Six agonizing months went by excruciatingly slow with no word from Orion. I sent him countless letters but he never replied to a single one but I didn't stop. I just hope he got them. I always wrote 'Love, Alexa" at the end just in case someone read them.
Our forces had helped drive the enemies back over the Zen river. We were winning or should I say our neighboring Kingdom was. Well, that only meant they'll be back soon.
Or so I thought.
I was present during the court meeting when a messenger arrived. Enemy troops had sneaked in on them at night and slaughtered many soldiers. They needed reinforcements. I nearly fainted right in front of everyone present.
"Are you okay Alexandra? You look dastardly pale" father said, scanning my face.
"I think the news has upset our princess Your Majesty" the minister of coins said.
"Well, you know how much our princess loves her people" another minister said.