Chapter 50 Gotham University?

Looking at the unknown person in front of him, although Thea was well protected, Principal Gordon could still tell that this person was a woman. If his old man lived for more than 60 years, he would not know the difference between man and woman He lived in vain.

  Just like Liang Shanbo Zhu Yingtai, he cannot recognize him when he changes his clothes. This just shows that he is blind. Although Director Gordon wears large reading glasses, his vision is not as good as when he was young, but he is not blind to that extent.

  The scene was a little quiet for a while, and only the voices of some villains were still fighting.

  Thea didn't want to show her face to say hello. Chief Gordon knew that her true identity was still okay. You could say that this person has the best credibility, but cops are hard to tell. The Gotham police station is like a sieve, there are many people, and very complicated, so I must keep the mystery first.

  The old chief was also wondering when there would be another heroine in his jurisdiction when Catwoman's helicopter finally arrived.

  Catwoman and Principal Gordon have known each other for many years, the two exchanged their respective information in low voices, and several police officers also expressed the expression of having seen the old Chinese doctor being saved.

  Now Gotham is like Stalingrad. The gunfire is endless, occasionally accompanied by explosions. Some of them are wounded and incapacitated, and there are few bullets left. They really don't have the confidence to cross the city. The arrival of the helicopter makes them safe The coefficient is greatly enhanced.

  Several villains have passed out in a coma from prolonged exposure to spider silk. After all, it is a chemical, and skin contact has some damage to the nervous system ... If you want to be green and pure, you need to continue the research. Thea and Felicity stood near the spider web, and one of them brought a pair of gloves to check the results.

  "The adhesion is not bad."

  "Next time, you can reduce the amount of charge appropriately. For the single target, such a large piece is a waste ..."

  As Thea was watching the spider silk section with special lenses, Chief Gordon and Catwoman slowly approached.

Looking at this dense spider web, that's actually a good thing! Warden Gordon is looking for ways to lock up prisoners without breaking the law. It really is not in keeping with his philosophy to beat the prisoners so that they can't take care of themselves. Every time Batman keeps the bloody prisoners at the door of the police station, he can keep the sweepers and medical staff busy for a long time.

  Now this spider web is very good, not to mention it's bleeding, it's not even wounded, it's safe and fast, it has a coma effect when the police find this situation they can be handcuffed directly and taken away.

  Besides protecting the police officers, it does not cause serious injury to the inmates. If the time was not right, he would like to ask Thea how much does a kitten cost?

  Removing his thoughts, watching the two busy women talking about things they don't understand from time to time, they can only interrupt them by interrupting "Thank you for your help to Gotham."

  "Oh? You're welcome." It seems that Catwoman has told him about her identity. Actually, that question is not hard to guess in the eyes of a caring person. You didn't see Felicity standing next to a careless, undercover station. Are you there? You can find out who you are by checking and finding related characters.

  However, Thea didn't continue to struggle with this problem. She asked, "Where to go now?" This question can only be asked of Director Gordon. In any case, he is the head of a city with tens of millions of people, at least a department-level cadre, and she has no lack of determination. Yes, that is also the main reason why Thea is looking for him first.

  "Some of our police officers are now at Gotham University. Come with me."

  Do you have a university in this ghost place? Learn how to do C4, learn how to establish a new perspective on life for mental patients?

  Thea had great respect for the few social elites who decided to start a university here, she really talked you into it without helping the old lady.

  When it was the turn of the specific platoon, Director Gordon hoped that Thea would also take two people, because the helicopter couldn't take that many people. Thea saw that the policemen were as sloppy as refugees, and she was a bit hygienic, and the place on the skateboard was so big. She was afraid of kicking someone with an overreaction, and several policemen thought her skateboard was floating and she felt unsafe when she looked at it.

  All in all, it is perfect. The women use skateboards and the men, helicopters. To be honest, the quality of some of the policemen is quite high. Three of the four can fly helicopters, so Thea is thinking You need to learn some modern driving skills when you look back?

  Catwoman was still very confident about her balance. She stood alone on one side, and Thea was on the other side with her arms around Felicity's waist. The three of them lowered their altitude and flew slowly behind the helicopter.

  Not everyone mentioned these guys on the Internet. Thea and the others had a special solution to get them on the ground, but now the city is in chaos and there is nowhere to stop them. They can only say to shut it down first. As for them, they don't trust it, the two really didn't know if the solution could come by themselves.

Because of her arms around Felicity, the enemy Thea encountered along the way can only be dispatched with a pistol, and it's okay to hide when the helicopter is making noise.

  Catwoman also showed the limit of human agility: she didn't depend on any equipment to stand on her skateboard with her feet steady, and now and then she would encounter enemies and throw a knife.

  Finally, the day before Felicity fainted, everyone rushed to the so-called Gotham University.

  This university is truly Gotham-style. The overall feel is dark and gray. The entrance is a dilapidated iron fence. The main teaching building has a slightly brighter color. It seems that the school is also trying to do more colors. Decorating this university, but the actual effect is minimal, and the original white walls have become muddy even without being cared for all year round.

  There is a greenbelt next to the school district. The trees that should bring life and sunshine are extremely terrifying in this gloomy environment. The breeze blows and the leaves make a rustling sound as if the whispers of a banshee echoing in the forest.

  Thea feels a bit of a toothache and there is no need to fix this horror movie in this ghostly place. How much budget can be saved by lending the Midnight Ring to the crew, and bury a dead man here and show him to you in minutes?

  Felicity, who had always talked a lot, was also startled by this spooky atmosphere, and the quail curled up in Thea's arms again.

  The policemen and Catwoman were unaffected. Maybe they grew up in this environment and were immune.

  This college really deserves to be an exceptional person. There is a guy who likes to be scary and grows up to be scary to teach here. Later, someone gave the professor a nickname, called Scarecrow, meaning Batman wears a mask. N many people scared the wise man who peed his pants.

There is also an outstanding student representative who has excellent character, learning, morality, intelligence, and physical development. She won the school's gymnastics performance championship. It is said that she almost participated in the Olympic Games. After graduation, she devoted herself to the forefront of research in psychology and became a mathematician. The existence of the younger brother and sister looking up, this girl is called clown girl.

  Of course, the school itself is innocent because Voldemort graduated from Hogwarts. You can't say that the school is not good because Voldemort graduated from Hogwarts. The school is a place to learn knowledge. Didn't the two above learn the knowledge? If you learned it, it has nothing to do with the school.

  In the future, Batman also sent his son to this school for further study, which shows that Mr. Bruce still recognizes the faculty of this school ...