Chapter 35: Master Batman is coming

Thea knew she needed to limit her speed if she wanted to defeat the Catwoman. Although she was considered agile, it was a comparison on a general level. Compared to the Catwoman, the speed of the two is always a line behind, that is, this Let Thea have the advantage, but there was no further expansion.

A series of kicks were used by the Catwoman sideways. The Catwoman's legs seemed to have been trained a lot, to whip her legs and kickback. Thea was tired of putting up with it and she really doubted that this guy was wearing top clothes. Is it too unscientific to follow the power of the soil?

Anyway, does Thea think that if she wore this pair of shoes, it would be cool to walk at normal speed and want to kick up and down like that? Play GG early.

Finally, after the Catwoman's physical strength was exhausted, the original powerful sidekick lost its accuracy and was easily blocked. Seeing her flaws, Thea flew into the inner circle and pushed her towards the door.

Seeing her ferocity of movement, if she gets hit in the face, the dense nerves in her face are sure to cause a short-term coma. The Catwoman suddenly exerted strength between her waist and legs at a critical moment and her body shot upward, but that fierce elbow hit her shoulder near her collarbone.

Thea was irrational, grabbed his shoulders with both hands, kicked his right foot on the floor, bent his left knee, and gave Muay Thai a blow to the knee.

Seeing that the Catwoman was about to be hit in the lower abdomen and lost its combat effectiveness, a luminous metal object in the distance flew towards Thea's right foot very fast.

I do not know what is. If I continue to exercise my strength, even though it may hurt the Catwoman, I will certainly get hurt.

Thea assessed. She was just thinking about learning, not a duel of life and death. Because of this injury, she only managed to knock her knees up instead of jumping backward to temporarily escape the circle.

With a clear sound, the metal object was inserted into the place where Thea was originally parked without any obstacles. Looking closely at the metal object that was half exposed on the concrete road, the whole was simplified, giving off a special metal texture in the dim light. The side exposed to the ground also has a sharp blade. Oops, is that a bat dart?

At this point, Felicity's anxious voice came from the headset, "Thea, be careful, it's Batman."

Needless to say, Thea also saw Batman's legendary master, wearing bulletproof Kevlar tights, wearing a black mask and a dark black cloak, floating from the sky like a flying sword.

His clothes and his style of blowing the wind can be considered a god in the Middle Ages. This is putting pressure on yourself. According to the information, it is true that he is a famous master of the mind.

Where he came from? Does he have cultivation techniques? This must be impossible! Thea carefully filtered the surrounding environment with her perception and found that her top of the head was a little strange, but the distance was a little high and she felt very vague.

It should be her Bat fighter. It really has a great ability to fly at ultra-low altitudes. It is invisible to the naked eye and also has an advanced optical camouflage stealth function.

This is different from traditional stealth fighter radar, which cannot be seen with the naked eye because the radar cannot see with the naked eye. It is very advanced! Let the Queen Arms Research and Development Department create a set for yourself!

Seeing Batman floating down, she stood beside the Catwoman, but for some unknown reason, the Catwoman took two steps outside, seeming to avoid him.

Although Batman's face was blocked by a mask, he still showed a bit of helplessness around the outline of his chin. He seemed to want to say something, but I don't know where to start. Seeing the same, continue to look at Thea.

Huh? The blind man also realized there was a problem with both of them. Thea's gossip was on fire, and Felicity, who was watching the live broadcast, also whispered his opinion, almost flew in to enjoy it.

Seeing the scene was a little monotonous for a while, Thea said proactively "Are you, Batman? Aren't you a hero in Gotham City? Why are you protecting this thief!"

Batman is very upset,

This time, he was a little ambiguous with the Catwoman several times, and the two went out to play with their real identities. As they passed through the City of Stars, they had some fights about the worldview and the view of life while they were talking.

Just in time for Moira to gather a bunch of city politicians for a press conference, the Catwoman was upset and wanted everyone to follow her. She changed clothes, went in, and pulled the door, ready to vote.

A game that should be taken in hand has been destroyed by Thea. The two took the local road. Seeing that the Catwoman was about to lose, Batman could only come to save the United States.

Faced with Thea's question, Batman didn't know what to answer. He checked Thea's data on the Bat Fighter. The eldest and the Queen's brother died accidentally. There is no bad track record. He is currently working in his own group and at the same time is applying for a position at Princeton University.

In all aspects, she is not a bad person, but due to similar encounters between her and her, she has not fallen or given up and can maintain such an optimistic spirit, which makes Batman who has fallen into the dark several times envious.

If other people cannot do it themselves, they will naturally become admirable. So Batman can only pretend that he hasn't heard a question from him now and is a quiet and handsome man.

Seeing Batman pretending to be a dead dog on one side, the Catwoman was repeatedly stimulated this evening and was unable to maintain her old grace and calm. She shouted, "You have the skill, come and get me!"

Thea was so stupid, they were obviously in team form, so they should be spared their small arms and legs.

And she doesn't plan on getting into an impasse with Batman. After all, she is the leader of the Justice League and will not unexpectedly enter the circle of heroes in the future. It is unwise to offend him.

As long as he doesn't have superpowers for a day, he is automatically divided into Batman's field. Yes, superheroes also have fields. Similar to the conflict between Marvel Captain America and Iron Man, DC is mainly reflected in the Super League and Batman.

Batman is hostile to all abnormal humans. In his eyes, it doesn't matter if it's good or bad, all alien mutants must be eliminated. The only difference is that the aliens are all hostile and those with supernatural powers can choose. Hostile.

With the wealth of his rival country and the vast number of friends, it can be difficult to obtain some supernatural powers, but the human body enhancement potion is not really difficult, but he prefers to maintain his identity as a pure person on earth than they accept improvements. See his idea.

It is useless to deal with this type of a person if his martial arts are superior to him. Unless he is completely killed, he will always be the same as Xiaoqiang, jumping out of nowhere to scare him.

Thea decided to use Prometheus' future tricks against Green Arrows to deal with him. First, it will make a big move, which is the exclusive ability of a famous protagonist, "Mouth Escape", to seize the ground of moral command first. There is no need to be bigger than anyone's fist, just say: If he ran out of words, he would win naturally!