Saturday 10:30 am

I'm on the couch eating bread and nutella while watching a Netflix series. The beginning of school had made me very tired.

My brother arrives and while taking his leather jacket and car keys: "Mom, a friend of mine is coming for lunch today, I'll be there in half an hour" he says.

I don't have time to ask him who he is, but he has already left.

I decide to take a shower, I enter the box and set the water to the right temperature. Then I take the coconut bath foam and spread it all over my body and finally I rinse off all the foam, my hair is clean so I wore a cap to keep it dry.

Once out I put on my bathrobe and sit on the bed in my room, I stare at the wall lost in thought and finally decide to get dressed.

I open the wardrobe and take a large Levi's sweater and black leggings, I stay in my slippers because I'm staying at home.

I decide to go downstairs to see if my brother is home and I find him playing with Isaac.

How nice! I think ironically.

"Hey baby" he says smiling at me, I don't like his attitude at all.

"Hi, nice to see you!" I answer ironically.

At that moment my mother shouts to come to the table and we immediately obey since we are hungry.

My father is strangely on a business trip and will be back on Monday.

We sit at the table and start eating spaghetti with meatball sauce.

"Congratulations ma'am these are really delicious" Isaac comments with sauce all over his mouth, I giggle at how funny he is and get a strange look from him.

"Oh call me Carol, I'm not that old," she says smugly having prepared a great dish.

We ended the meal with a chocolate cake that mum had made, she now had a lot more to look after the house and us.

"The only unpleasant one in the family is Allison apparently," he mutters to my brother.

I frown and look at him crossly, I don't want to fight with him today, I don't really know why I'm being like this with him I just felt it would bring problems into my life and honestly I already had too many.

They invite me to watch a movie with them but I prefer to go to my room and watch it on my computer, because I feel rather embarrassed.

I get comfortable and start "The Steps of Love", I love that film because it makes me think about how different people can complete each other, how love can make everything so wonderful but at the same time make you suffer and turn your life upside down.

One sentence in particular that has stayed with me is: love is like the wind, I don't see it but I feel it.

Sometimes you feel feelings so strong that you can't even explain them, they overwhelm you so much that they get under your skin and make you feel everything like a summer wind gust.

I'm crying as I always do and I hear someone open the door and immediately wipe away my tears, without suggesting that I've had a bad moment. Maybe it's a bit like that, I too would like to experience all this, to laugh and fall in love, but every time I meet someone I end up closing in on myself.

"What are you doing shutting yourself out?" Isaac chuckles looking at himself, my room isn't complete yet: some boxes need to be emptied and I'm still missing a bookcase for my many novels.

"I'm just staying in my room," I say quickly wiping away the tears as I see that he is sitting on my bed making the mattress lower, a gust of his scent comes to my nostrils.

"Why were you crying? "he asks scrutinizing me carefully as if he wants to understand what's behind me.

"Nothing for a movie...Why don't you go to my brother's? "I ask to dismiss him.

"He went out to get something your mom asked him to get and he told me to stay home" he replies.

Damn that time when I broke my mom's computer by dropping mango juice on it, surely the service centre must have called because it's fixed.

"Ok" I just say with a thin voice thinking that he didn't hear me.

I go back to looking at the computer, pretending to be busy when I'm not really doing anything, I feel embarrassed.

He comes closer to me lifting my chin with two fingers, his touch causes a thousand shivers all over my body.

"Hey...how about in the meantime we have some fun like I like to do" he says with a mischievous look.

"That's not my job, we have the peroxide blonde cheerleader for that," I spit acidly.

"Ahahah but you mean meghan, she thinks she's my girlfriend but not my chick" he says getting up and looking at some books stored on the shelf, if she makes fun of me for even one title read, I swear I'll throw it out the window.

"Whatever, I don't give a damn anyway...you can go now" I said


"Anyway, I meant we could play on the play station, like two friends" he proposes and then pinches me on the side, I didn't remember him being so close to me.

I moved closer to his face.

"You and I never friends," I replied.

I got up, went to the door, opened it and motioned him to come out.

He approached me, closed the door abruptly and slammed me against it, his blue eyes locked on mine.

Our faces were only a few centimetres apart, I only needed to take a small step to bring our lips together. My heart was racing and I couldn't understand why I felt so strange, that feeling that makes you feel like you're one step away from heaven, like a stormy ocean has suddenly calmed down.

"You know, you're very pretty," he said, smiling at me and then walking away.

I found myself smiling like an idiot. I couldn't like a boy like that, and I hadn't even known him for a week, but I felt so strange when he looked at me, when he spoke to me.

But I couldn't like him, he's obnoxious, curmudgeonly, unpleasant and conceited... something should never have happened between us.


This evening my brother is going to a party, in fact he's meeting up with his friends to eat at a fast food restaurant and then go to the place together.

I'll stay home, I'm not a disco or party girl, I prefer a warm fleece blanket and a movie to watch while munching on popcorn.

I get a message from an unknown number.

"Eii I'm Isabel, do you want to come with me and Sarah to some guy's party at our school tonight, we'll pick you up if you need us."

My answer would have been no but I thought I'd take them up on it to try and socialise more with them and become friends, in short I couldn't let this opportunity go to waste and let them think their company wasn't to my liking.

"Sure, 14 iceland street xx."

I sent the message and threw the phone on the bed.

I opened my wardrobe looking for something to wear but couldn't find anything suitable, in the end I opted for a simple black sheath dress and white low heels.

I left my long hair straight and put on mascara, concealer, blush, and red lipstick.

At the end I looked at myself in the mirror and I was very satisfied with the result, maybe I looked good with my makeup on and maybe going out more wouldn't hurt me in the future.

I went down the stairs and while waiting for them to arrive, I filled a huge glass with sparkling water.

"Are you going out?" my mother asks with a sleepy look wearing pink and grey pyjamas.

"Yes some friends of mine invited me" I inform her.

"I'm glad, but be careful...it's a new city and you can't really know what people are like" she recommends.

"Don't worry, I'm going now" I printed a kiss on her forehead.

I went out of the house and saw a black car parked in front of my house.