Chapter 6: Dinner

I didn't know that I was being seen by another much-loved villainous boss. Thea is famous for dealing with her internal trauma. She had a monotonous appearance and a happy stay at home for three days.

Check the context of the world through the computer in the room. The United States team has no Iron Man or S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., only Superman, and Batman has the Sky Eye Club. This result gave Thea a bit of a headache. This is obviously a DC universe. I'm not really familiar with the situation here. I just remember that there are so many parallel spaces. What is the confusing configuration of Earth 1 Earth 2 to Earth 52, this world context is not context! The central city on the edge of my star city is almost filtered by those Flashes. A brick can kill three visitors from parallel spaces, and he has to get a DC screenwriter.

Sighing, I didn't mean to save the world in any way, so I will just be a handsome, quiet man, no, beautiful girl! Just watch the heroes save the world silently. When the sky is falling, Superman is still standing, right? Superman couldn't take it, and Flash had read the file again. There was nothing about it. In any case, the destruction of the world was not the only one to kill itself. His mindset was very calm.

"Thea, go have dinner with my mom, just stay with me," Moira said with a sad expression.

Seeing the gentle look in the corner of her mother's eyes, Thea was a little sad. For the past three days, Moira continued to explain in her ears, hoping she could forgive her. After their deliberate adjustments, the relationship between the two gradually emerged from the shadows. At least Moira thinks so.

I was a little bored after spending three days at home. I just took the opportunity to go out and take a look at my own father's benefits. In the original plot, because of Tommy's death, Malcolm's whole body and soul. Thea, Tommy is alive and well now. Although Laurel is pressured to lose weight every day, at least she is still alive. It is impossible to take care of yourself with all your heart, but it will show some expression!

To comfort Moira and reassure her, Thea couldn't stand the usual neutral dress, clenched her teeth, and wore a long skirt that went up to cover her feet. After trying on high heels, she doesn't stop walking at all, so she could only change to a pair of flat shoes. Fortunately, she had a pair of long legs and looked slim and beautiful.

Mother and daughter attended local councils, a very common charity dinner. Moira constantly introduced several wealthy executives to Thea's knowledge. Thea is currently unsure about the direction of future development, but it is better to have money than no money. Well, in the future, even if Oliver returns, he will have no interest in the family business. Perhaps in your heart, your family is part of the evil. Taking over the Queen Group is a relatively important task for him. The group's weapons R&D department is no inferior to Batman's Wayne Enterprise and the Atomic Man suit was developed after the acquisition of the Quinn Group's weapons R&D department.

Whether ambition or ambition, the power in the hands is the power. I changed from man to woman and sacrificed so much to get compensation from a company, wouldn't God object?

After Moira's presentation, Thea also greeted each one appropriately, showing good education and family cultivation. In the future, Thea may be an assistant to Oliver's mayor, and her own skill is very strong.

Looking at the crowd of students, I wondered people were written in Arrow's little book. This little book is incredible. In theory, it is the diary of Robert, the adoptive father of Oliver's father, Thea. Normally, it should be unique, but the strange thing is that Moira also has a small book, and Prometheus in season five is also suspected of having a list diary.

In addition, the size and specifications of each diary are almost the same, and the logo on the cover is also the same. It is the map of the city government subway line. Is it because Malcolm went to the Red Star Printing Factory to order a batch of diaries for each deputy to send one?

While sighing for his cheap brother, another brother came to say hello "Hey,

Thea, I haven't been out to play for two days. I heard that you are sick? "

It is Tommy who can say hello to himself in such an inappropriate way, and he is not really a stranger, but his brother. Tommy did not pay much attention to the so-called festive dinner. He was dressed in normal clothes, ajar in a white shirt without a tie, and came in without a tie, with Laurel in a full dress, a purse, and a necklace on his arm.

Seeing the two as intimate ignoring the surroundings, Thea mirrored it after a thought. Tommy said he was not interested in himself, did not hurt the friendship, and expected him to retire.

Does it seem like Malcolm didn't tell the truth? Or did he never go home and soak up beside his brother and wife every day? Thea really wanted to grab you by the neckline and scream, big brother, you think too much, I was acting, you know acting!

But I definitely can't say that. What kind of expression should I do now? Knowing the truth for yourself, should express regret the feeling that Tommy offers? Sad? upset?

My scalp exploded, Tommy looked at Thea nervously, afraid she would be too irritated to have a mental breakdown. Fortunately, there is a sensible person nearby. Laurel grew up with Tommy Oliver and their relationship has always existed. The two wavered between them, so they were familiar with Thea's sister. What she didn't know was that no matter who she chose, she was her sister-in-law. This was a magical plot.

A generous hug was given to Thea so that it alleviated the strange atmosphere on the court, and as two women did some malnourished nonsense.

For the love of Oliver's life, the future Black Canary, and the official departure of the hero Arrow, Thea is a little confused. Oliver loves her too much. After five years with a photo, they say that this love relationship is stronger than Jin, right? But for the past five years, Oliver has rolled up the sheets with almost every woman he knows. Is this the right way to express true love?

Let's talk about Laurel, that woman with the punch face. Tommy took five years to get it finished. I didn't expect that when Oliver returned to the city, the woman would falter immediately. After a shot, before drawing a closed curtain, Tommy outside the window looked straight, and the friendship boat burned with jealousy and capsized.

The charm of his own brother who is far in the sky has broken the atmosphere. Thea decided not to participate in their problems. If she has the ability to save Tommy at a critical moment, she must ensure that the war in the triangle reaches the end of the world! Arrow can't stop before the eighteenth season! Would it be more exciting if Laurel's sister was also pulled into the battle group? Four-way war? Wouldn't Arrow be disappointed and decide to spend the rest of his life with Tommy?

very nasty! With boring thoughts in her mind, Thea greeted the two and walked away to pause.