Flash flood

"Ehh? Can't you read my mind anymore?" Alonn said surprised, but then he was suspicious.

"..." Long noticed his mistake and was silent.

'Long's mother is a bitch that deserves a dick...' Alonn thought with a poker face.

"..." Although Long couldn't read his mind, he knows that the elf was thinking something bad.

After offending and cursing Long in a thousand different ways, Alonn was certain that the zombie couldn't read his mind.

"Can you explain now?" Long asked.

"No... I can't," Alonn answered without hesitation. In truth, he really don't know.

"Where's your soul, I can't feel it."

"I really don't know anything..."

It was suspicious in many ways, but Long didn't asked anything after that.

'Strange... since when this bastard is so patient?' Alonn wondered with narrowed eyes.

"Since it's your fate, I shall not dig any further. Take it, it's a small gift," Long said and raised his bone's hand.

From the 'empty' chests a book flew in Alonn's direction.

'Seven points convergence...' Alonn read the manual title with twisted lips.

He then looked at the skeleton.

'This bastard... Did he gave me a incomplete technique last time?'

"Don't misunderstand. The technique I gave you last time was complete and flawless... But that was just one of the complet set," Long said a bit embarassed.

A vein appeared on Alonn's forehead and he had to contain his own fury, after all he was still too weak.

"And why are you giving me it now?" Alonn asked.

"Because... I just feel like doing it," Long answered.

'Bastard!' Alonn cursed inside, but smiled outside.


"You are welcome," Long said with a strange voice.

Then he went to his little stone 'coffin' and dug out his own corpse... or at least the clothes and armor that were inside.

"You are very emotional, even though you look like an indifferent zombie," Alonn said with a mocking smile.

"..." Long was silent.

After washing his clothes in the lake's water, he wore them.

'It's good to have hands again...' Alonn thought with teary eyes.

Not only that... but even felt hunger again. Something he lost after eating moss for months.

'Damn it, even after coming back to life I still need to eat it!' Alonn thought as he ate a big chunk of moss.

However, he can't exaggerate this time as pearls are no longer active to counteract the effects of poisons.

After eating a little, he sat on the ground an concentrated. A red light suddenly appeared in the region of his groin.

Gushs of wind slowly formed a small tornado around Alonn, but quickly dispersed as well. He opened the Root Gate!

'My True Qi came back...' Alonn thought but felt something strange.


He suddenly punched the ground, and it created a big pit and a web of cracks.

He wasn't very surprised, this was the same strenght his body had before he died... But he thought his body would completely reset.

After opening the Root Gate his body wasn't strengthened...

'It seems I only lost my cultivation... My physical strength remains the same. If so, perhaps my body would be strenghtened after opening the heart gate,' Alonn thought and concentraded in refining the poisons.

As if it was already trained to it, his body had no difficulty in enduring the effects of the poisons and his True Qi and vitality were constantly being stimulated by it.

Meanwhile, he recovered the attribute 'I am'! His True Qi recovered it's white color.

After only a day, he opened his sacred gate.

White light appaered in the region of his navel and a strong wind made him slowly levitate.

His body did not face pressure problems like the first time, but at the same time it did not undergo any strengthening.

His 'I feel' attribute also returned.

Alonn didn't feel the need to stop and just ate mkre and more moss, he wanted to recover his cultivation base as soon as possiple!

This time he used a more violent aproach, he directly ignited the poisons within him, just like the time he almost died at the lava chamber.

This time his body suffered a little... What a joke, he already went through much worse situations and survived!

He continued to use this method and his True Qi was just like raging waves, his dantian and body almost bursted.

After a few days, a strong yellow light suddenly appeared in his solar plexus region.

Stronger gushs of wind appaered, but this time Alonn stayed at the ground by controling the flow with his own True Qi.

Spiritual qi entered though the gates and almost instantly turned into True Qi. This was something Alonn learned before dying, he calls it 'Constant Transformation State.'

He don't need to wait for the spiritual qi to enter his dantian to be then turned into True Qi, he can use his whole body as the dantian.

Moreover, since he don't have the pearls killing him... He can even keep it up constantemente, storing True Qi not only in his Dantian, but also in his whole body.

Of course, it wasn't easy. A single mistake could take his life since his body wasn't exactly made to store such massive amounts of True Qi.

But controling attributes helped Alonn to control his True Qi without problem.

What Alonn didn't know is that this method isn't something exclusive fo him. Cultivators can learn how to do it with many different manuals.

The key is that Alonn learned it by himself, it was worthy a praise.

After a while he also recovered the 'I do' attribute, he was finnaly back to his peak strenght! No... He was stronger since now he has his arms intact!

After he sighed, the wind around Alonn dispersed. He got up and started cleaning himself, his body surface was full of blood because of the imprudent use of the poisons.

But Alonn was satisfied, he also felt it made his body a bit stronger.

"How do you feel?" Long, who has been silent since the beginning of Alonn's cultivation, asked.

"Very good," Alonn answered.

He felt alive again, since not only he was alive but he could also sleep without needing to wake up every fucking time to eat moss.

"What do you intend to do now that you no longer need to stay here?" Long asked.

"Of course, I want to get the hell out of here," Alonn answered with a smile.

"I see."

"What? Are you going to miss me?" Alonn mocked.

"No. But it will get a bot boring here," Long said.

"Well..." Alonn looked at the zombie with narrowed eyes.

Something seemed wrong. In the past, Long always pestered him by saying he would never allow Alonn to leave.

"I don't need to read you mind but I can somewhat understood your thoughts," Long said.

"Good, then can you say why are you being so good-natured? I suspect you are preparing another prank for me! Just like the false information about the deepriver stones," Alonn said.

"Well... I can't explain, and I don't want to," Long said listlessly.

"Whatever, I'm going out asap!" Alonn said and after finishing taking a bath in the lake, he asked to leave.

"I wanted to kill you because of that matter with the tiger, but since I died at the end... And considering the techniques you gave me... I think I can just forget about that," Alonn said before leaving.

"Hah! You are just saying because you fear my strenght!" Long mocked.

'Bastard! Did he read my mind?' Alonn cursed.

"No! I'm serious. I won't search revenge since I died anyway... But I swear by all gods I don't believe in, if you play another prank like that again... I will never forgive you, even if I die!"

"All right, all right. Just get the hell out!" Long said and raised his bone hand.

Alonn almost cursed when he felt himself being levitated.


"Good luck surving out there!" Long seemed to be laughing when he said this.

Along was again rocketed through the hole in the ceiling.

"Bastard!!! I will kill you!" Alonn shouted as he tried to not make contact with the hole's border.

Alonn looked high and saw the moon outside of the hole, it was night.

The strenght Long used this time was much bigger than last time, even after finally being thrown out of the hole, he still went up over a hundred meters.

'Fuck! If I fall from this height... I will die for sure!' Alonm thought and looked at the ground.

Apart from the huge skeleton next to the holes, there are many trees he could use to land.

But then, he suddenly remembered.

'I don't believe I forgot it! I can fucking fly!' Alonn immediately used his True Qi.

The white cloud quickly condensed below his feet, keeping him stable.

He didn't waste time and urged the cloud to get the hell out of there, he didn't want to risk being at Long's spirit sense scope by one more second than necessary.

In the night sky, a small white cloud and an elf cut the moon and sky in half. Alonn ignited the remaining poison within him to keep himself flying.

After a few minutes, Alonn was almost running out of True Qi when he finnaly landed.

The place where he was now was the edge of a great cliff that cut the mountain valley in half.

Alonn suddenly heard a roar in his mind.

'Hmm?' Alonn took a horn out between his clothes and armor.

'I thought you died with me, small kitty," Alonn smiled as he looked at the small black glow that radiated from inside the horn.


"Don't worry, I will try to give you a new life. Of couse, only if this horn could be used to make a weapon as that bastard said," Alonn said with a warm smile and as he stroked the horn.


The tiger's soul seemed afraid of Alonn, although it couldn't understand the concept of weapon.

Since the core's energy was completely non-existent, the only use Alonn could give it is as raw material. Of course, he can also take risk and give it to the bookstore owner, Elia.

After looking around for some time, Alonn found a small way that lead to the cliff's bottom.

He didn't hesitated and started to descend the large cliff walls, which had a depth of at least fifty meters and a largure of at least a hundred meters.

Alonn could try to fly above it, but he was already exausted and wanted to rest a bit.

After finnaly reaching the cliff bottom, Alonn found a place to rest, a small cave at the the cliff wall.

Although Alonn developed a bit of a trauma and fear of caves, he felt that there should be no problem resting in a small empty cave.

It somewhat resembled a den of wolves because of the bones on the ground, but Alonnt thought the wolves are long gone due to the lack of any kind of smell.

He sitted at the center of the cave and tried to meditate a bit.

The spiritual qi density at the cliff was surprisingly higher than that of the 'zombie' cave, it made the elf wonder the reason.

After recovering half of his True Qi, Alone finally opened his eyes to look outside. After leaving the den, Alonn enjoyed the feeling of sunlight and stretched a little.

Every breath here was refreshing and different from a breath in the 'zombie' cave, where the air was hot and humid.

Alonn felt hungry again, but this time he wanted to eat something different than moss.

He wanted... meat!


Alonn stuck a skewer in the ground next to the fire he made next to the den, a rabbit was hanging in it.

'Rabbit meat is really good...' Alonn said as he ate. Tears were streaming down his face.

After months in a isolated cave... Now he was finnaly feeling human again.

The taste of roasted meat was divine for the poor elf, little he knew... that it could be his last meal.


Alonn was startled to hear a loud thunder in the sky and looked up. Storm clouds were forming in the sky.

'...' Alonn also hear the sound of water, but it wasn't the sound of rain.

He looked at the north. The cliff pointed as much towards the southern plains as towards the mountains in the north.

Last summer a couple were taken aback by a flash flood on a cliff next to the west mountains... A bear was the only survivor.

And now that he thinks about it, he probably was at that very cliff.

From the north, a great flood was rapidly approaching.

'Tsk... It's disrupting my meal,' Alonn thought and got up from the rocky floor. His face was full of fury.

'It's time... to fly from here asap!'