Chapter 84 Unspeakable Comparisons

Eight hundred members of the decent police medical staff fled during the previous urban riots. This time, they were accompanied by Tianyanhui laboratory personnel and several officers with battlefield first aid experience dressed in white lab coats and posing as angels in white lab coats.

  This group of people is better at dealing with gunshot wounds and electric shocks. They were shocked to see so many arrow wounds. When the policemen handed them two plastic bags with severed hands and feet, they could only look at them. Describe.

  Does this workload require overtime, even in a big hospital with thousands of people, just a few people like you? How long do you have to work?

  Fortunately, criminals really have no human rights in the eyes of policemen. Several policemen have thrown aside their broken hands and feet, which means that you can connect them as quickly as possible. Actually, it's okay to die some, just don't die too much.

  I understood the meaning of this group of policemen in seconds. The former agents now have a medical team on their minds. They silently determined the future fate of the mentally and physically handicapped on the scene. It turns out that the Federation of Disabled People is going to participate in the Paralympic Games this year. Being healthy, pushing the lab, violating the 178 international conventions, secretly changing it, and sending it to the competition, can still win glory for the country.

  The smell of blood on the scene interrupted the mutual complaints between Barbara and Robin. Robin was so giddy he didn't understand what was going on, but Barbara knew "That ... that's all she did?"

  "As far as I know, she's the only one who's good at archery and she's still in Gotham." Catwoman looked at the two bags and broke off her hands and feet. She didn't know what unpleasant experience he was thinking of, she said with a frown.

  Barbara was completely speechless. She counted the number of people on the grounds. There were a total of thirty. Although some people were not gangsters when they dressed up, since they were all here, they must be accomplices. The scene of Thea facing over thirty people automatically appeared in the middle, and the arrows shot through a group of people like a ghost-like a grasshopper.

  I remembered that when Thea got into the command car, there seemed to be no sign of injury. Did she hit more than 30 people unharmed? Barbara was shocked by the fact. She is not in her best condition today. Although reluctant to play three, her limit is to play five ... Like this situation where thirty people are crowding around, I'm afraid only Batman. Can handle it.

  Maybe his strength is not really good? Thea didn't know that this complicated record made Barbara even less confident, but she quickly perked up. Since she is not as good as the others, try to catch up. When Batman returns, she should train on her own.

. . .

When Catwoman returned to the command car, they found the culprit responsible for the Gotham Highway tragedy, and she was lying on the table and dozing unusually.

  At this point, Thea changed into her usual attire because I don't know if there will be a next fight and the car is a bit stuffy, she was wearing only a short vest with bare arms and a pair of hot pants. She wore sandals on her feet, sloping, my head sleeping soundly.

  A pair of big long legs is a bit dazzling under the reflection of the car, Robin has not fully recovered now, and his stamina is surprisingly weak, so he unconsciously looked at her twice.

  "Ahem" Barbara glared at her boyfriend, and at the same time wondering if this guy is much better than her? Seeing his lazy appearance, the original firm conviction was shaken again.

  "Wake up, don't sleep." Catwoman nudged her.

  "... Who, put the meeting papers on my desk, and I'll sign them later ..." Thea said dazedly, not seeing some people's heads sinking back in.

  Oops, there was a thought in several people's hearts. This guy works like this in Star City. That really is a typical capitalist style. The subordinates broke their legs in the sun and the leaders slept in the house. Her family group unexpectedly No bankruptcy is really ignorant.

  "Don't sleep, let's discuss the following matters." Catwoman once again acted as an alarm clock. This time she didn't have to push, she used the jerking method, grabbed Thea's shoulder, and shook her.

  At this point, Thea dreamed that she was wearing anti-Hulk armor, punching Superman, and stomping on Sea King.

During Justice League Megatron, she suddenly felt the ground shaking. It took a while before she realized that it wasn't an earthquake, but someone shaking themselves.

  "Selena, stop making trouble ..."

  Thea rubbed her eyes and looked at the people with indifference.

  "Let's talk ..." Before she finished speaking, she suddenly saw Robin, and then realized that a man appeared there. She was not wearing many clothes. Isn't everything sorted out?

  In the past, the team was almost entirely made up of female soldiers. The former director was automatically eliminated from the men's team at his age. She unconsciously felt that the environment was safe, so she dressed so coolly. Now, when she sees Robin with a strap, she immediately has frizzy hair.

  "I want to change clothes, you leave ..." That sentence came out of her mouth almost word for word. As for who is the "you" in her words, it is easy to understand.

  In fact, the two women also found it uncomfortable to see that Thea had changed into casual clothes, and they both fidgeted a bit. At the same time, they stared at Robin with piercing eyes, "Get out.

  Poor classmate Robin still didn't understand what was going on. I was forced out of the command car by the dazzling looks of the three women, and I got out of the car unconsciously. I asked myself, why did I get out?

When the three women saw the obnoxious guy out of their sight, they immediately started to change clothes. Everyone was casually changing clothes, but their eyes were actually focused on the other two.

  "She has good skin ..."

  "She's so big ..."

  After the comparison between the three women in silence, all three looked at the other two in silence. This process is very glamorous and involves many parts that are not easy to describe. People with high ideals can make their own associations, so I won't do that here. Introduced specifically.

  Thea may wear more formal clothes this time, short-sleeved pants, a pair of low shoes, long brown and black hair spread casually over her shoulders.

  Catwoman Barbara has also switched to casual clothes. Catwoman's dres' style is the most daring here. She wears a tight top that Thea looks breathless in, which makes her think that you are usually like this. Aren't you horrified when you wear it? Is the original quest for comfortable clothes that you still get the restful effect when you wear them?

  But she is free to dress and eat. She has no right to interfere when others want to wear it. She sighed and picked up her cell phone to contact the former director and Laila. She felt uncomfortable sleeping here and went to rest in another trailer. Felicity made a call.

  Several people came quickly. As they entered, Robin, who acted as security outside the door, felt that there was no danger and cautiously entered the car.

  "Thea, there are still over a hundred people missing in the camp." The former director had been counting the number of people. Before we reclaimed a third of the urban area, hundreds of people lived intermittently on campus, and some people moved out and some people moved in every day. Coming out, this number is not good for statistics. Your father repeatedly checked it three times before coming up with this number.