A Candle light dinner

"Crap I over slept today too. I have to hurry or I won't make it in time... . Today the first class is math and the teacher is SO strict that even if I am only 5 mins late, she will make me stand in the hall for the whole class... . DAMN you son of THANOS."

Well, as you can see our man, Kirimura is late for school again. He worked over time in his part time job and he was worned out so he couldn't wake up in time. And so he has to run as fast as he can like there's zombies after him. And if someone's wondering that what about his super speed , well he can't use it right now. We will learn about his powers in the upcoming chapter.

" My math teacher is also late?..!! This is my chance..I will have to enter in the class before her.I am almost there.... if I get on me knees and slide in 45° and considering my current running speed , I should be able to get in first..."


Kirimura ran and slided but couldn't control his speed and bumped into his teacher and fell down. There's a reason why running in the hall is not allowed let alone slide.

[Todays lesson : DON'T SLIDE ON THE SCHOOL"]

"OHHH....SHITE. I took down Sensei with me...I am so DAMN DEAD.." Kirimura realized that he fucked up

"KIRIMURAAAAA.... stand in the hall for the rest of the class with 2 bricks on your hands , NOW."

"I am sorry. Really sorry, please let me go this time." Kirimura said with a puppy face.

Hearing this from Kirimura, her lips started to tremble in anger and she shouted " In the HALL...RIGHT NOWWWW..."

"I..am goning..." with a dissatisfied face he replied and stood in the hall.

"My puppy dog eyes didn't work on her...I guses I am standing in hall" Kirimura in his mind while standing in the hallway.

"Is Hori-sensei coming this way...GREAT I get to see her and I can even ask her for help, I am sure she can convince that demon teacher to let me go this time. I AM SAVED."

Hori- sensei looks at Kirimura from a distance , while kirimura acts as vinarable as he can by bending his legs a little towards front and looking down with a sad face.

"Is Kirimura-kun being published?...he looks so weak and worn out. Should I put a word for him..? NO..NO...what am I thinking..? Teachers punish there students for there own good. Even if it is hard to see him suffer..I..I have to endure it."

"We are nothing more than teacher and student while we are at school." Hori-sensei decided. She walks by Kirimura pretending not to notice. While Kirimura looks at her from behind with his eyes tearing up. " How can you LEAVE LIKE this?!!?? You are bittraying me..SENSEIIII..."

[top10 anime betrayals]

*The current class is over...

"Finally I can rest now...my legs are killing me." Kirimura finally got to enter the class room.

"Yo..Kirimura. You got punished again...man what did ya do this time?!?" Kenta-kun asked while comforting Kirimura by patting his shoulder. His eyebrows were crocked together and his chicks looking like balloon while he is trying his best to not brust into laughter.

"Why do you look so happy huh? Do you want me to tell the class rep that you were the one who wrote a nameless love letter to her...? Do you..do you..? Huh..?

"NO ...please man..don't do you bro like that...please. I won't laughs. ..it was the teachers fault not yours that you were late...I am no your side... ( taking his side while crying)"

"Ok everyone, sit down." Hori-sen entered the class as it was the English class after Math.

"Kirimura is playing with his friends , so I guses he is ok." Sensei thought and began the class.

Well even if he looked ok , Kirimura was very worn out as he didn'tget to have breakfast and had to stand the whole class. He didn't get enough sleep eighter so he couldn't stay awake and dozed of.

"Kirimura wake UP... you can't sleep in the class.." sensei shouted.

"I am awake.....I ..I didn't sleep. I was listening , Sensei."

"Really...than tell me question no.5 right NOW."

"The answer is *************,****."

Hori-sensei knew he was sleeping but he also did answer correctly. Her eyebrows went up and eyes were Going to pop out as she was so surprised with his performance.

"Ok...sit down and don't sleep in the class."

She continued the class and at the end of the class...

" Ok. Everyone give me your homeworks ."

"Oh crap I forgot to do it because I was working overtime...OHHH I am dead." Well it's pretty common for Kirimura.

"Well the thing is....um...I...I kinda forgot...to ..do it" kirimura replied with a shaken voice.

"KIRIMURAAAA ..meet me after school."

"O.k sensei."

Well the classes are over and it's lunch break now. Launch breaks are 20mins long and Kirimura realized that he forgot to bring his lunch.

"Mannnn you didn't do your homework again...?"Kenta-kun

" I worked over time and was too worn out to do my homework."

"You have it rough my man...btw do you have your lunch?"

"No I forget to bring that too"


When Kirimura and Kenta-kun were talking Sensei went to get somethin and accidentally heard them. "Poor Kirimura, he didnt have breakfast and forgot his lunch...I..I should give him somthing to eat." So she dicided to share her lunch with Kirimura in the locked classroom , because anybody hardly comes here.

WELL it's lunch break and he doesn't have anything to do so he is just walking in the hall and....some one grabbed him and took him to the closed room.

"Am I being kidnapped or what!!?? In school I am being kidnapped!!! I have to fight back." Kirimura punches the sranger.


"IT'S me. It's me...Hori-sensei..OUCH..."

"OH...sensei!!what are you doing. I mean are you ok??"

"How can I be O.K...you PUNCHED me so hard."

"I...I thought you were someone else so....hahaha.."

"I accidentally made some extra food...um..so if you are hungry I could share my food with you." She said as she couldn't make eye contact with kirimura cuz she is too embarrassed about inviting him to share lunch. Her face was bright red and she looked away from Kirimura.

"Of course I would want to eat . Senseis home made lunch , I can't wait anymore." Kirimura replied but in his mind..."Is it the LEGENDARY 'I made too much food' lie....I always wanted to hear sensei say this. Ohhhhh....I am gonna die of happiness."

Sensei started to get the food ready and realized she didn't arrange any extra chopstick.

"OHHH GOD i forgot to bring spoon for kirimura...what am I gonna do now. I can't back down...coz he looks too happy about the whole lunch thing."

"Sensei , I am hungry... . Let's eat. "

"Ok..than...um...say 'aaaa' "

Kirimura 's eyebrows went up and his jaw went down as he was so surprised. He slowly reached out and took the spoon in.

"This is sooo embarrassing. ....i am feeding him with my own hands." Sensei is so embarrassed that her chicks are red was tomato and she couldn't look at his eyes.

"Sensei the food is sooo GOOD. Please feed some yourself too." Kirimura didn't realize that they were sharing the same spoon.

In Sensei's head....

"Did he not realize that we are sharing the same spoon or he wants to share the spoon. At this rate its gonna be a indirect kiss.Ahhhh...i am so embarrassed.i cant do it.No..nonono this isn't a big deal and we did aldready kiss once. Maybe Kirimura doesn't think too much of it eighter . I am an adult. I have to get my self together."

Sensei slowly picked up food with the spoon and she is sooo nervous. Her hands are shaking like crazy.

" you dont look so well , Sensei. Let me feed you."

Before she could respond, Kirimura took the spoon from her hand and FED her.

"Wait....didn't I just eat with that spoon. WHATTTT she forgot to get a second spoon.....that's why she was so nervous." Kirimurafinally realized and the moment he realized that they just indirectly kissed he blussed like never before. His whole face was red like the inside of a water Mellon .

The bell rang..'ting , ting' The lunch break is over.

"I...I...should go now. I have to take another class in the 2nd years." Hori-Sensei said with a shaky voice and ran away with excellent speed.

"Maaaaan....that was sooo embarrassing and romantic at the sane time."

After that Kirimura went back to class and nothing special happened that day until the night fell. Kirimura was coming back to home from his part time work and saw a white car parking in front of his apartment. he went close to the car silently to see whose it is.

"Who is it??" Kirimura kinda screamed

"Ahhh..... it's me Hori-sensei." She panicked hearing the loud voice.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? Who's car is it? And how did you get my address?

"Calm down...I got your address from your homeroom teacher and this is my car. I don't really use it that much , so you don't know about it."

"O.k I understand but Why are you here???"

"Ooh...umm...I kinda made too much food for myself so...I thought why not give you some ...haha."

"Sensei, you really can't lie . This excuse of yours is too old. Can't you just say that you missed me?"

"Okk I am going back." Sensei turned over and suddenly he hugged her from behind.

"Don't go sensei. I wanted to see you too. I was so worn out but the moment I saw you I was back to life. And I am sooo hungry. Let's go inside."

Hearing him say those sweet things she was so embarrassed that she didn't talk and just followed him in his room. they got the food in the dining table and just when they were about to eat.

THE electricity went off.

"About the light, I kinda didnt pay the bill so..." kirimura said while searching for a candle.

Kirimura found some candels and lighten them up and put them in the dining table.

" Now that i look at it , it isn't bad that the light is gone right, sensei ?"

"What do you mean.?"

" we got to have a romantic candle light dinner. So it's a good thing that the light is gone."

In Sensei head right now...

A couple having dinner in the light of the candle is a very romantic situationsand is called A Candle light dinner. So according to the definition, we are having a candle light dinner!!!

"C..can...candle light dinner...um...I..."

"Sensei, can I ask you for a favour?"

"Oh , yes . What is it do you need helpwith your homework?" In hurry she replied, to get rid of the embarrassing situation.

"The atmosphere is kinda good and romantic. So um...c..can we KISS♡?"


[Hang in there Kirimura.I will do justice to you.--The writer.]