Chapter 59: What about a good strategy?

"Yes, it's Barbara, who came very quickly." The good-looking Catwoman was the first to spot the person.

  Batgirl, wearing a black cape, yellow gloves, and yellow boots, quickly approached several people like a gust of wind.

  "Robin, are you okay?" Barbara ignored the second girl watching the show, and saw Robin standing near the lake, panting, thinking he was hurt.

  In fact, Robin was screaming very loudly and was out of breath. He is different from the killer crocodile. The guy is two meters tall and weighs over 500 kilograms. He often talks and sounds like thunder. He is just an ordinary person, even among heroes, he is considered thin, so he uses his voice like human flesh. The speaker yelled for five minutes, very tired.

  Barbara looked at him unresponsively, thinking he was badly hurt, and looked at the two straight women standing next to his eyes with disapproval, "You're too much!" She was still driving the motorcycle and running towards Robin.

  OK? Are we to blame? Thea feels that this person is such a no-brainer, everything is taken for granted, using her own thoughts to measure everything, just as her own perception is right, and the difference is wrong.

  Seeing that she ran to pull Robin in, she gave Catwoman a playful look, and the two made a cute expression.

  "Oh ..." Barbara ran so fast. It seemed that she and Robin had a deep relationship, but when she ran two feet away, she found that something was wrong. Robin was white and green, making the originally serious combat uniforms look like scavengers. And there was a strong, pungent smell. She had never smelled such an unpleasant smell since she was spoiled, so she made a hurried gesture to Robin.

  Actually, Robin didn't take a step forward but took a few steps back. He was just innocent and not a fool. He had been cursing for a long time at the lake and found out that he was abnormal. If he hung up this body part and gave his girlfriend a loving hug, There were only two outcomes: either Barbara couldn't take it and went black, or she was beaten and charred. There is no question of separating here. Either you die or I die. There is no difference if you are split.

  Seeing that her boyfriend was not attacking her, Barbara sighed inwardly and then looked at the pendant closely. The more she looked at it, the more disgusting her steps continued to recede.

When she backed away to the point where she couldn't smell the pungent scent, she found that she was already standing next to the two chivalrous women. She said angrily, "Did you know? Very happy? Just laugh if you want to ..."

  Thea happily was happy, she was not prepared to show her face, and gave the most to the simple and optimistic spirit of the people of Star City. Since you agree with me about laughing, then I'll laugh. Watching the two of them is like putting on a play. funny! It would be better if you could read a few more lines of Romeo Juliet.

  Catwoman can't do that, she is so heartless, she has to keep working on this team, she suppressed a smile and turned off the pleasant topic "What should I do next?"

  Yes, what should I do next. The team of five was all there. Although there was no camera here, Thea saw a drone hovering above her and the others. Felicity was automatically in the mascot position to cheer everyone on.

  However, the four of us are all outputs, and they are all agile outputs. Dealing with this rude boss is a powerful type of boss. The setup of this team is terrible. Of course, you have to count that the two had no equipment ... You're still a fart, and back off fast!

  Barbara didn't know her thoughts and asked politely, "Does Miss Thea have any suggestions?"

  "No suggestion ..." How long has Thea been in Gotham to reunite, and even the odd name is still Catwoman she told herself. When she thinks of Catwoman, she naturally thinks of the original question "How did you get this guy before? ""

  Wasn't he carrying this powerful scent aura when you went up to get him? Or is it this ability that he has recently realized? Or is it to deal with your retreat? If so, this guy who is about to degenerate into the Cretaceous has a good IQ ...

  How did you catch this before? Barbara faced Thea's problem.

He immediately said that although he was very mature, he was still a child. I really didn't know what happened before. For more information, ask the aunt who has several dozen years by my side.

  Catwoman thought for a while but had no impression of this. Could it be that she was busy with her business at the time and went to rob the rich and help the poor? All I know is that I didn't pass it by my own hands, if I had seen it before, I would surely have been impressed.

  Seeing the two of them shaking their heads, Thea knew it was going to be bad. Fortunately, there was another suspect on the inside who told Barbara, "Call Robin, let's ask him."

  Actually, some people are not far away and can yell their necks off, but Thea fears there is a secret here. She waited for someone to hear, and the killer crocodile in the lake heard too. She would always be embarrassed to read the strategy in front of her boss. So I'd better call Robin and ask her in a low voice.

  Barbara nodded and called her comrade Robin, who was still stunned at the edge of the lake.

  "What's the matter?" Robin approached, but when he reached a few people and two meters away, the three women raised their hands and stopped. He had no choice but to stop. Stand still.

  Barbara asked the question again, "I don't know, don't you?" Robin was very confused, if I knew I could do it so badly? No telling if Barbara will come into the house tonight, do you think I'm sick, I'm happy to be like this ...

  They all got a little lost and looked at each other, does only Batman know? His father stopped the boss without knowing? but others don't know where they are now! Does Alfred know? What does Chief Gordon know?

  Thea is completely convinced of her team. Look at Batman's boss, be he himself or an enemy, they have recorded their skills and methods of containment in the black book. You're good and you didn't even record the fight, a group The Bastard holding his thigh.

  In the end, all three members of the Bat-Family and Friends Group looked at Thea at the same time and wanted to ask if this fellow from Star City had any ideas.

  Of course, Thea has an idea. Her principle is to make preparations in advance. She thought about it now. To deal with this stinky strong guy, the Frozen Arrow is the most suitable, and the "swish" arrow is the best for hiding, I can't believe I can't freeze him, I can't make two arrows with one arrow!

  The problem is that she didn't prepare many arrows. Besides the high cost, she prepared only five frozen arrows. The original plan was to deal with Bain. The guy has a big head and a thick neck and holds it in his arms and fists, Maybe the only weakness is his slow speed, limit his only speed, a long-distance wave, no matter how strong he is, he has to lie down.

  The future can only be talked about in the future, first solve the present moment, Thea nodded, "I have away, but I have to go back to get the equipment, you guys hold him first, I'll be back soon." She said walking before lifting Barbara. The coming motorcycle will come out.