They were friends

She remained quiet when she heard those words. Indeed she cannot deny Miss Lillian's words even for a second.

There were many servants who slipped notes in her meals asking for private meetings. As the heir to the Zestra family Zushi would normally have declined. If anybody caught her having private meetings it would cause an uproar.

But even with that risk she still accepted. Besides, some of the notes came from female servants, and at some point she realized the wording was the same in all of them. She immediately understood that they wanted to meet her together but it would attract too much attention.

So they sent her notes separately. It didn't take her long to cave in, after the third note she decided to sneak off. The servants wanted her to take charge, they wanted her to overthrow their uncle.

'If it is you, we will willingly serve you.'

Zushi was touched by those words. But at the same time she couldn't mistaken the malice in their voices. It made her feel very uncomfortable.

She ignored this feeling for awhile and arranged some gatherings careful not to attract suspicion. But it did not take her long to realize something.

The reason they want to serve her is because she is indeed the only one who could overthrow her uncle. It has nothing to do with them being loyal to her. How can she be so sure that they will not betray her the moment they decided she had no value? Moreover she saw how they treated her son.

It's not just the Ageha family that needs to change but the Zestra family. During her stay with her husbands family she understood something. This is how a harmonious and prestigious family should act. They do not let their fame get to them and treat each other as equals.

For the first time she experienced love and care from family members. Zushi didn't know how much she longed for it. Although she h

ad Braden and her sisters she still felt lonely. It felt like she was craving for something.

At some point she felt the fat droplets of tears on her face. Zushi didn't understand why she was crying about this now. All of this made little sense to her.

Her thoughts broke off when miss Lillian passed her a handkerchief.

"You do not need to cry, your brother won't like it."

At those words Zushi's eyes widened. "What do you mean by brother?"

Lillian looked conflicted so sir Ramon spoke up.

"It is exactly like you heard. Miss Zestra it seems you have indeed lost your memories, you don't even remember the brother who protected and sacrificed so much for you."

An older brother- Zushi didn't reply right away. Why are they saying she has an older brother? Is this some type of trap? But no, miss Lillian aside it doesn't seem like sir Ramon is the type to make up lies. She lost her memories so she shouldn't be too suspicious about learning something new.

But in the years since she lost them, she hasn't heard something resembling this before. Wouldn't the servants have told her- Zushi paused in mid sentence at that thought. No, why would the servants tell her? They only saw her as a tool to go against her uncle.

Moreover, for some reason she cannot automatically dismiss Miss Lillian's words. A brother, indeed nobody has ever mentioned something like that. But there were many signs that she had a sibling of some kind.

The older servants would often treat her very well, but she would see the pity in their eyes. Later on she would hear them say 'It is a shame that girl is alone now.'

'Without his protection how will she survive?'

At first Zushi didnt think too deeply about such words but it did not take long before she became curious. Those old servants would talk about it during their break so she frequently went over then. She heard many interesting stories but despite them talking about this mysterious person, they were careful never to say his name.

There was somebody who protected her before but he is not here now.

Was he executed or kicked out from the family?

It was her first time worrying so much for somebody she didn't know. No if they were telling the truth it meant she did know this person but the problem is she doesn't remember.

"I see, I suppose that's what that room is."


Zushi nodded. "There is a room in the Zestra manor that nobody can get into. I saw my Uncle trying to destroy the seal there many times but he was unable to. After many failures he gave up and forbade people from going there."

"Then how come you saw it?"

"Well, after eavesdropping on the servants for so long. I figured I would find some clues somewhere in the manor. Eventually I put two and two together. It was Uncle after all who told me I lost my memories, and he always ensured that I didn't go to that area."

"Did you get inside?" Lillian seemed interested.

"I thought I would be able to but the barrier is very complex."


Ramon sighed deeply. "Alright I will check it out for you. But after we finish this game. I am not leaving you here."


Zushi looked at Miss Lillian. She couldn't read the woman's emotions at all but she seemed to be in deep thought.

"Miss Lillian, did you know my brother?" Zushi asked.

The words brother still felt foreign. It was hard to believe that she had a sibling this entire time.

A disturbed look appeared on her face. "Unfortunately I know him."

"Uh, was he a bad person?"

"No, but he was a flirt. Even though he already had a woman. How could he flirt around with a girl the same age as his sister?"

'Already has a woman?'

"Where is this person?"

Lillian sighed again. "That's the thing. She went missing after the accident. There were many who suspected that she was part of the ploy but nobody found any evidence so in the end it is merely speculation. I have tried searching for that woman too but she is skilled in hiding."

"Why would you search for-" Zushi paused, realizing something. Both their brothers are no longer here, she supposedly has Miss Lillian's brothers magic inside her. Her brother's lover also went missing. It didn't take her long to put the two pieces together. "They knew each other?"

"Correct, they had an unusual friendship. Your brother was in league with my brother. The two of them were plotting to take down the Ageha family, in doing so your brother would have had to take over the Zestra family."

It all seems like a dream to her, everything Miss Lillian is saying. But there is no reason for her to lie to this extent.

She does find it odd how Miss Lillian is disclosing this takedown plan so easily but she has no time to think of it.