You're such a bastard

After taking a shower, Yi Yi lays on her bed and opens her phone.

"Yi Yi, every year our company takes one photographer to join the annual winter photography contest. This year I'm planning to sign it up for you. Don't let me down." From Mr. Chen.

Her eyes are wide open after reading the message.

The first thing she wants to say is curse. She doesn't even understand why they chose her. Like she just joined yesterday, and now they're asking her to join this contest representing the whole group.

Yi Yi starts to feel the pressure on her. 'What if I lose? Will I get fired?' as she thought to herself and instantly messages back to the supervisor.

"I'm sorry Mr. Chen. I don't think I'm capable of doing it. Could you find another person."

She sends the message and waits for a response.

"What should I say?" as Mr. Chen nervously looks at secretary Li.

"I don't care what you say, but boss wants Wang Yi Yi to join this contest. So, do whatever you can to make her join."

Besides, Yi Yi is feeling pressure. Mr. Chen on the other hand is also feeling the pressure. He's at the verge of losing his job, if he doesn't listen to his boss.

"Yi Yi this is an order. If you don't join this contest, then you don't need to come to work tomorrow."

Yi Yi screams on top of her lungs as she feels the frustration.

"Mom said if you scream one more time, then you can leave the house." Yi Yi's younger sister, Wang Shan Shan opens the door and tells her.

"She must be on her PMS," as their older sister walks past the room with her tea.

Yi Yi gives a death glare to both of them, and then starts hitting the pillow.

The next day, Yi Yi was called to go to the CEO's office.

As she took the elevator to the top floor, her heart couldn't stop beating.

She tries to think back if she did anything wrong over the past 2 days, but she couldn't remember any. So why is the boss calling her?

The elevator door opens, secretary Li who has been waiting for her the whole time welcomes her.

"Does everyone get these kinds of services when they come up?" as Yi Yi couldn't hold in and asked the secretary.

'You're the first one,' as secretary Li wanted to tell her but held it in.

"Boss is waiting for you inside," as he shows her.

"I could just walk in?" as Yi Yi looks at secretary Li anxiously.

He nods, and walks away.

Wang Yi Yi took two deep breaths and knocked on the door.

"Come in," as a voice said.

Wang Yi Yi pushes the door open, and inside sits a mature man typing on the keyboard.

"Boss, you wanted to see me?" as she asks and is scared to look at him.

The typing noise stops, and Bai Luo Chuan takes off his glasses.

"Am I that scary to look at?" as he asks while eyes on her.

Yi Yi nervously shakes her head, and then slowly lifts up her head.

"B-b-Bai Luo Chuan?"

Their eyes meet and Wang Yi Yi is in shock that her boss is Bai Luo Chuan.

"So I see. You haven't forgotten about me, Wang Yi Yi."

Her heart suddenly starts beating so fast, and she could feel like it'll jump out any second. "Are you really Bai Luo Chuan?" as she asks and moves closer to look at him.

Her eyes scan through his whole body then back to his face. Their eyes met again, and this time is up close.

"Do I need to prove that I'm Bai Luo Chuan?" as he said in a deep voice.

Wang Yi Yi quickly shakes her head. "I just didn't know that you were once a chubby kid and now.." She pauses and realizes what she's saying.

"And now what?" as he said.

Yi Yi covers her hand with her mouth and shakes her head.

"Your supervisor must've told you about the contest right," as he shifted the conversation back to work.

'Oh right, the contest.' Now she knows who's the boss, then maybe she doesn't have to join the contest anymore.

"Bai Luo Chuan, can I not join the contest. I really don't like this kind of contest," as Yi Yi says and explains with a fake reason.

Bai Luo Chuan gives her an eye.

"I mean boss."

"This is the overall decision made by the group, so you can't say no to it."

"But you're the boss right? Like your one word, can change the group's decision." Wang Yi Yi looks at him with pleading eyes.

"I'm the boss, and I do what's best for the company." His words make Wang Yi Yi roll her eyes and she mumbles "useless."

"Next time you have something to say, say it louder." Bai Luo Chuan then throws a folder to her and Yi Yi quickly catches it.

"What's this?" as she asks.

"This is the theme for this year's contest."

Yi Yi opens the folder and reads through it.

"Love." Wang Yi Yi thought about this and slowly nodded her head. "I'm saying this right now. I'll join the contest, but if I lose you can't fire me."

"We'll see," he saids with a side smile on his face.

"Yo-you" Yi Yi wants to argue back, and then there's another knock on the door.

A man walks in and is greeted.

"He will take over your work for the next two week. I want you to take advantage of these two week to focus on this contest." He then signals the man to go out.

"Just like that?" as Yi Yi looks at him surprisingly.

Luo Chuan nods. "What else do you want?"

Wang Yi Yi doesn't understand. She looks at him closely and wonders if it's really the Bai Luo Chuan she once knew.

"How come I feel like you look so different from when you're a kid? You were such a nice and warm hearted boy I've known. And now you're such a….."

"A what?" he saids.

"You sure you wanna know?"

She signals him to come closer, and Wang Yi Yi moves closer to his ear.

"Such a bastard." After saying, Yi Yi quickly leaves the room before he yells at her.

Seeing Yi Yi leaving the boss room, secretary Li was about to head back inside when Yi Yi stopped him.

"You might want to think about whether you want to go back in or not." Yi Yi didn't explain what she meant and quickly went inside the elevator.

Secretary Li walks in the room, and realizes how dark his boss's face is. Now he understands why he got warned.

"Do I look like a bastard?" as Bai Luo Chuan asks him.

"Huh?" Secretary Li stood there dumbfounded. 'What should he say?' as he regrets coming back in and not listening to Wang Yi Yi.