Capítulo 94: One Hit Arkham (4)

Although the angel of death screamed, the judgment is only a vertical division of the head, and the crusade blows are only transverse and oblique.

  There is no exaggerated scene like stepping on a halo under Golden Shining's feet in the imagination, and Thea can only make brain-dead judgments about this guy's bad habits.

  Is this a sequel to human cloning, or is this guy in second grade? Thea simply doesn't have time right now, otherwise, she should ask carefully.

  But regardless of whether this person's brain is sick or not, his attack power has nothing to say, Jin Shining does not, but the slashing of a long sword up and down left and right still makes Thea, who is struggling to deal with him very distressed.

  Since he was not on the defensive, the two played against him for three minutes. Thea had already struck him twice with a long knife in his hand. Along with the previous dart, the blood in his body gushed out, but he seemed to be Unconscious, he hit relentlessly.

  "Really!" Thea, who considers herself an honest and respectful beauty, is so anxious that she wants to scold someone. If that person is normal, he has been knocked down by her long ago. her tactics, but because of his fearless power, he balanced the momentum slightly.

  Most of the dark hands behind the cloning of this guy also saw that his brain was defective, and artificially reduced his neuralgia transmission, to compensate for the madness, which is really amazing ... If Thea manages to knock him out even if she does, don't worry about your own injury, but she IS so useless exchanging injuries with a cloned person!

  After Thea cut him aside, the angel of death who had lost a lot of blood went into a trance, the offense in his hand became a little weaker and the volume of his screams also decreased a little.

  Fortunately, you no longer screamed so loudly. After screaming for a while, Thea got upset and did the same thing as bullying the handicapped. Stay with them. It is very troublesome if you kill yourself and don't fight him.

  Thinking about Robin, I don't know how they played it. Thea forced the Angel of Death to retreat with two moves and looked at the situation on the field.

  The exchange of fire between the two sides in the general atmosphere is still in the advantage of six and four on the other side. Gang members are beaten back and forth in the joint hands of policemen and veterans. I believe that victory is only a matter of time.

  But the fight between the heroes and the bad guys is not so good. Without Batman's thigh, the unconscious fighting power of the few members of his team is a bit weak. Outside Thea is again entangled by this lunatic and the situation of the few people is not so good.

  Catwoman dealt with the penguin and a muscular man in a pig mask. All that can be said is that there is no difference between victory and defeat. On the other side, Barbara is surrounded by six or seven scarecrow gang elites. Barra's firepower is full of long, fluttering whips, darts are fired horizontally and horizontally with pistols, although they have an advantage, they consume a lot of physical strength.

  I did not see the imaginary duel between the firefly and the freezing man. This is also good news. These two guys are too lethal for ordinary people.

  Where is Robin? Thea looked around in the courtroom, didn't she? The disbelievers kept looking back and forth and finally discovered that Robin was surrounded by two people in the stands far away from him.

  Both are wearing black suits and owl masks, one holding a double-stick and the other a long knife. The two are extremely skilled and cooperate very well. The one-on-one is estimated to be no weaker than Robin, and now the two are playing together. Robin can only dodge, but not strike back, right? The claws of the Owl Court!

  Thea was a bit shocked this time. This is the hidden boss of Gotham. It's not one person or two. These guys are the oldest family in Gotham. They have been watching this place in silence for two hundred years. City, how did you provoke this crowd?

  I and others still have no intelligence. If the Owl Court goes against me, everything will be explained. They will unknowingly break camp, perform human experiments, and clone humans. They have enough influence to take these things. The rebel villains are requested together.

There was a bad premonition in Thea's heart. This action was about to fail. The other party must not gather that many bandits to put it in a pot, and there must be some hidden cards.

  She thought silently about the means her opponent would use to break the game. In any case, she and the others have the upper hand in the scene. Even if the heroes are lost, as long as they drag the opponents who can fight, wait for the big troops to end the battle, those villains I can't wait to die, and it's useless to be able to fight with hundreds of weapons.

  As she was thinking and meditating, the movements of her hands naturally slowed a little offensively, and the mad angel of death advanced again with nonsense.

  Faced with this dog-skin cast, Thea was really bored, but she had to fight, she could only turn back her thoughts and continue to play this dodging game ten times and strike her opponent.

  When Thea shook off the violent attack of the angel of death again, she realized that the katana in her hand was overloaded and the damage was severely damaged during several cuts. If you can cut two more knives, this special alloy is a weapon that has been with you for over a year and you have to say goodbye.

  I cleaned and helped fight monsters, and the equipment would break! Can your Gotham be responsible for compensation? Is it too late for me to buy insurance?

  I wondered if the gun was broken and grabbed a baton from the policeman next to it. As I used it to deal with it, a public-faced gangster under a man-penguin not far away saw Thea steadily retreating through the crowd, thinking she was losing her strength, he was about to lose it, stepping forward with a dagger in a hurry, preparing to help.

  Huh? The guy who suddenly appeared left Thea stunned, wanting to say that you don't conform to the rules of the world, but seeing the other party's expression of bullying the soft khaki, is that eating me? If the tiger doesn't show its power, will I treat myself like Garfield? What kind of look do you think the lunatic on the other side is all mine?

  In truth, she was wronged, she was the backbone of the gang anyway, her eyes were not blinded yet, especially since Thea could not see the bleeding in this red melee, only seeing the offending angel of death with such ferocity that she would naturally think she was at a disadvantage.

  She turned slightly to the side so that he could stab the dagger. It's a shame such a good helper didn't use it. Thea grabbed his wrist and pulled him violently to her side, while gently moving her feet.

  In a normal fight, you should let go of your opponent to make intimate contact with the ground, but Thea didn't do that. He grabbed his opponent's arm and spun around quickly, using his powerful inertia to throw that person toward the approaching angel of death.

  How about everyone stays away from the lunatics, the angel of death saw a figure running towards him, and without thinking, he stabbed him in the chest as the person approached.