Chapter 41: Problem solving and new training

Walter saw that the mother and daughter did not speak and handed over his own records. "Based on the current income situation of the group, there will be a maximum of about 300 people. No matter how many people there are, it will be a huge burden for the group. "

Three hundred? That number is a little small, Thea plans to solve at least half of people's work problems, and the rest can have a minimum guarantee and be digested gradually.

Moira is also not very optimistic about this number. "Few positions exacerbate the situation. What if you transfer to a branch outside the country?"

The black uncle lowered his head and calculated: "The number must not exceed 200 at most. If there are more people, there will be a conflict with local officials. Our group cannot interfere much in the adequacy of the branch staff ".

That's what makes the United States interesting. Many people think that the natives of the Celestial dynasty are hard to leave. In fact, foreigners also have this problem.

The United States also has 9.6 million square kilometers of land. Is that number familiar? The place is large and the population is small, many people live in small towns all their lives, live here and die here, the environment is very closed, nobody leaves and nobody enters.

In the horror film, a cultist did a great death. For twenty years, nobody knew about it. It was only after the protagonists of handsome men and beautiful women wandered around here that the final conspiracy and other plots were discovered, which was caused in this closed environment...

The closed environment meant that all places excluded foreigners. In response to this situation, whether Queen Group or Wayne Enterprise, both in appointing and removing employees from the branch, they take over the management of the sites.

Thea suddenly remembered the famous saying of a great leader: "What do you think about building a high-speed railroad connecting several cities?" The east-west railroad in the United States has been repaired for a hundred years, and daily use and tearing joins the frantic bombardment of the railroad by various opposition parties. The railway on the ground is already unusable.

On the other hand, if the Queen Group's steel smelting project can be reopened, the remaining 1,000 people can solve it, but it can also consume more than half.

At the same time, it can also increase Star City's total economic output, which will be of great help for Moira's election next year.

"It's a good idea!" Moira thought completely on her own. What she thought was that I just shouted slogans. If you choose me, I will continue to invest. If you don't choose me, I will have nothing to lose. Railroad work is not a day or two-day job, not even a year or two. Time will be extremely long and voters will not reprimand you for not having built the railroad in just a week.

And the program is there, I will remove it every time I make a speech and talk about it again, so I don't have to rip my thoughts out! It is not difficult to implement. I know many people at an early stage of investment and I can basically resolve this with one person. The more I think about it, the more I think it is a good way!

Although Walter was not interested in the idea, both mothers and daughters thought it was good and were not opposed, anyway, you are willing to pay and I do not bother to bother you.

Thea told her mother to send someone to sign Derek's agreement with him as soon as possible, and the rest has nothing to do with her.

Moira longs for the mayor's throne. Although he has not yet formally submitted a candidacy for the elections, he has formed a huge electoral team. Elites from all walks of life recruited a lot. These issues are related to neighboring cities and large companies. They can hand it over to that group of people.

Thea, who had nothing to do and was cheerful, began to live a life eating and hoping to die again.

She watched the Catwoman Batman video three times, and Batman's tricks are very powerful, not suitable for her. On the contrary, Catwoman's street fighting skills are very inspiring to her.

I really admire your ability to balance. I can't always wear flat shoes at several banquets in the future. How to wear high heels without affecting the battle is also a lesson I must learn.

The decision was easy first and then difficult. I tried stiletto heels before I dared to go up. I put on a pair of thick high-heeled boots. I walked without problems, but I kicked, "Bum, ah ..."

Thea rubbed her head and stood up. The designer of this shoe must go to the target! And you can't stop for five minutes. Wearing these shoes is equivalent to adding a debuff that reduces your attack speed by 50%.

Why can Catwoman run and jump like a human? Later, the clown seemed to be able to ... it's nothing scientific! She was going to ask someone who knew how to ask.

On the second day of Xiaoshengchu's class, she met the sensible Mrs. Shiva and asked her question "Why is Catwoman's balance so good?"

"Catwoman? Huh, the defeated player ... you straighten up and let me have a look." Mrs. Shiva did not answer directly but made her stand up and looked around in a circle.

Thea was a little nervous because she not only walked in circles but also patted here and there, squeezing her body from time to time. Right now, she fumbled for a long time below her neck and above her abdomen, which made her almost cry out.

Just thinking about it, Shiva suddenly slapped her on the buttocks, "Ai" and Thea couldn't help it anymore! Looking at her with a flushed face, if you don't give me an explanation, even if my old woman can't beat you, she'll have to fight you.

"In fact, his own sense of balance is not bad, but his muscles are used in an irrational or unscientific way, and the strength of his entire body is not completely wrapped in a rope.

He patted Thea's buttocks again. "For example, here, this is the source of the strength of the whole body. The connection between the upper and lower legs, the movement of the upper body and the upper body must pass through here. It seems that you do not systematically learn the skills of exerting strength before. "

Yes, yes, you can't do that by touching old horses like this. It certainly makes sense for the old male masters to teach male apprentices and female masters to lead the disciples.

Mrs. Shiva continued to be serious, and Thea was also serious. Of course, it was better to ignore her flushed face.

"Going back to the original question, how to exercise strength like the Catwoman, you just have to be that way."

Talking about the position of some hips and legs, "As long as you can use these muscles flexibly, not to mention high heels, you can also fight on stilts! But you can only fight for a short time, and it will be against you for a long time. My calf muscles and Achilles tendon were injured. I'll show you a demonstration. "

Mrs. Shiva took off her coat and asked Thea to put her hand on her leg and feel her muscle movement.

It's so cold. This is the first sensation that Thea feels when she touches her thigh. Maybe she is really Asian. Her skin is very delicate and soft, and there are rhythmic beats on the skin after years of exercise.

A rare opportunity! Let go of the disturbing thoughts in my heart and concentrate on feeling that unique charm.

Thea tried to do this a few times and found it difficult to say and easy to do. Nobody would understand for a lifetime. Someone pointed to a layer of window paper, but she also understood this abnormality. The exercise of the muscles is very stressful for the body and the spirit.

It is no wonder that after Catwoman and she fought twice, she was exhausted. At the time, she wondered why she was not as strong as her own half-home when she looked at her big Yanma. It turned out that the problem was here.