Chapter 25 - This is the first battle

Malcolm is becoming increasingly incomprehensible about his illegitimate daughter. Her original plan was for the two to fight a heated battle, defeat her with an absolute advantage and allow her to acknowledge her shortcomings while maintaining the motivation to continue climbing the plan. Why changed?

When Thea's arrow went over, Malcolm realized that it was a big mistake that he didn't take the bow. Now he can only maintain a defensive position against long-range attacks, holding knives with both hands, constantly hitting arrows, hiding or holding. After the rain resisted, it was discovered that Thea was missing.

Damn it! Who the hell was trained by the League of Assassins! Why did you throw a sneak attack on me? Malcolm knew that Thea was still around, but his perception was not as good as hers, so he could only keep changing his steps to guard against possible attacks, and the scene was slightly disadvantageous to him for a while.

He can only hope that his daughter is young and cannot hold his breath. As long as she launches an attack first, she can equalize the situation and even defeat her with her fighting skills.

The two began to compete patiently. Right now, Thea was hiding behind a tree and looking silently at Malcolm's shoulders and feet. She didn't dare look at people directly, because, at their level, they would look hostile. After generating conditioned reflex, I roughly calculated Malcolm's range of perception, which should be around 8 meters. My current range is 15 meters, and my perception is in a totally suppressed state.

Twenty meters behind him, he shot an arrow very far, "snapped" the long knife, and cut the arrow in two with a flash. Malcolm ran in the direction of the arrow, but he ran closer. It was discovered that Thea had disappeared again.

No, I can't fight like that. I'm old enough, and after a few more shots, I lose my energy. Malcolm turned and took his bow and arrow. As long as the bow and arrow were in his hands, he would not be afraid of his harassment. She, after all, Thea's bow and arrow are far inferior to her.

How could Thea let him do what she wanted? When he was only three steps away from the bow and arrow, he shot two arrows so fast, a sharp arrow hit the gun on the ground, since he held out his hand, he would be shot, and the other arrow would be shot. the ground he was on, he couldn't enter or stay where he was, but he could only retreat.

Then the two are playing the same game. No matter which direction Malcolm is running, Thea can always find the shooting circle in advance, "swish" and "swish" two arrows later, and Comrade Ma has to go back to the starting position obediently, and then another cycle.

Malcolm was so angry that he had a toothache. Where did he learn tactics? I just want to make a good fight, because it is so difficult! After being forced to retreat for the fifth time, he also mastered Thea's laws to some extent, and this time he had to take the bow and arrow.

"Swish" two sharp arrows arrived as scheduled. Malcolm was highly concentrated. He quickly threw the samurai sword into his hand, hitting the sharp arrows that were shot at the pile of weapons, and at the same time, he rolled forward and avoided firing. One of my own arrows, I was secretly happy, I took the bow and arrow, and as long as I fight, the situation will be completely reversed!

I was thinking of something good and I suddenly felt a block of qi in me. What happened? I quickly turned around and found that Thea seemed to be slipping, and her steps were approaching her quickly.

"Yes," Thea exclaimed, feeling only that her body had never been happier as if all the cells in her body were twisting, her left-hand dagger and her long right-hand knife advancing towards Malcolm like a cheetah.

Why did she suddenly give up the long-range to fight herself? Malcolm quickly realized that she had made a low-level mistake. She had no arrows. She forgot to calculate the problem. She just felt like she could continue to shoot. It also explained why she maintained a high rate of fire. She gave herself up Make psychological pressure and don't think about the number of arrows!

After shooting the last arrow, she ran without seeing the result. It's like a sprint. The start can be a long-distance before the normal start. Thea is in this state and has reached two ten. Within meters, Malcolm realized that he had been tricked.

More sadly,

He threw his own knife away before making a mistake. Looking at the samurai sword stuck in the trunk in the distance, Malcolm felt like a fucking knife was laughing at him! I even made a weak move today, is it too old?

I'm too old to leave it alone, but Thea has already run in front of her like a gust of wind, and the dagger in her left-hand strikes the long knife in her right hand diagonally. Should she use the bow to resist this?

The stiffness of the recurve bow is not unstoppable, but it really is not easy to handle, and this thing is not lethal. He deliberately used an arrow to pull the bow back to Thea, but there was no chance. This is really Feng Shui coming to my home next year. He already sentenced the two of them to fight hand-to-hand, but when the time came to fight, he realized he had thrown the knife. How a tragic word could describe that.

With Malcolm's constant drifts and blocks, although he was extremely uncomfortable, as his powerful melee skills were displayed, he slowly gained a foothold. Although Thea had bypassed him before, he was physically exhausting. It is also very large, after all, Malcolm runs a small circle with the pile of weapons in the center, she ran a large circle.

As the battle heats up, deficiencies in women's natural strength and endurance are slowly revealed. Knowing that she can only fail if she continues like this, Thea moves in a dangerous movement, and the dagger in her hand is pointed at Malcolm's door like a flying knife I threw away.

Malcolm was feeling that he was gradually returning to the situation. Suddenly, he saw his opponent's dagger flying towards her face and unconsciously raised his bow. When the two weapons collided, he realized that the dagger had no power. He knew it was going to break. Sure enough, Thea lowered herself and held a knife in both hands, and cut her ribs.

Danger! You cannot avoid this trick! The only weapon in his hand was arching upward, and his empty door was now wide open. In the face of this cruel movement, he could only try to twist his waist and try to reduce the damage caused by the knife's edge.

At the same time, the right hand threw away the bow and, with the power to twist the waist, the left hand clenched its fist and hit Thea's face hard.

With a muffled sound, Thea has pushed back two steps, and blood dripped from the corners of her mouth. She paid no attention to the injuries. After carefully observing her own results, she smiled triumphantly.

"Ha! Black Arrow, you are injured. The wound appears to be ten centimeters long. Can you still use your waist strength? Can you still run at full speed? You told me that hurting your waist is worse than hurting your legs. I defeat the enemy out of action. Of course, but do you still think so? "

I was wronged! That is not what I said. How can my ex-billionaire say these things? That's what the ninja master said! Malcolm is not too depressed now, he is hurt! I was hurt by my daughter who was studying for half a year! With his character, he doesn't say that relying on conspiracy and cheating is not a good man. Although he is a little offended now, the rest is full of pride. Which ninja master is DC's first gardener? What we teach is not bad!