Chapter 87 Research

Upon hearing that place name, even Thea and Laila, who are not natives, were a little surprised. The name was a little too loud to resonate in the multiverse, but Megatron America did not run away.

  Arkham Asylum, listen to that loud font size, that's not the result of bragging and clicking eyes, that's the countless guys who aren't crazy and are already crazy, using their brains and their lives to spell it out.

  As a Gotham landmark, Arkham Asylum and Black Gate Prison are listed as the preferred training grounds for young people interested in the underworld.

  If a promising young man can obtain a certificate of release from the entire term of Heimen Prison and the Arkham Asylum Mental Health Committee has issued a stable condition warning at the same time, then that person will never go to Penguin or the top five criminal families in the unfavorable city.

  These two places are equivalent to the martial arts school and the magic school in some novels.

  Black Gate is primarily responsible for all types of combat training, and Arkham is the spiritual guide.

  To most hard-skinned Americans, what Heimen teaches can only be considered pediatrics, and Arkham is the place that really makes people reborn.

  Now, suddenly, I heard that a large group of criminals has gathered in such a terrible place and also arrested countless citizens for some physical or mental modification. This bad news made Thea have a headache.

  Seeing Barbara, who was very enthusiastic about this sort of thing in the past, she frowned. Thea knew that these people were a little scared. Yes, the Batman of the Golden Thigh is not there. I hear that the trumpets will start directly from five people going to the team, not to mention that they are scared, they are a little guilty at heart.

  But anyway, in front of this group leader who didn't know when he fell on his head, he couldn't let them get discouraged.

  Back then, my former comrades were more reliable and told Felicity to "put the drone on, check and run the real-time interface for this car."

  Felicity let out an "Oh" and went about her business with her relaxed, happy attitude. It is not known if Arkham had little influence on him or if she was born stupid and bold, given her optimistic attitude.

  "Boss, do you have the map of Arkham? Let's discuss the offensive route." What? You can't attack? Of course, Thea didn't want to go. She couldn't wait to contact Amanda directly to send a Hellfire missile to her comrades in the hospice. It was safe, fast, and worry-free, how nice it was.

  But her current identity is the hero on the side of justice or the kind who takes the lead on her older brother or sister. I definitely can't say that. If they don't want to go, I can reluctantly go home!

  But those things give up the hostages, let's live a good life and leave them alone. For Director Gordon with a sense of justice 100 and Barbara with a sense of justice 99, death would not come out of their mouths.

  Director Gordon enthusiastically embraced many drawings in Thea's repentant gaze.

  I don't know who did the urban planning in the beginning. Arkham is not a wooden house. It is a large administrative area, which is just like Chaoyang Pudong and the like. The area is much bigger.

  Thea looked at the specific map of the mental institution. This place, called the hospital, also occupies a huge area, far exceeding the specifications of a normal hospital. It covers an area of almost 100,000 square meters. The built-up area is not easy to calculate and can only be estimated. There are about fifteen to two hundred thousand.

"Come and see, I'm outside the courtyard." Felicity operated the drone to fly over the hospice as if she were playing a remote control airplane.

  Several people walked quickly to the screen and stopped to watch.

  This is the first time Thea has seen this famous building. From the outside, there is not that hellish atmosphere of horror. It is like all the architectural styles of Gotham City: dark, dilapidated, old, and kind of hysterical. Of restlessness.

  "It's just ..." Only the unfeeling Miss Felicity gave that sigh, curved her lips, and deftly activated her invisibility.

Several functions, such as thermal imaging lens and corner avoidance.

  As the drone lowered in height, several people gradually saw the scene in the hospital. It is not overcrowded to describe it as overcrowded. Five armed gangsters were crowded into a place of less than 100 square meters.

  In less than half a minute, three patrols passed through the area.

  Felicity did not dare to lower the altitude too low. Optical camouflage could ensure that most people could not see, but the sound of the drone during the flight could not be covered.

  It was impossible to enter the room, and the drone flew half a circle around the wall outside the courtyard. Fortunately, there is thermal imaging technology. While Felicity is still sticking to the wall, Thea and others are also checking the old map to find the best point of attack.

  "There are a lot of people here ..." Thea muttered after reading the map for a long time. There are thousands of people in the red dots seen by the thermal image, maybe only a tenth of the culprits? That's also an impressive number, and this team of five people can't defeat that many people.

  "Wait, you fly back a little." Old Principal Gordon didn't know what he saw. com stopped Felicity.

  A faint figure appeared on the screen. The person was inside the house. The drone's camera passed through the window glass, and the image was very blurry.

  "Can you zoom in a little?" The former director squinted his eyes for a long time and could not confirm.

  "The same goes for the magnification. This is a commercial machine, not for military use, but we have another method ... This was developed specially by our Queen Group for the Star City Police Department. Unfortunately, it was interrupted by someone."

  As she spoke, Felicity opened the facial recognition software gently, and at the same time looked gently at Catwoman.

  The cat goddess blinked clumsily. Why do you keep mentioning this? Didn't we expose it?

  The computer comparison was performed very quickly and a clear image of the head was quickly found next to the blurry photo.

  "The resemblance is 95%, it is that person. The name of this person is very strange ... Oswald Kobot." Felicity held up a pen and looked at the results provided by the computer. Strange appearance, indescribable incongruity.

  Several Gotham residents looked at each other, their expressions a little ugly, and said in unison, "Penguin!"

"Keep investigating." Thea doesn't think this guy is terrible, he doesn't have any superpowers, his martial arts are sparse and common, his height is even more tragic and he has a lame leg. You are afraid to be a hairy, such a person, Thea feels herself. To beat him is to intimidate him.

  With the continuous high altitude patrol, several people have also grossly discovered the external guards here. It is worth mentioning that there are not only the elite scarecrows who have dealt with before but also many gang members.

  According to the former director, they are all under the command of the Penguin. He has unified the underground forces of Gotham for a short time. Although he is not as big as before, he still has many loyal followers.