Chapter 39: Inappropriate connections and unexpected cases

In the end, the discussion resulted in the adoption of Thea's red plan. After all, she was the one who was born and died. Felicity regretted not being dyed green.

Just when Thea thought she would be able to enter the real measurement phase soon, a serious problem arose for both of them.

"Felicity, you work a lot, this dress is too tight!"

"Thea, exhale, expel all the air from the chest cavity, follow my command, inhale and exhale!"

Colleague Thea Queen made a small mistake, that is, she believes in ethics and does not have a specific spirit of seeking the truth of the facts.

This anti-G suit was originally designed for pilots. The principle is to use an anti-G pressure regulator to inflate the airbag of the anti-G suit. After the airbag expands, the clothing surface is tightened to exert pressure on the entire body and protect blood circulation throughout the body.

Theoretically, it can improve the rider's positive overload resistance. For Thea's skate speed of less than 400 per hour, it can be said that it is more than enough.

However, a problem arose that she had been neglecting. This piece of clothing or those in the group depot are all designed for male pilots and, unlike traditional anti-G suits, are tight, which leads to, the colleague cannot put it on!

I don't know if it's starting the development period again, or if I practice martial arts every day and eat a little more, or if Ms. Shiva touched herself with medicines and other promotional ingredients. In short, the original B- level is advancing to level C at an incredible speed...

When the second woman finally put on her clothes, she realized that her back could barely be closed, but because of some well-known protrusions in the front, her clothes were short and her beautiful belly was exposed.

If it is a catwalk or a banquet, it is definitely beautiful, but it is not good to show your belly while flying a skateboard at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour. Thea feels that she needs to go to the bathroom after flying about 20 kilometers.

"Felicity, that ... the clothes are very tight, on second thought, I can't breathe ..." Thea was standing now, not daring to sit. I never understood what chest tightness is, but today I understand it perfectly.

Felicity took a small pair of scissors and pointed at Thea's chest maliciously, "Am I going to make two holes for you? Let me breathe?"

What kind of shame is that? How innocent and kind Felicity was before, how is she like that now! Bring her back soon!

She severely rejected her suggestion, it was a joy to see her smile, and she couldn't understand what a strange idea was on her mind.

Take off that shameful anti-Dutch suit, panting, sitting at the computer table in your underwear, fearing that everything is a woman anyway, even though she is a sexy girl next to her ... Thea is really too hot for cash. This dress is not breathable!

Calling several people in the weapons research and development department, Thea lied that she had a friend who was a female pilot and asked them to step up production of an anti-D female pilot suit to the original specifications, and asked specifically for air permeability of the clothes to be reinforced.

The people on the other end of the line were busy counting like ants and, hearing the order of the oldest in the group, he immediately indicated that he would go out with everything and in three days he would be able to get his clothes.

Thea, who hung up the phone, wondered how to report the case and removed Felicity from the secret base while she smiled and put on makeup.

"Hey, Thea ..."

Thea turned her head to see, Laurel in a professional suit was calling herself, why did she find herself? The relationship between her and her is really normal. The two can say that they are not related. What can she do if she meets?

"Hey, a long time without seeing, did you come to see me ...?"

Laurel did not answer directly but looked around.

"Guys, I'm going to see the newcomer in the software department." Although Felicity was a little funny in particular, she was still able to speak the scene. She smiled at Laurel and left the office lightly.

"Thea, you have to look at this information,

This is a new case received by the United Innovation Council. Laurel handed Thea a thick document.

The United Innovation Association is her current workplace. Outsiders will think it is a high-tech organization when they hear that name for the first time. Those with a big brain can also think about what the sky will look like. In fact, I think a lot. It is a law firm made up of a few matte newcomers who have just obtained a lawyer license. Except for the name of an organization that scares aliens, one can say that it is disconnected and incapable. If it weren't for Tommy to organize activities to donate support money, they closed early!

Thea is now full of anti-Dutch services. He will definitely not pay attention to her when looking for someone else. She has many things, she does not even think of punishing evil and promoting good, nor of being a gentlemanly person. If strictly defined, she can be considered a neutral person in the field of justice.

But Laurel is not a stranger. Whether from Oliver or Tommy, she is her own sister-in-law. Why does Thea have to show her face, she picked up the file and glanced at it.

Is the client's name Derek Leston? The photo shows a middle-aged man with gray hair. He has no scars or tattoos. He looks like an ordinary person. He has a normal family with two children. A family of four lives in a rented house.

I didn't see any problems, continue to the second page.

"Huh? ..." Thea looked closely. After watching this for ten minutes, she finally blew out a sigh of relief. Finally learned why Laurel looked for him.

This guy named Derek Reston was an employee of the Queen Group. Coincidentally, he worked at Thea's current base camp. Derek worked for ten years at Queen's former steel factory in the software department. For five years, and has been a foreman.

Just because of the star city environment, the group closed its steel plant in 2007, and 1,500 employees headed by Derek joined the unemployed army.

At first, this is nothing. Unemployment and employment happen every minute, every day, and Superman is unable to manage them. But the bad thing is that the Queen Group found loopholes in the guild's contract for severance pay for some unknown purpose. given to workers.

This is very unscrupulous. The inferior nature of capitalists. Does the group really care about that money? It is not for nothing that Oliver believes that the group itself is part of the evil, and sits watching the collapse of the Queen group.

Thea rubbed her head and looked at the resignation date. It looked like it had been signed by old Robert before he went to sea. Hey ... I don't want to carry this weed, but can I take care of myself?

She nodded to express her gratitude to Laurel. Thea understood that she allowed herself to read this document. Not that the matter had ended without mentioning it. Laurel, like many superhero heroines, has no eyes. Rubbing the sand, each entrusted hers with the strength of her boyfriend and several tricks to die, saying that they were naive or naive, in short, each one had a strong sense of justice.

She told herself about the incident in advance and definitely did not allow herself to bury the plaintiff in a concrete pillar, but she did allow herself to deal with the matter quickly and give an explanation to the workers.

If that incident happened, it would have a major impact on the image of the Queen Group and the political career of the mother. Although the mother's method will make this guy evaporate, her awareness cannot do such an excessive thing.