finding the reason //.2

Grabbing my seventy-two inches long katana, I meet the gaze of my long lost friend, Selva- She's as beautiful as ever. Surely nice to have someone as reliable as her- unlike my defunctioning little brother, Mailliw.

Sensing something was off, I approach Selva, her white hair blows from the autumn wind. I noticed she's been mumbling some sentence, that I can't quite encrypte myself. Deciding I would walk-in closer to get an idea what is it on her red-pink-lip.

"It's not your fault, Melrus", said Selva, her words seems cool like evening winter breeze.

"Huh?", I look around to see our surrounding has been severely wrapped inside out as if we're on the middle of the vast ocean, no, as if in the middle of the infinite space. Boundless.

Everything jumps out of place.

"God damn it, it was just a dream", I shriek finding myself asleep ontop of my four-legged-companion.

"Rowr aügh!", assured my lovely white fured companion.

"Thanks Bud, alright where did we left off again? Right, back to business.", I exclaim while looking on the forgotten once-crowded-city.

I held tight to my one and only weapon bestowed to me from my grandfather, gripping as if the katana is part of my own flesh.

"Gotta finish what we started, right pal?"