Chapter 4

Buffy Universe:

Sunnydale collapsing, had been six months ago and Xander was ready to kill people with his bare hands. All the hopes he had for things getting better, for them all fitting together again had fallen apart completely. Willow was more hooked on magic than ever, even if she kept from sinking into black and Kennedy was there constantly stroking her ego about how powerful she was. Buffy was in her "I am god" mode, and all the little slayers just followed right along. Faith had disappeared as soon as Robin was well, which told Xander at least it was choice that she left, and looking around him he could not blame her. Giles was the only one he could stand anymore, and he was so busy trying to keep the house of cards he was trying to build, from falling; he did not have time for anyone or anything else, letting Buffy rule everything. Dawn was the only bright point, but she was away at school, away from this hell hole.

He had been regulated to everyone's do-bitch. Buffy told him what she wanted him to do, Giles left him lists of things to fix, Andrew left him lists of groceries to buy, Willow left him lists of all magical stuff he shouldn't touch, Robin left him lists of errands to do, and the newly called slayers were picking up on it. Buffy always sending one with him, with the instructions "Don't let him get hurt, he is only human remember." It was to the point that he was surprised he was allowed to go to the bathroom by himself.

Today had been the final straw, he and one of his 'watchers' Cecily, had run down to the convenience store for some milk, when they had been jumped by a couple of fledgling vampires. Xander had grabbed a stake and efficiently killed two of them, while the young slayer had taken care of the other two. She then turned around and chewed him out.

"You are suppose to stand out of the way and let me do my job, are you trying to get hurt? You don't know how to do this, I was born to it." Arrogance and pride was in every word she spoke.

Xander looked at the 14 year old Cecily and his temper snapped. He turned and walked way headed right back to the house, Cecily yammering the entire time. "Don't you walk away from me, I am here because you can't take care of yourself, you know that, so you have to listen me."

Ruthlessly Xander kept his temper down until they walked through the door of the house, and she made one more comment. "Just look at your eye, you lost that, so I am here to make sure you don't lose anything else."

That was the final straw; Xander turned and looked at the young girl, his eye blazing with anger. "Listen to me and listen well, I have been doing this since before you were born, I have saved slayers from death and fought at their side, even if they choose to ignore it. I am not a pet, I am not helpless and I will not tolerate this anymore." He dropped the groceries and turned to head out the door. "I am going out for a drink." Cecily made to follow him. "Alone!"

"You can't go alone, you might get hurt." Was her reply looking at Xander, having ignored everything he said. She missed all the warning signs that Xander had been pushed past his limit.

Before she knew it a hand was at her throat "Listen to me little girl, you will leave me the fuck alone or I will gut you and take out your heart. Not even a slayer can heal from that. Do you understand me?" There was nothing soft or tender about him, muscles built from hard labor were clear, and Cecily suddenly wondered why anyone thought this man needed to be protected. Fear ran through her and she did not even think about fighting just nodding numbly as Xander dropped her and walked out the door.

She sat there on the floor for a moment then got up and ran to find Buffy.

Xander stormed out of the house. "Fucking bitches, I am done, I am not going to keep trying to help when all I get is walked on and spit on because I am 'only' human. Well screw them." Xander was madder than he had been in a long time and most of the love he felt for the Scoobies was gone except for Dawn, but she was better off away from these maniacs.

He found himself at a local bar, and ordered a bottle of whiskey. He was not really planning on getting falling down drunk, but at least a soft buzz sounded very good.