Brad p.1

Tanjung Lipat.

Diane:" Damn it, they don't want to take me for work. Is it because I'm so fat? " ( thinking )

Then she sees someone standing on the rock of the beach. There are not many people at Tanjung Lipat beach.

Diane:" Emm, handsome! wait, what he trying to do?" ( talk with herself)

Diane running over to him and puts her phone inside the bag and come toward him to the ocean after he enters the ocean. That man trying to kill himself by drowning in the ocean but luckily Diane notice and save him.

She made CPR on him and he regains his consciousness. She scolding him and he just looks straight at her and silent. Her face made him remembered his late wife.

10.3.2020 (Past)

Fate:" When would you back to England?"

Brad:" I would be back the day after tomorrow. "

Fate:" That soon? I don't prepare myself yet! "

Brad:" No! don't follow me. We have to divorce."

Fate:" No! I don't want!"

Brad:" Do you think you are qualified enough to be my wife? "

Fate:" I know I'm not beautiful and fat, but I love you!"

Brad:" I have to leave you! I'm sorry and the pandemic is worse now, I have to go back to my country before that. "

He leaves her alone in the living room. Their housemate, Mike and his wife, Linda, and also Kenny and his wife, Sonya just watch. They agree that Fate is not a beautiful or talented girl.

Fate goes to the toilet and she's actually pregnant. Her pregnancy is just 7 weeks and very fragile. She's accidentally fainted, slipped and blood is flowing profusely. No one helped her. Eventually, she died in a blood-stained state.

When they found her, she's already died. She loses a lot of blood made everything including the basin full of her blood.

Brad:" I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

He crying a lot for her and the rest feeling so guilty that they left his house and he staying alone since then. He doesn't want back to England anymore and he stays there, mourning for her and their unborn baby.

His family worried about him but because of covid19, they can't come over to take him back to their country. Eventually, he survives even though he doesn't eat like normal.

He prays that he would see her again and he promises that he would not hurt her anymore. If not? May God take her away from him again.


Diane:" Hello, do you hear me?"

Brad: "I'm sorry. Can you go with me? I have to back to my house. "

Diane:" Alright. "

He might be looking super shabby and not clean. But he still looks handsome.

After arrived, he gave his wife a dress, she changed her clothes and then go to the shower.

Brad also cleaning up his shabby appearance and wear decent clothes. Both of them talking while waiting for her clothes to dry up.

Brad:" My name is Brad. "

Diane:" my name is Diane."

Brad:" Nice name, just like her owner. "

Diane:" Of course!"

Brad telling her everything about why he trying to kill himself.

Diane:" That was very cruel and sad!" ( teary eyes )

Brad:" I know...that's why I wanna kill myself to go to them!"

Diane:" No, don't!"

Brad:" But I need to see her. "

He put his face toward her breast and crying.

Diane is startled but at the same time, she wants to protect and care for him.

Brad look at her eyes and kissing her. Their kiss is very deep and passionate. He loves how small and sweet her lips. After some while, Diane pushes him away and tries to get up and run but then she remembers her clothes inside his washing machine.

Diane:" Crap."

He comes to her and licks her neck and ear.

Diane turns around him and kissing him.

to be continue