Chapter 9: Confrontation at meeting

Entering the conference room, a dozen people are seated in the room, the middle chair is empty and the one sitting on the left is Walter Steele. The black uncle who once met at the funeral will marry Moira in the future Thea's stepfather, I don't know if they say in Europe and America that he will live in the Queen mansion with his mother and daughter.

It is a little strange to describe a black man with heat as jade, but this uncle is really remarkable, giving Thea an encouraging look as if he were seeing his younger generation.

Although this is her own company, it didn't fall into her own bowl after all. Thea who came to visit the pier today must not be cold, and nodded and said hello in favor of the black uncle. Nice to meet you. "

"Please call me Walter and welcome to the group." Walter was a little flattered by Thea's courtesy. In her impression, this girl kept her distance from everyone except old Robert. Before normal conversations like this, she only appeared on an extremely private occasion.

Moira is also surrounded by happiness, and her daughter can communicate with her boyfriend normally, it's a good start, isn't it? She has avoided Walter recently and fears that her daughter, who is fascinated by ghosts, will see some unexplored scenes to be seen, and she will be very angry and completely passed out.

After all, a fifteen-year-old girl, her father, and brother just passed away, and she still hasn't come. You told her that it wasn't her father who died and that her father was so-and-so. After two more days, you can tell Her that her mother wants to find a stepfather for you again. Such a messed-up relationship is personal folly, right? Anyway, Moira felt she had to go to the Arkham Asylum next door for treatment when she changed her role as a daughter. But looking at Thea's strength now, it may actually be Malcolm's genes that gave her more tenacity than normal. ?

Then continue to climb as people in the room to my daughter. This is a person from the administration department and who is in the finance department. After a brief introduction, Thea discovered that Walter was still the company's original vice president, reminding him that he should assume the presidency. Is my mother responsible for finance, did he remember wrong or did the story change?

Soon Thea called her office, the assistant to the president, better known as the little secretary, and the president is her own mother.

In fact, she remembered correctly. It was a really small change in the plot here. Originally, Moira and Walter's relationship was heating up very quickly. From colleagues to friends, to boyfriends to weddings, they catch up every day, and the two add up. He also had a flashy wedding when he was almost 80. The board approved Walter's order as president when it was completed.

But now, because of Thea's father's exposure plan, Moira is with her daughter, and her boyfriend can only stand aside, so the relationship between the two hasn't reached that point, and she doesn't want to get her charming daughter with Is it over there. on the side of my mother-in-law's boyfriend, the relationship at home is already messy enough, so don't make any more messes!

After many trade-offs, Moira can only be the president alone and train her daughter along the way. In fact, she really isn't interested in this position, but now she can only bite the bullet for her daughter.

The next meeting was boring and boring, although this department had to raise its salary and that department had to fire staff, although it cannot be said to be trivial, it is also a daily task for the group company.

Moira has been watching Thea for fear that she will do something annoying to button her nails and yawn. She did not expect her daughter to sit, listening to the speeches of several executives, without impatience, and Continue to record something in the notebook.

There is a girl in my family, Moira is always relieved, a bit like her own comfort.

The meeting lasted an hour, and Moira made a summary, saying that the meeting was a meeting of success and victory, I hope that the companions continue to shine for the company and that you can kneel.

As he was about to pour tea and fire the guests, a middle-aged man with a deer head smiled and said, "Miss Queen, what's the point of attending our meeting for the first time?"


Thea immediately judged in her heart that this person was not dealing with her mother or the Queen family. What advice can you give as a newcomer? That's right. Others say they are arrogant, but they are a joke when they are wrong. This is intimidation because you are young and do not understand these pitfalls in the workplace!

"Mr. Andre, I just arrived and I don't understand anything about the company. I can't even make common suggestions, much less a good opinion. You laughed." Thea responded politely.

Unexpectedly, the little girl from the Queen family was not fooled. This is much better than your dandy brother. The man with the deer head and the rat eyes is still not willing to give up and continues to say "It's okay, just say, we are all your father's old men. Your elders, no one will laugh at you." to speak, he said he was very open-minded.

Damn, which means that not everyone can laugh? The old woman said nothing, you would say it's a joke! Thea shot through his heart.

I flipped through my notes, hey, this grandson is the head of the arms development department that he coveted for a long time, old Robert looks very bad, this person is obviously dissatisfied with his own heart, such a person After staying for three years, the arms development department is very important for his future, he must be dismissed.

"Mr. Andre, I really don't have any suggestions for the company, but ... I have a question and I hope you can help me answer it," Thea said slowly.

"Please say"

"Your report just mentioned that the group should increase investment in the arms development department, right? I looked at the group's investment in the arms development department in recent years. Investment in the arms development department has increased sequentially, and each year is based on the previous year. The increase is about 20%. Why is this number so coincidental? "

Hearing that this was the problem, the man named André breathed a sigh of relief: "There is a scientific basis for this. Why the 20% increase is just a coincidence, I explained to the vice president." The implication. is very complicated here. Tell your girl I get paid that you don't understand

Walter also nodded to show that he knew this.

Thea is calm. This is what she expected. "Mr. Andre was in charge of the weapons R&D department three years ago, but in the three-year research and development report, 19 technologies were declared in 2004 and 12 technologies were declared in 2005., In 2006, there were 17 items again. Does our technical team fluctuate a lot? "

Andre had a premonition that she was going to say something, but when she hurried on that point, she just managed to cling to "Yes, there are many ups and downs, and research in science and technology is like that!"

Thea haha ​​smiled, "This G-12 anti-G suit declared in 2005 is a special suit for high overload protection. Why is research completed two years ago mixed with many research projects in your report right now? Funding research group? Can you explain why? "