Watching the Twilight

A blushing red color as the dusk shyly covered her face with the streaks of night.

Two lovebirds who were sitting on the beach in matching colored clothes, looked at Mega who was walking and left the afternoon.

"I just wanted to make you happy, Karen." Alfredo said while looking down deeply.

"But I also can't refuse my parents' wish for me to marry Zarima." continued Al.

A long sigh was heard from Alfredo who was straightening his body and looking at the beautiful sunset.

"As time went on our marriage didn't turn out as we expected. But I also couldn't let it go because of our parents."

"And chose to make me the third woman for you two?" Karen asked as she turned to Al who was now also looking at her.

"Sorry." Said Alfred.

"I can't let you live with another man say I'm selfish. Because it's true." said Al.

Karenina turned her gaze to the twilight. "Maybe someday I should apologize to Zarima." said Karen.

"Maybe not." Al replied which made Karenina look back at Al.

"Why?" Ask Karen.

"You will know the answer yourself someday, this time please allow me with my selfishness to possess you." Al said in a serious tone.

"You never change, always insist." said Karen.

"Because that's the capital to be able to get you." Al replied with a smile looking at Karenina.

"I really love you, from the past until now and forever." Alfredo said, then kissed Karenina's forehead who was looking at her.

"I don't know what I'm feeling right now, everything is so sudden, maybe this is our destiny. Something we can't deny and have to happen." said Karen.

Alfredo smiled, then stroked Karenina's head. "I am your destiny, past, present and forever." Said Alfred.

Karenina nodded slowly, suddenly Al stood up and held out his hands to Karenina.

"Come on in, it's getting dark." Invite Al.

"But the party isn't over yet, Al." Reply to Karen.

"Leave it alone, honey. We'll make our own party."

Alfredo grabbed both Karenina 's hands and took her to the car park and walked away from the venue .

The car slid across the dim city streets. It was getting dark when the car they were driving entered a luxury hotel where they were staying.

With a racing heart Karenina Karenina stepped into the hotel room with Alfredo beside her.

Alfredo opened the door to the hotel room they had booked before, then told Because to come in first. how surprised when Karenina entered the hotel room, the room that was originally ordinary was now turned into a very beautiful bridal room with various decorations in it.

"You like?" Alfredo asked Karenina who just stared in disbelief at what she saw.

"You prepared all this?" Karenina asked Alfredo back.

Alfredo smiled and nodded. "Do you like it?"

Karenina smiled then nodded slowly, "Like... how do you know what I want?" Ask Karen.

This was her dream as a child, to get married by the beach and have a bridal room like a princess's room in a fairy tale.

"Because I am your man, God's choice to be your protector, and to be your destiny." Alfredo said then hugged Karenina's body from behind.

"But Al..." Karenina stopped when Alfredo's index finger touched her lips.

"I can make you a room like this every day, we don't have to do it tonight, I just want to hug you all night. So I believe that this is not a dream." Al said then put his head on Karenina's shoulder.

Karenina was stunned to hear what Alfredo said, how this man really understood what he was feeling.

Alfredo unraveled his arms and walked towards the big bed, which was strewn with many fragrant and beautiful roses.

"Come here." Said Alfred.

Karenina slowly approached Alfredo and sat down on the big bed. Alfredo hugged Karenina tightly then laid their bodies on the bed.

"I am your husband, and you are my wife." Alfredo said with a big smile.

"then?" Ask Karen.

"I was just reassuring myself, if I wasn't dreaming of marrying you, the girl who used to be fat but swore made me excited and hoped that one day I could hug her fat body, but it turns out that her fat body is now a slim and sexy body. " Alfredo said which made Karenina smile.

"Can I change my clothes first?" Karenina asked because honestly, she really wasn't comfortable with her wedding dress and heavy make-up on her face.

"Yes, as long as I replace it." Alfredo's teasing made Karenina's eyes bulge out of place.

Alfredo laughed out loud, "I'm just joking, but if you want, I refuse to change your clothes." karenina throws a pillow at Alfredo who laughs even more at the timid Karenina.

"I'm happy, ma'am." Alfredo muttered as if he was talking to his mother.

Alfredo got out of bed and walked over to the wardrobe where Karenina put all their change of clothes. Alfredo took one of the shirts and shorts and changed his clothes while Karenina was in the bathroom.

When Karenina came out of the bathroom Alfredo had finished changing his clothes, then Alfredo stepped into the bathroom after giving Karenina a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Wait for me, honey." Alfredo whispered, seeing Karenina with a fresh face and a casual t-shirt with a hot pants suit made Alfredo hot but he had promised Karenina to always wait until his wife was ready to have sex with him.

Karenina was standing on the balcony of the hotel room, which had a view of the beach and the twinkling lights on the side of the beach and a small island not too far away, making her feel the comfort she had been looking for all this time.

Hoping to have someone who loves him dearly, maybe he has got, build a hospital for the underprivileged is currently under construction, so what else does he hope for? Karenina contemplated it all.

'What's up? seems to have to add facilities in the orphanage.' Karenina muttered and then checked the amount of her savings through mobile banking. and how surprised it would be if the balance there increased many times over.

"Al!" Called Karenina, but she was surprised that the man was right behind her.

"What is it madam, hm?" Alfredo asked then hugged Karenina's body.

Karenina stammered because she couldn't believe that Alfredo was right behind her.


"What is that?" Alfredo asked teasingly by rubbing their noses together.

" money to my account?" Karenina asked, then Alfredo nodded without changing his expression.

"What for?"

"To provide for you, I don't want you to be thin because of lack of food, or confused when you want something, I don't want that to happen. It's all for you, honey."

"But this is mostly."

"That I can add."



Alfredo eroded the distance between them with a tighter hug.