It's me!

"Guys! I said shut up!" the professor continues to say in vain, since no one listens to her. He slams his hand on the desk hoping to get something but everyone keeps doing his own business, except someone, including me.

My name is Rebeca Bennet and I am a student who gets along at school. I attend a scientific high school and in fact I really like science subjects like mathematics, which is my absolute favourite. In junior high I always wrote 'I love maths' on the blackboard and my classmates took me, rightly, for crazy. I love logic and to do calculations, I like equations and inequalities ... In short, I'm someone who loves mathematics and algebra to madness.

I just turned 17 and I live with my parents and my two brothers. The oldest is called Joshua, also known as Josh, and he attends the university, then there is me and finally the youngest, George, who in reality isn't very young, since he is only a year younger than me. I also have an older sister who I don't see very often because she always goes around the world, and this is a good thing since I can't stand her. I get along very well with my brothers and they are always ready to protect me. They would do anything to not see me suffer, with my sister I don't get along at all because we have two contrasting characters, in fact I am very sensitive and sweet, while she seems to me heartless and she is overbearing towards me. With my parents, on the other hand, I have a normal relationship: I don't open up to them and sometimes I can't stand my father who, even if he doesn't admit it, is a bit of a male chauvinist and tends to treat my brothers differently than we females. I understand that a father is more protective of his daughter but sometimes it is just too much. My relationship with my father is particular, in the sense that it has changed over time and not a little. Before I was more affectionate towards him, I hugged him and etc, then for a series of things and facts I became increasingly cold towards him and I am no longer as affectionate as before. I would say not at all. With mom, on the other hand, everything is normal even if I don't feel like talking to her about what's going on through my head. I think that even if they say parents are the ones who know everything about their children and those who have already had their experiences, they don't really know everything. They cannot know it also because of the world that has changed and the things they have done are not the same nowadays.

Back to school, the teacher has not yet managed to calm the class down and I think she will soon start putting some reports and the first one is put on Noah James, the loudest in the class and the most arrogant.. Noah, despite the report, doesn't care and keeps talking.

He is the classic boy who is indifferent to everything and everyone and he is known by the whole school as the most womanizer. They say he took the whole cheerleading team to bed. His best friend is Nathan Jones, another playboy and honestly between the two I don't know who is the worst. It can be said that they complete each other and they pass girls all the time. I don't understand why girls fall at their feet, they treat them as objects, the only thing they want is their body, maybe that's what attracts them... But I wonder if that's really what they want. I'm not saying they're ugly, they're very sexy, but is it really worth it?

After ten minutes the bell rings and everyone gets up and goes to the cafeteria to eat. I collect my things calmly without haste. I see the teacher doing the same and then she leaves the classroom after saying goodbye. While I am putting the physics notebook in my backpack I hear footsteps approaching my desk but I already know who he is: my fantastic best friend Dylan. He knows everything about me, just as I know everything about him. We always tell each other everything and with him I really feel very good, I can be myself and I am not afraid of his judgments, also because he has never judged me and he never will. We have known each other since kindergarten and since then we have never separated. Our parents have known each other for a lifetime and have decided to enrol us in the same kindergarten for convenience. Dylan is the only male friend I have because I am very shy and reserved and making friends is one of the things that puts me in the most difficulty since I am always afraid of the judgment of others.

"Hey" greets me. I raise my head towards him and see that he is smiling. I smile in return and greet him. The school building contains several addresses and he studies languages. I also like languages ​​but my love for math is beyond them. We move towards the canteen where we already see all the tables occupied except one and it is the table where Dylan and I always sit together with Alison, his girlfriend and my best friend. We've always been a threesome, only then they fell in love and got together. At first they hid it because they feared I didn't want to, but actually I already knew they would make a great couple.

We sit at the table and have lunch while we wait for Alison to arrive. As soon as she arrives she greets me and Dylan, then he sits down and tells us about his morning.

"And then the janitor knocked and told us that the teacher wasn't there and you don't know everyone's joy at that moment" she tells us

"The joy of not having done the math exam?" I say with irony, already knowing how she will answer me

"Rebeca, not everyone is crazy enough to want to do their math exam like you," she says

"I'm sorry, friend, but I agree with her and not because she is my girlfriend but because it is really crazy that you like math" says Dylan

"It's not crazy, it's you who don't understand anything about life" I reply, shaking my head

We keep talking until the bell rings and everyone has to go to their own lessons.