
"TAKU-CHAN! DON'T GO!" Kenichi shouted with all his might.

He got up nervously and looked around. "Hosh! Hosh! What happened just now?" he raved.

Kenichi took a deep breath to stabilize it. He looked around again. He is in the hospital ward.

Kenichi frowned then muttered, "How come?

Wait a minute, so which dream is it really? I'm so confused. My head is still a little dizzy too," he complained as he clutched his head.

Kenichi tried to remember everything that happened. Ah, that was just a dream. Ah yes, he just realized something. He got up and ran towards the door shouting, "Where's Takumi? Where is he now?"


The door opened from the outside before Kenichi reached the threshold. From the direction of the door, Kevin stood who looked surprised too.

"Ken, are you awake?" Kevin closed the door again and entered the room.

Kenichi pulled Kevin's arm hard, asking for an explanation.

"What happened, sis?" he asked impatiently.

"Calm down, everything is fine. You screamed hysterically when you saw Joon was critical, so the nurse gave you a sedative. But everything is fine now." Kevin patted Kenichi's shoulder, trying to calm him down.

Even though Kevin said that, Kenichi could see the extreme concern in Kevin's eyes.

"Don't lie to me, Bro! You say 'fine' that must mean something is up, right? Don't hide anything from me, Sis Kevin!" demanded Kenichi. He was still clutching Kevin's arms, impatient.

Kevin was silent for a moment. The traces of tears were still clearly visible on Kevin's cheeks, and Kenichi could see that. Worry overtook him again.

"Tell the truth, Bro!"

Kenichi snapped after that.

Kevin again patted Kenichi's shoulder three times. He looked up several times. Maybe to keep the tears from escaping. "Okay, the doctor will explain to you himself, Ken," Kevin decided.


Kevin and Kenichi are in the doctor's office at this time.

"Why is Joon's condition suddenly deteriorating like this, Doc? Last night he was fine. Really!" said Kenichi. He clearly remembered his nephew last night fine. In fact, they had shown a dramatic scene yesterday.

The doctor was seen checking some health records. He then said, "This is called near drowning or Secondary Drowning. Within one to twenty-four hours, the patient will be fine after being rescued from the water. However, over time the water remaining in the lungs can cause edema or swelling. Well, when the alveoli of the lungs are filled with water, there can't be an exchange of oxygen to and from the blood." The doctor paused his sentence.

"As a result, the heart can slow down oxygen exchange. Symptoms of secondary drowning appear 1-24 hours after the incident. A person can have a persistent cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, lethargy, fever, and mood swings," continued the doctor.

Immediately, Kenichi's body trembled again. Bad thoughts were taking over him. He shook his head quickly to shake off the bad idea. He advised himself that his nephew would get through this.

"Then, will Joon be okay, Doc?" Kevin asked, a moment later

To be continued....