
"Come on, you motherfuckers!" one of the team leaders, aka captains, shouted from above a ballistae.

The sun was setting on the west, Alonn and the dwarf king haven't yet returned.

"Will blackie and the bastard be a'right?" U' Ox asked to himself.

"Only the gods may know, we need to prepare for the worst case," Gard said as he used binoculars to observe the mountain.

"As I have already explained, we will be back in a hurry in case they do not return in time," he said with a frown.

"I won't go back without blackie!" U' Bull shouted with a heroic bearing.


From the mountains, a grave and powerful roar made the hearts of the warrior miss a beat.

"Fuck, lets run while we can!" U' Bull said with fear.

"Fuck, lets run while we can!" Alonn shouted to the dwarf king.

They are still in the mountains, but due to unforeseen circumstances it was not possible to return quickly to the camp.

The unforeseen? Well...

"Damn, why in the heavenly hell are those black bears attacking us?" the dwarf king swinged his war hammer and send two bears flying.

"The sun is already setting, the beast will soon come out from the cave. We need to hurry!" the king shouted.

Alonn gritted his teeth in fury and his True Qi exploded like lightning inside his body, granting him enormous strength.


With a single puch, he shattered a bear's head, with a kick he send another several steps back.

"Come with me, I'm higher than you!" Alonn shouted.

"All right!" the dwarf king nodded since the bears sieging him are hindering his vision.

He followed Alonn's voice and made way.

Alonn could see better than the king and soon came out of the siege.

"Come on, we need to hurry if we want to get out alive!" Alonn shouted.

They both started down the mountain quickly with the bears chasing them.

"Damn, if not because of those bear we would already be preparing the ambush!" the king said with fury.

"It's a stupid plan to start with,"Alonn sighed.

"We don't have a choice, we need to kill that thing!" the king said.


Another roar made they both look back.

At the end of the line of bears chasing them, a tiger appeared. It has a white horn in the forehead and deep black fur. It looked to the duo and roared again. The bears seemed to be angrier than before.

"Fuck, don't tell me... is it controling those bears?" Alonn was very angry with the lack of information.

"That bastard didn't tell me about it!" the king said but was strangely smiling.

"Hey, elf. We should fight that thing!"

"Are you crazy? How in the world would we approach it?"

"Come on, I think we can defeat it!"

"Maybe, but first we need to get rid of those bears!" Alonn said with bloodshot eyes.

In truth, he knows the reason the king said it. There are dozens of black bears chasing them and there's no guarantee that the white horned tiger can't control other beasts.

If they bring the aggro to the others in the camp it would result in many casualties. The white horned tiger in itself is a threat.

At the same time, they will die if they can't get rid of the other beasts to fight with the tiger.

"Damn it! I am still angry with the stupid idea of bringing balistae!" Alonn took his anger out.

"...Come on elf, can't you think in anything?"

"No! The terrain is unfavorable, we can't get rid of the bears."

"...Then, what should we do?"

"Aren't you the king? Call the banners."


"I will miss you, blackie. You was a good elf," U' Ox said and sniffed.

"Yeah, it's a pity we won't be able do get revenge for him," U' Bull said with teary eyes.

The sun has been kicked out of the sky, and everyone was already marching.

"You cowards..." Elon said with disgust.

"Shut up, bowie. Why don't you go over there and show the big might of your arrows to the spiritual beast?" U' Ox said with a mocking look.

"Hmph! It's just that I feel my shoulder is still hurt from before," Elon said with cold sweat on his back.

"Ohhh," The Ugly duo sneered.


Another roar made the expedition group speed up their pace.

"Will the bastard be all right?" One of the loyal dwarves asked with worry.

"He is our king after all," Another dwarf said.

"Hmm? Are you guys feeling it?" Suddenly a dwarf put his ear to the floor.

"Fuck! A beast flood!?"

"Over there! The beasts are coming in our way! Prepare the formation! Abandon the balistae, it would be useless in the woods," Gard shouted.

"Rise your shields and weapons! Close the formation! Prepare for the impact!"

The sound of the beasts started to get louder and louder and the ground shook more and more.

"Over there!" Suddenly a dwarf pointed.

"They are... black bears!"

"Fuck, why is our king running in our direction!"

"He is bringing the beasts to us! You damn bastard, stop!"

"Hahahaha! My loyal peasants, save your king!" The king shouted and jumped in the middle of the formation.

"Kill the bastard, we should deal with beasts later!" Someone proposed.

"Prepare for the impact!"

The black bears clashed with the warriors without fear. Fortunately, it seemed that the beasts didn't outnumber them.

"Where is the elf!? Why there are so many bears!?" In the middle of the combat, Gard aproached the king and asked.

"We split up to share the beasts, the other half is probably chasing him... The tiger can control the bears," the king said as he killed another bear.

"Don't worry about him and hurry to kill those bears, the tiger might be around!"

"Argh! Why there are so many snakes here!" Suddenly a dwarf shouted.

"Damn! Fight for your lives! The tiger can control the beasts of the cuursed forest too!" The king shouted with fury.

Blood soon bathed every member of the expedition.

"Fight! Don't stop! Return to the hill!" The king shouted, he wanted to use a high position to defend against the beasts.

Meanwhile, Alonn was still in the mountain.

"I'm won't stay alive if I just run, those bears are very agile."

He looked in the direction of the tigers's den and thought something.

"Damn it, I hope the beast don't have the ability to one-hit-kill me," he murmured and started to run towards the den.

He chose to climb some giant rocks to avoid other bears, an it took a while.

"Those bears seems to have a thousand eyes, they always seems to predict where I'm going," Alonn cursed as he looked to the bears rushing towards him.

He don't want to lose energy and time with the small fries and had simply run towards the cave.

"You damn tiger, I want to see if you are smart as they said!" Alonn shouted, he was determined to come out of the mountains alive. And the only means to do it was to get rid of the bears.

Several wood pilars suported the rocky entrance of the mine, and the plan of Alonn was...

Bang Bang

Punching the pillars until the entrance colapse.

Alonn punched the rotting wood pillars with all he had, and one by one they broke apart.

The bears are very close already, and if can't do it in time he will be sieghed again.

"Come on!!!!" Alonn shouted and punched the pillar with his bloody hands.


When the bears are already at the entrance, it collapsed. The bears suffered with rocks falling above their heads.

When the dust finally settled, the entrance completely closed with rocks.

"It's stupid, but is the only thing I thought. I remember seeing the tiger following the king, I hope he is okay."

"If he manages to at least hurt the beast and make it retreat, it would surely be surprised to see it's den closed."

"Now... I need to get out of here."

Meanwhile, a bloody fight was still in full play in the hill. The expedition members managed to hold on until they retreated to the camp, but the beasts seemed more and more violent. Wolves joined the fight along killer foxes and others animals.

"We won't be able to make it! A dwarf shouted in despair.

"Damn it, where is it?" The dwarf king scanned the battlefield with sharp eyes.

He also saw the tiger following him, and he hoped to fight it again and at least make it retreat.

Perhaps this way the other beasts will retreat.

"It's all the bastard's fault!" a dwarf shouted.

"Shut up, you damn motherfuckers! I didn't force anyone to come here, you all chose it!" the king shouted in fury and swinged his hammer against a wolf.

"We need to fight until our souls are satisfied, otherwise we will all go to the earthly hell!" One of the team leaders shouted.

"If you can curse your king, you can also kill him when it's all over and we are living!"

"Fight until your arms and legs are numb!" Gard shouted as he swinged his sword against a black bear.

"Look, bowie! You won't need to worry about getting a black bear heart anymore!" U' Bull shouted as he swinged his great axe against some big snakes.

"Hahahhaa" U' Ox laughed with sweat in his forehead.

"Shut up and fight!" Elon said covered with wounds. He is skilled with bows, and not with close combat. Because of it, he is slowly being killed.

"Get your spirit together, Elon!!" U' Bull shouted with concern.

"Damn it! It's all your guys fault!" Elon shouted.

"I have a wife waiting for me, I won't die because such a stupid reason..."

Suddenly, a shadow jumped right in the middle of the formation, it was the white horned tiger.

Fortunately, the dwarf king was already wait for it and impeded it from collapsing the formation.

"Woahh! The tiger is here! The king is flighting it!"


The dwarf king swinged his war hammer against the beast, but it easily avoided the blow and roared.

"Do you remember me? Is because of it that you followed me? You fucking kitty, I will kill you!"

The tiger seemed enraged. It was at least two to three times bigger than a normal tiger. And it's strenght...


A single blow of the tiger send the dwarf king several times back.

'If I hadn't blocked the blow with my hammer... I would probably be dead,' the king thought.


The king kicked the ground and swinged his hammer again, but now it seemed much stronger than before.

The beast managed to avoid the blow by a hair thread, it seemed to be afraid as it backed down several steps.

"Be prepared to go back to your den or to die here!" The king shouted.

Suddenly, a giant arrow almost managed to hit the tiger.

"Damn it! I won't miss this time!" The dwarf aiming with the balistae shouted.

The king ordered a dozen of dwarves to bring one of the ballistae with them in the middle of the retreat to the hill, and it seemed to be useful. Since the horses were killed, they themselves had to bring it.

"Damn, my back is killing me!" the dwarf aiming cursed.

The tiger was visibly intimidated, and tried to destroy the ballistae first.

"You won't go past me, you damn kitty," the king laughed and swinged his hammer again and again, preventing the advance of the beast.

Both moved faster than the others could react, their strenght was leagues abive the others.

Meanwhile, Alonn was exploring the cave.

Fortunately for him, the elves can somewhat see in the dark. And strangely there are some light in the tunnel, he discovered this light was coming out from some photoluminescent mosses.

"It should be moonlight moss, and it is good as food for herbivores," he murmured and took some from the mine walls.

Although it isn't an ideal food for elves, it can at least keep him alive for some time. However, it can be used as venom against humans and dwarves.