
Watching one of the bottles roll on the roof right past him, the small man's frown intensified. The being that stumbled out the ship now stood in front of the man, the salmon colored sky illuminated its dark silky hair and a pair of snail-like antennas sticking out of its head.

It had two slender eyebrows, slightly arched upwards and beneath each one a bigger and one smaller dark eye, all four eyes seemed to hold the whole galaxy in them. It's lips was turned up into a wide grin as it crouched down, now eye level to the little man.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't have anywhere else to park, I just came to visit you! My dear uncle, I missed you so much."

A deep voice sang in a pleading tone and a pair of long slender arms reached out to the man. Only to be fiercely swatted away. The man's facial muscles relaxed a bit, he heaved a sigh.

"Enough. You do it once more and I'll crack yer spine, stupid boy. Now let's go inside, and pick up those bottles of yours ya drunk!"

The "boy" didnt seem to mind getting swatted and only nodded his head, standing up and swiftly picking up all the bottles before throwing them back into the open door of the spaceship and snapping his fingers.

The spaceship doors started slowly closing and the tall male walked after the small man that was already crawling into the roof door. He catched up In a few strides and followed right after the man.

The spaceships that was being used as a garbage bin:.....QwQ

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"Vesmir, did you hear that the Princess of Urnglo is connecting her antenna?" The small gnome questioned the taller male as they both sat at an old and red wooden table, a stack of cards with different symbols between them and in their hands.

Vesmir tilted his head, humming in thought and narrowing his four eyes before slapping another card with a triangle symbol on the stack. "Nope."

"Where have ya been! Everyone knows already." The small man said, his eye widening in surprise. Vesmir shrugged his shoulders, his disturbingly long, well to a human at least, index finger tapping on the table.

The one-eyed gnome stacked another card onto the pile, he asked,  "Arent you interested with who she is connecting with?".

One of Vesmirs eyebrows quirked up at the question as he studied the cards in his hand, not even bothering to lift his gaze, he said "Nope."

"The celebration is happening right now, they're hosting it on Lomp6. I'm sure it's a full blown party." Vesmirs slightly droopy antennas perked at the word "party" but he remained silent. The man continued with a click of his tongue "Tsk tsk, all the richies will be there."

Vesmir hummed in a form of replying as he threw a card onto the stack, his hands now empty. He swiftly stood up. Easily reaching for the entrance to the roof that was a meter away on the ceiling and pushing it open.bThe man seemed to be a bit shook, yelling after him "Ay, where you're going  we didn't even finish our game... yet" The gnome looked the cards stacked on the table and cursed.

Vesmir smiled, his four eyes curving as he pulled himself up and out the hole. His voice could be heard from outside. "Ill be going now. See you, Uncle Gron!"

The sound of a motor engine running as if purring in delight that its owner came back started. It took not even a second before even that sound faded into the distance, faraway.

Silence penetrated the little box house. It wasn't needed for anyone to say where the crazy creature was headed, Gorn already knew.





"Oh no..."

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Lomp6 is a middle sized planet residing in the outskirts of illumni Galaxy, at first glance it would look like any other middle sized black planet, but it in fact is one of the most popular places rich creatures go to host celebrations. Why? Not only is the scenery of every direction gorgeous, but the planet contains an endless amount of so called "Fitall" liquid.

The before uninhabited planet only visited by tourists was now booming with countless parties for many light years due to this discovery. Fitall could be called a type of natural "alcohol" spreading from the planets core to the ground creating many huge lakes. After drinking a cup or two of Fitall, even the most tolerant creature to alcohol could feel themselves go silly and rise into bliss.

Each creature experiences drinking Fitall differently, but the most popular saying is that drinking Fitall is like "Zooming through all the 83920 Galaxies as if chased by a Belgun." Considering Belguns are the most aggressive creatures known to all galaxies, what this meant was that drinking Fitall from Lomp6 is.. quite the ride.

And this is exactly the reason Vesmirs spaceship was now zooming between countless planets with astonishing speed. As a raging alcoholic and party creature, although not interested in the ceremony, he had to go in fear that he might miss out on some good fun.

Vesmir was laying on a white soft couch inside the spaceship, one of his long legs hanging off and lazily swaying. A white rock matching the interior of the ship stuck out the floor next to the couch Vesmir layed on.

The surface of the rock was flat, seeming to serve as a table. Vesmir stretched his hand, gently stroking the fashionable and smooth rock. The whole spaceship lowly vibrated, it seemed to enjoy the stroking, as if it was a live creature.

The males four slender eyes blinked, his finger tracing circles on the surface of the table, he asked "How long till we get there, Zuni?"

The spaceship itself, called Zuni replied. A robotic soft and dull voice resounded through the ship, "About 1 hour, 20 minutes and 3 seconds, taking the fastest route through Crystal Lights Forge."

"Alright." Vesmir layed on his back, tapping a certain spot on the rock table that seemed to activate a small pocket opening. Inside lay a translucent and colorful tube like object; he picked it up, pushed the side of it which turned out to be a button.

He pressed it against his lips before sucking what seemed to be nothing out of the tube. Vesmir then exhaled a huge cloud of purple like gas. Relaxing into the cushions as his  antennas slightly drooped in relaxation.

In some time, or exactly 1 hour, 20 minutes and 3 seconds since last announced. Zuni; the silver spaceship was already finding a place to park while hovering down the planet Lomp6.

Vesmir was still in the same position, smoking and laying like a corpse. Zuni's crisp electronic voice sounded through  the deep bass in the ship.

"We have reached the destination"