Chapter 19

I woke up with a small kiss on my neck, a smile flashed on my lips before I stared.

His gentle face opened up to me, as if I was stoned by what I saw. I swallowed to look at his lips even redder than strawberry.

He lick his lips sexily before he speak, "How was your sleep?" He hugged the big arms around my body.

"Great," I murmured, before smiling sweetly at him. He stared at me first before looking down at my gaping lip.

He started moving his hand to cupped my face and slowly kissed my nose, down to my waiting lips. I breathe sharply, shut my eyes and wait for him to kiss me.

But the kiss would have stopped when we heard a series of knocks from the door.

I quickly straightened up and tried to get away from him when he pressed my waist back to him, he then buried his face at the back of my neck.

"There's someone outside, Rence," I said in a confused voice.

"It doesn't matter who's at the damn door," he whispered to me then pulled me to him after being crushed by his fiery kiss.

His kiss lit up the fire in my heart, I couldn't help but to kiss him back torridly. But the knocks outside the door got louder and louder causing me to let go.

"Fuck!" He was wearing boxer shorts and went to the door to pick up the knocker.

I decided to get dressed and go out of the living room. And right there I saw Elliesse at the door step. She glanced at me causing me to quickly avert my gaze

"I'm sorry, it looks like I disturbed you," she said in a tiny voice.

My two cheeks immediately blushed at the rising embarrassment. I know she has an idea of what happened between Lawrence and me.

"Can I borrow Lawrence for a while? The photo shoot is about to start and he needs to be there," she said without a paused. She also looked straight into my eyes without giving any emotion.

I heard Lawrence sigh as he turned to me before speaking.

His eyes turned on me, "I'll be back in a minute," he said in a hush voice, then without saying a word he kissed me on the lips.

I felt my feet rise from the kiss he gave me, it was too late for me to think that Elliesse was still in front of us.

"I'll be there in a minute," Lawrence nodded before closing the door.

My mouthed dropped, is it true that I saw him close the door on Elliesse? It was heartbreaking that I just followed him with my gaze as I quickly got dressed.

I ate lunch alone and choose to I walked at the seashore after. I could see the flash of the camera and the people gathered to watch the ongoing photo shoot at the beach.

I approached and found a nice spot where I could see Elliesse posing. She looks beautiful in a thin white long gown, which accentuates her whiteness. She sits on a large tree whose background is the beautiful sea of San Simon.

As I rolled my eyes I saw Lawrence with a man in the distance. He is now wearing a gray long sleeve polo and denim pants.

My heart melted as he turned his gaze to met mine. I bit my lower lip, the intensity of his stare makes my heart pound so fast. I quickly looked down. Damn I could still feel him inside me, the heat and the pleasure are still there.

I only looked back at him when I saw him talking on his cellphone. The furrowed in his brows are very visible at my sight, I also saw he shaking a few times while talking.

I stared at him with a look of concern on my face. Until he turned around and walked away. I haven't seen him yet because of the crowd.

So I just fit in watching Elliesse's photo shoot.

"Pack up!" The director shouted at his staff.

Elliese, on the other hand, left immediately after being beaten by fans who wanted to have an autograph.

I never saw Lawrence again all day.

It was late afternoon when I went to the beach. I kicked the sand and looked at the orange sky.

I felt nothing but peace of mind, here I experienced forgetting the problems I went through last month, especially the pain in my heart.

I mind go back to what happened in the church. How I look like a fool to everyone left in the air by the person I love. I've almost lost everything, how the star fell at my feet. I thought I would never feel this way again, I thought my heart would remain a stone, but Lawrence made feel complete again. He was the reason I smile now.

I think this is the right time to forgive... forgive Lester and free myself from the painful things that have happened between us.

I want to start again, build a dream with people who have given me new strength to continue living.

I filled my lungs with windy air and blew it out freely. At the same time I freed myself from the painful yesterday.

I continued walking and chose to sit on a boulder. Here I observed the quiet sunset.

"It is so beautiful," I wispered as I could feel the gusty wind and warm sand on my feet.

I was there for a few more minutes before deciding to return to the hotel. But I was distracted by the groups entering the resort.

If I am not mistaken Peter's group is coming, along with our business partner Jocko.

"Margaux!" Jocko greeted me.

I hesitated to step closer to them.

"Hi!" I beam.

"Margaux, how long have you been here?" Peter asked me with his furrowed brows, still not believing to see me here.

"A few days ago" I told him and looked away.

"Bro, introduce us." I heard the whisper of a man next to him.

I was shocked when a woman pinched his ear.

"You really are, William, pure nonsense.

"Shut up, William!"

"Oh my Ally!" he said while writhing in pain. The rest of them just laughed and I couldn't help but smile.

"That's enough!" Jocko ordered them, he also introduced me to his friends.

"Margaux, my friends, William and Alyssa, he pointed to the two while Ally still squeezing the ear of the one named William.

"Jeremy and Santino." He pointed to the two men who were still with them.

"Of course, and these beautiful ladies beside me are Julia and my Samantha.." His smile reached his ears when she introduced me to the last woman I think was in her late twenties.

"And guys, this is Margaux Collin." He introduced me.

"Hi, nice to meet you.." I waved my hands and give them a smile.

"So, are you guys on a vacation?" I asked quietly.

"Yup," he nodded, "I heard Elliesse is here for the photoshoot?" Jocko added before looking around at Samantha.

"Uh, yeah.." I simply nodded and shrugged a bit. I no longer wonder why they knew Elliesse.

"Who are you with here?" Peter asked me with amusement on his face. My face redder and hotter like a sunset.

"I'm with..."

“Lawrence right?" he cut me off, and clenched his jaw visibly. I nodded slightly. I immediately bowed my head out of embarrassment.