Chapter 57: Killer Crocodile

The two girls are agile heroes. When they step on their long legs, they are very fast. They don't have to run beyond the Flash, as long as they run faster than the customers in the restaurant. The two girls did a live show version of the race for everyone, sisters.

  After running out of the restaurant to find a place with a clear view, the two joined the strong crowd.

  Since she didn't know what had happened, Catwoman as the host had an unwavering responsibility, and she also had a bit of curiosity. Under Thea's gaze, she found a gangster who was in the back kitchen earlier, pulled her into the corner, and turned back to Thea.

  "It's a killer crocodile. Looks like it jumped out of the sewer. Two people were killed at the scene ... I didn't expect him to be released."

  Thea didn't ask who it was. Anyway, she knew that Batman's team had dealt with him. That was easy to deal with. This shows that there is a strategy, once and twice, many villains are very powerful in the beginning phase, and then they turn into soy sauce are replaced by a new villain. The key point here is that the heroes have a strategy!

  The same trick will not work for Saint Seiya the second time around. There are similar setups here. Many villains have mutational abilities. The first time they don't understand the situation, they fought horribly, and the second time they can casually play Receipt.

  The ability is temporary, the technology is a lifetime! Thea is more and more sure of her line of science and technology appreciation, that's it, by the way, she can't help it, this is all forced by the situation. If you have a Kryptonian lineage and go to a beach to sunbathe, who still fights for martial arts? Isn't it impossible to choose?

  Just as Catwoman was about to explain the strategy, the outer load-bearing wall of the Chinese restaurant not far away crashed in an instant, and even the entire house was slowly poured out, eventually turning into a piece of rubble under everyone's attention.

  "It's a pity, the fish in this store is really good ..." Hearing Catwoman's murmur, Thea can only express admiration for the powerful psychological qualities of her Gotham people.

  "Come on" Catwoman picked Thea up and left. What about the good friend of justice, the guardian of the city? It's not good to go out like this. After all, we eat a lot of food and we don't pay for it. Can you help or help? Didn't you see that the owner of the restaurant was already crying in the bathroom?

  Catwoman seemed to know the doubts in his heart and patiently explained: "With the old habits of killer crocodiles when crowds are dense, he doesn't go on land. He usually moves in places with water like sewage. We will go back and change clothes and equipment. He won't run much, there is a small artificial lake not far from here, and he will probably go there."

Thea scratched her head at the knowledge that she was still in the water. Her equipment would be completely useless because she had never tested it underwater and she had never heard of the hero who could shoot an arrow underwater. Besides, she was so wet, her body is also very resistant, if she has to go into the water, she can only endure spiritually!

  As the two of them rushed back, Thea's cell phone rang.

  Felicity's voice came from the phone, "Thea Thea, are you still there? Listen to me, that killer crocodile is in an artificial lake not far from you ... your nomenclature level is very bad ..." she whispered, "Robin ran, Barbara is a little worried, you can help him. "

  For this taciturn Robin, Thea still appreciates a little. After all, he is Batman's pioneer disciple, meaning that if Batman doesn't have a daughter, he should be hired as a son-in-law. Although Felicity hasn't said that the situation is serious, It's a bit dangerous to think about it.

  "It's too late to pick up the equipment, shall we go over it?" Thea hung up the phone and turned to ask Catwoman's advice. Catwoman cared more about her teammates, let alone Robin, even Barbara, who disagreed with her would not die, she led the way and the two ran towards the artificial lake.

  The two walked more and more remotely, the surrounding trees obviously increasing and the pedestrian tracks gradually decreasing.

  Walking through a patch of sand, Thea finally spotted the so-called artificial lake.

It seems to be a playground with a large area, but it was completely abandoned after being in bad condition. The dilapidated wooden horse and the incomplete Ferris wheel add a bit of sadness to this place that once brought laughter in the past.

  The artificial lake is located in the north corner of the playground. When the two approached it, they found that Robin was holding a short stick and had already handed over the killer crocodile.

  This guy is very ugly. This is Thea's first impression. It can only be seen from the appearance that it is a suspicious humanoid monster walking upright. The upper body is naked and the whole body is densely covered with dark gray scales. Its head is extremely large and its mouth is full.

  This guy's head and feet are over six feet long. Looking at the appearance of his thick arms and legs, his weight must be more than 500 cats. Thea shook her head several times. How much food this guy has to eat in a day.

"How did this guy get that way? Is it a cruel experiment or a biochemical modification?" Thea watched Robin and this big guy fight vigorously and showed no signs of defeat and wasn't too worried. She turned her head and asked Catwoman, wanting to know more information. Actually, to satisfy her curiosity.

  This guy, who is called "human" for the time being, is very strange. Looking at his fangs and then at his big claws, it grows like this. You, Gotham, can still make him live happily to this day. Without dissection or sectioning, your love torch relay did a good job.

  Catwoman pondered for a moment, "Bruce collected his cells, from the current clues, he hasn't been through experiments and hasn't been modified. He's just an ordinary human being with just a little reversion."

  Looking at Robin's killer crocodile with a big mouth while punching and kicking Robin from a distance, is that "a bit"? This guy is so long your mother can't recognize him. Say it's an ordinary human being? are you kidding me? If this thing is an ordinary human being, I'd be Superman's seventh great-uncle!

  Catwoman looked up, watching Thea's little face frowning and raising her eyebrows, knowing she didn't believe it, she decided not to carry the pot. "This conclusion is based on Bruce's analysis. If you have any questions, wait for him to come back and ask him. "

  After finishing the subject, the two watched Robin's fight with the killer crocodile intently.

  It didn't take long for Thea to understand that this killer crocodile had no training and didn't know how fists and legs. From that point of view, Batman said that he was an ordinary person.

  After paying attention to Robin's fighting power, the impression Barbara's suitor gave Thea was taciturn, but he didn't expect his fighting style to be really passionate, with long black hair dancing in the wind, which was broadcast from time to time. Come her hearty screams and the "pop" sound that the club hits the killer crocodile ...

  The power is very good. Really didn't waste many years training Batman. Thea is arrogant that if she doesn't use technology and equipment, she should be better than him, but there is also a bit of luck here that isn't a constant win holding her back if she shows up. Big mistakes can be defeated.

  The scene now looks a lot like a martial artist hitting an ordinary person with great force. Although this ordinary person is deadly with every punch and kick, it is meaningless if the powerful force doesn't hit the opponent. Robin wins.