw Lucian's body on the floor after letting out all his rage but he wasn't done with him yet. Even after all that beating, Lucian was still moving, slowly crawling away from my fuming man. He was covered in dirt and blood.
Orion placed one foot on his back, hindering his movements. He added pressure, crushing him, I could hear his bones snap. How is he still alive? Just how strong are these shape shifters? Even after all the blood he lost and is still losing.
"Orion, please wait" I pleaded. He stopped.
"Don't tell me you want me to let him go because I won't listen to you. You can be mad at me, I'll bear it but I can't bear him hurting you".
"I just want to know one thing" I said. My voice sounded small even to my own ears. I looked at Lucian. "Do you feel sorry at all? Even a little bit?" I needed to know.
He smiled weakly. "If given the chance, I'll do it again".
If I say I wasn't hurt, I'd be lying. I felt dizzy and so so weak.
"That's it" Orion growled.
The last thing I saw was Orion digging out his heart and crushing it with his hand before darkness overtook me.
That's what they were. The images flashing through my head. Tons and tons of memories buried deep within my brain.
"Alexandra" father called. We were having lunch. It consisted of lots of chicken. Father loves chicken. He had the same dark brown super thick wavy hair as me and light brown eyes. On top of his head sat a golden crown and I don't know why but he just loved stroking his chest length beard.
"Yes father" I said, looking at him expectantly. I looked a lot younger. I'm guessing 17.
"I've noticed that your magic is getting stronger but you've made no progress in sword fighting and archery so, I've gotten you a bodyguard".
I looked at him like he was joking but the expression on his face seemed dead serious.
"But father I don't need a bodyguard. I can protect myself" I said.
"Sure" he chuckled. "Like you protected yourself when you went hunting for a deer. It chased you all the way back to the castle and you left your horse behind".
I scoffed. "I just wasn't prepared. That deer would have been no match for me".
"Yes whatever" he said with a wave of his hand. "Orion, come here".
A man appeared from behind the tree we were sitting under, dressed in all black with the largest sword I've ever seen strapped to his back and my God, he was gorgeous. He had the slickest, darkest hair I've ever set my eyes on and his eyes were the colour of pure shiny emeralds. He looked dangerous and utterly handsome.
"Orion, this is my first daughter and child. Alexandra. She's the one you'll be protecting. You'll answer to him and no one else except me" father ordered.
Orion set those dreamy eyes on me and I quickly ducked my head so he won't see the blush on my face. Jeez, the intensity.
"Yes your Majesty" he said and God aren't his looks enough? Why did his voice have to be deep and rich, littering goosebumps up my arms.
I think in just that moment, I had a crush on my handsome bodyguard.