Killing Urge.

Two spaceships stood next to each other on the parking lot, one was white, sliver and opalescent, while the other was pitch black. The contrast of the two ships was very eye-catching.

Unfortunately no one was around to appreciate the well built ships before both were gone, only a dot could be seen remaining in the dark sky of Lomp8 in the direction they flew off. However, it also faded in a second.

The two ships were speeding through  countless colorful bright stars, the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. Unfortunately neither of the pilots could appreciate the view, they were in fact having a race off.

in the black ship the green haired alien narrowed his eyes. Staring at his opponent through a screen in front of him, the other was a little bit ahead.. The green haired alien pulled a lever, accelerating his speed.

Vesmir choked on the alcohol that slid down his throat, some of it dripped down his chin as well. The Fitall he drank earlier didn't quench his thirst enough, such is the legendary tolerance of a raging alcoholic.

He let out a low groan before hastily wiping the dripping alcohol off..

Two of his eyes stared in front of him at the screen projecting the others location, whilst the other two were staring down at his hands that were controlling the wheel.

He cursed, seeing the other went a bit faster. Vesmirs competitive nature intensified. One of his hands reached out to press a blue button on the far end of the ships control panel. An eerie grin appeared on the aliens face as his hands worked on the panel, pulling the wheel back for more speed like a lever.

Vesmir catched up to the other in no time, but that wasn't enough for him. "Zuni~ launch two elextra Rockets at the black ship."

A low buzz vibrated through the ship before a soft electronic voice rang through. "Two elextra Rockets launched at the black ship, 8.9ly/s."

In the black ship a beeping sound resonated through before a red hologramic panel appeared in front of the pilot. The green haired male stared at it, on the panel was written:

"Two rockets are detected heading towards our spaceship, they will crash at 7/^⁰8-!! Buckle your seatbelts~"

"What a maniac."

The green haired male quickly looked to the corner of the panel, the time there read 7/^⁰0. Enough time to avoid.

He reached out his hands to grab the steering panel, but all his motions were slowed down due to the alcohol in his system.

The ship continued beeping, and just when the rockets were about to hit it the "Yoyo Master" spun the wheel crazily and pulled a black lever.

The black ship smoothly and beautifully avoided the enemies attack, spinning around as two green lasers pinned on the poor flying elextra rockets.

The rockets were shot and exploded into nothing before the black ship continued speeding forward.

Vesmir narrowed his eyes at the panel in front of him, blazing in different colors as the rockets exploded. He cursed, "What nerve! To actually destroy my precious rockets."

Zuni: "Sir, you.. "

Vesmir aggressively smashed a button, "What."

You are the one who launched the rockets in the first place... Zuni silently thought to itself before replying, "Nothing."

- 👽 -

One black and one white object were speeding through the dark galaxy, blue and green lights surrounded them and sparked around very eye-catchingly.

It was in fact two spaceships, but before one could say "Julimbajijanjugad" they were gone, leaving behind a flash of blue and green.

In front of the ships was a smaller blue planet, similar to the any other moon in the galaxy.

But neither of the ships stopped, instead they sped up, both charging straight at the moon still while shooting lasers at each other.

It was an endless childish cycle of -I shoot, you dodge now you shoot and I'll dodge-.

Soon both were a few meters from destination, however one thing is neither of the pilots noticed is that their lasers hit the small planet several times while they were shooting at each other.

The poor planet had a bad karma.

Vesmir tried slowing his ship, Zuni, down to land as safely as he could and so did the green haired pilot of the black ship.

Both of the ships landed on the moon at the same time with a crash. The impact was quite strong but neither of the ships were relatively damaged expect for a small scratch or two, one couldn't underestimate the quality.

Both aliens jumped out of their ships, staring at each other. The long haired, four eyed one spoke first: "Its a tie."

The green haired alien wore a stoic expression, very naturally replying.

"I arrived 00000.007 seconds earlier."

Vesmir felt a sudden killing urge, his eyes narrowed: "Does 00000.007 seconds even make a difference, you-"

Before Vesmir could continue talking a sudden loud rumble emerged along with a strong earth shake.

Both Aliens simultaneously looked below them, a large crack was growing wider underneath their feet. Slowly ooening along with loud rumbles.

The planet was falling apart!

Vesmir crossed his arms and spat in a smug tone.

"Look what you've done ah, you broke it."

The green haired alien narrowed his two big eyes.

"How could I have broken it."

Vesmir smiled, his grin expanding beyond normal lenghts.

"Didn't you arrive 00000.007 seconds earlier?"

The latter turned silent, then said in a low voice "If it wasn't for you crashing right after. causing even more damage, it probably wouldn't happen."

The two aliens started bickering again, underneath them pieces of the planet started falling off. Even the Galaxies had their own order and soon enough sirens could be heard

A loud gurgly voice shouted through a speaker:







Wasted green head: ...

Even more wasted blue head:.....

The two aliens immediately rushed to their own ships after hearing this, completely clear on who and what it is.

Everyone knew that the jail in Ilumni galaxy was by far the most terrifying one, they forced prisoners to positive programs for rehabilitation. Reading poems, drawing pictures and sharing their life stories. The positivity of it all could make one go mental.

Due to this, the Ilumni jail was the one galaxy with the "friendliest" program, yet the highest suicide attempt rates.

Vesmir sprinted to his white ship running inside, preparing to set off. He stopped himself and watched his rival.

The green haired alien wasn't in his ship yet.

"What the hell is he doing.."

There was a password device on the door but even after a few seconds and multiple tries the green haired alien couldn't get it unlocked, everytime it beeped red and an electronic cheerful voice would say.

"Aye aye aye, wrong code~ please try again.~"

Vesmir watched, realizing what was happening.

"What a dumbass, he forgot his emergency password hahahahahah!!!!"

Vesmirs head tilted back as he roared in laugher. The white ship started, but suddenly as it flashed away the door opened and a slender large hand grabbed the collar of the other alien, dragging him into the ship before it sped away.


The squad of police ships arrived a few second late, the captian yelled in rage.


Many officers attempted to calm him in the ship, bringing coffee and softly speaking reassuring words as the group of police ships quickly followed the target.

- 👽 -

Later that night on the TV Unigalactic News:

"Eroscalpa's moon was destroyed today at 10/•°6, the cause is unknown but it is said that a couples love quarreling turned violent, causing damage to the planet by fighting!

The matter is still being investigated and the two aliens dissappeared before questioned, but here we have a tape. How romantic, bickering of love on a collapsing moon!!"

The reporter pointed to the leftover crumbs of the once round planet. The News Reporter on the other end chimed in:

" I sure to do feel sorry for the person with such a fierce wife, but as they say young love is the wildest!! Hahahahahah!!"


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