It's ok if its only once

Kirimura can't walk properly cuz of the cut in his leg , so sensei got a walking tool for him. Kirimura was discharged sortly after the testemony and everything. So now , Kirimura and sensei are on their way to Kirimura's place.

Kirimura is walking along side with sensei . Kirimura intentionally walking funny. Well he has a reason for that....

"Are you having trouble walking , Kirimura-kun?"

"I am fi...fine." Kirimura replied. But the face he is making says ' I'm DIEING BITCH.' As he make painful noice while walking.

"Are you sure you are okay, Kirimura-kun. It seems like you are having a hard time walking. Do you need any help walking?" Sensei asked kirimura. She genuinely feels sorry for him as she doesn't know that Kirimura is acting.

"Well , If you insist so much . Please give a shoulder to hold on , Sensei." Kirimura replied

Kirimura's plan succeded as sensei offers to help him walk.

Kirimura took the opportunity to grab her shoulders. Kirimura leans on sensei as if he lost all his streanth. When Kirimura is having the time of his life , Sensei is unable to reason with the situation as her face goes red to the ear.

"Uhhhh....I just wanted to help him walk but what is HAPPENING!!?? This situation is too INTENSE. " sensei is too embarrassed with the situation that she can't even make eye contact with him.

"Maybe I can push her a little bit more...hehehe*Devil smile." Kirimura thoughts in his mind .

Kirimura is not gonna let this opportunity to go away so , he rests his head on sensei's shoulder as he pressed sensei to him self even more.

Sensei couldn't breath as Kirimura closed up to her so much. It's such a romantic situation and she has no idea how to handle it.

Her eyes suddenly gose to Kirimura's legs...

"Wah,, happening!!!..... . This brat is walking just fine , he dare to play me like that ? You pervert!" Sensei in her mind as she finally figured out Kirimura's plans.

"Kirimura - kun~"

"Hai(yep), Sensei~?"

"Is it still hard to walk on your own?"

"Yes , its so painful , let me be like this the rest of the path." Kirimura replied with puppy eyes.

"Iam not gonna fall for your puppy eyes AGAIN." Sensei yells in her mind

Sensei grabbed Kirimura by his ear *Auauau?.....ahhh *

"Sensei...?!! *Ahhh... it hurts *Ahh..

"It is SUPPOSED to hurt you jerk. You dare fool me like that."

"I am sorry ...sorry. .Sensei! Forgive me this ONECE. *aaahhh

"I was so.. guilty because you got hur...hurt for me. *ikhe." Sensei said while her eyes are filling with tears , her voice trumbles as she drowns in her own guilt.

"I... $#*@#*?"!@@." Sensei said but like you readers , Kirimura also didn't understand what was she saying as she cries her eyes out and tries to talk at the same time.


"What.....WHAT is happening!? How did I end up making Sensei cry!!??" Kirimura was witnessing sensei cry for the first time , so he didn't know how to handle this situation. As sensei cries Kirimura falls in deep darkness of guilt.

Kirimura was asking himself the same questions again and again but couldn't find an answere cuz he can be a air head sometimes. And suddenly he remembers a scenery from his favourite anime.

"'s time to put my ANIME knowledge into action." Kirimura said with confidence and in his mind he says" I can DO it. FIGHTING!!"

*Kirimura suddenly hugs sensei

It took sensei couple of seconds to stop crying and realize what's going on.

As Sensei realises what's going on she gets shaken from the inside. She has a mixed feeling of embarrassment , happiness and comfort.

"Wha....what are you doing, Kirimura-kun? So suddenly! " sensei asked with a low shaken voice . As a teacher she is not allowed to do this kind of thing with her student but when it comes to Kirimura-kun , she is utterly helpless.

"They say that , if someone's feeling sad give them a 30s long hug , it will cheer them up." Kirimura replied with a pleasing smile and a calm voice as he hugs sensei tightly.

*30s of calming hug....

Kirimura gentlely moves sensei a little as she stopped crying and calmed down. The look on her face..bright redish cheeks, eyes doesn't make contact with him as she lost the war that she was fighting against her desires. As she gives in and falls on Kirimura's arms saying...

"I will need another 30 seconds to feel good."

She gentlely falls on kirimura's arms. Kirimura was flustered and surprised by how bold sensei is being as his arms subconsciously holds sensei tightly.

"Today I failed as a teacher. As I give in to my desire , pretending to no be able to resist I...I failed as a teacher and yet I feel I freed myself from a chain that was forcefully stopping me all this time.

It should be okay to be free for once. To be Kirimura-kun's lover not his teacher. FOR ONCE...

■■■■■■■■■■■■■●●●●●●●●●●●■■■■■■ WRITER-SAMA■■■■■■■●●●●●●●●■■■■■■■■■■■

Hi , there. I am Abir. Thank you for reading my book. I hope you like it. Don't forget to ADD it to your library and come back to read again. If there's anything wrong, let me know in the comments.