The Sisters of the Chen Family

These two cousins ​​belonged to Ms. Lu's family. Her father used the money to donate to a staff member. After the Lu family hadn't made it before, they didn't interact much, but now they have a different attitude than before.

Ye Zhen only smiled when Lu Si deliberately emphasized that they were students at the university, "After that, two more sisters will deliberately play together."

Chen Qiuping looked at Ye Zhen and said with a smile, "We were only admitted luckily."

It is not just a fluke to be admitted to the Women's College. The Chen Qiuping sisters have been trained by the family to have high ambitions since they were young. It is difficult for them to get married in a high school due to their origin, so they can only work hard as long as they can. The women's college is famous and will naturally be seen in the eyes of those women in the future.

However, they did not expect Lu Jinger to appear and completely cover her brilliance.

However, now with this third sister who has just arrived from the border town, I want to go back to her early days. Only when there is a contrast will they show her goodness. If this third sister makes a fool of herself during the entrance exam, others will naturally take them.

Thinking of this, Chen Qiuping smiled more cordially at Ye Zhen, "The third sister will study with us soon, she is great."

Ye Zhen smiled slightly, "I took the medical exam, which is different from my sister's."

Chen Qiuping and the others should have graduated this year and cannot play together.

Ms. Lu said with a smile, "Yaoyao used to be in the border city and missed the opportunity to study at Women's College. However, there is no age limit for the medical center. She has some skills and it is better to go there to study ".

"What's so great about the medical museum? Should I become a doctor after I get out?" Chen Liping had a little disdain in her eyes. She despised the practice of medicine, and that was a lower-class profession.

Ms. Lu was a bit upset when she heard that, she frowned and said, "What happened to being a doctor? Isn't Queen Qi in the story a doctor?"

That was over a hundred years ago. Who knows if the history books say it is true or false. Although the Women's College was founded by Empress Qi and the Medicine Museum was once famous for a time, this country is no longer Jingguo. The family is no longer Huangfu, it has been different for a long time.

Seeing Chen Liping's disdain, Ye Zhen did not take it seriously. Before the change, she did not rarely go to the medical museum, but now she is different. She can only take shortcuts and get a chance to enter the palace in the fastest way. path.

"It is my grandmother who has a vision, but I dare not be like Empress Xiaoduan. Only the imperial concubine has such a blessing. I am satisfied as a medical officer in the palace." Ye Zhen rubbed Elder Lu's arm After a few times, she said sweetly.

"We Lu are sensible." Ms. Lu touched her face and liked this granddaughter a little more.

Lu Jinger looked at Ye Zhen and hated this third sister for being too cunning. She always stepped on them to please the old woman. "Grandma, I will also participate in the graduation test next year. You said earlier that if I do well on the exam, I will give it I will make it up to you."

"Well, what kind of reward do you want?" Ms. Lu is happier to see her granddaughters successfully graduate from Women's College. It is also an honor for the Lu family.

Those who look down on their Lu family and think that merchants simply cannot raise noble and generous people only expect a face.

Lu Shuang'er was named the noble concubine empress, only to give those people the biggest slap in the face. Even Ye Zhen, who was the most famous in Kyoto at the time, was not her opponent.

"Grandma, the third sister got a good whip a few days ago. I think I really like it. Why don't you ask the third sister to take out the whip as a reward?" Lu Jing'er said deliberately and innocently: looking expectantly to the people of Old Lu.

Ms. Lu looked at Ye Zhen unchanged, "Yaoyao, what a good whip do you have? It makes your fourth little sister so greedy."

Ye Zhen looked at Lu Jing'er with an unsmiling smile. Couldn't she utter such shameless words and reward her with her silver whip? What kind of green onion is she, even if the whole Lu family is pampering her, she has nothing to do with hers Ye Zhen hers, so what if she can graduate?

Who is weird!

"Grandma, that was when I went hunting with my older brother a few days ago. Jing Ninghou wanted to compete with me. He lost the silver whip for me." Ye Zhen she said with a smile, "However, I wasn't expecting the fourth sister to fight Jing. Ninghou's Silver Whip likes it so much, so I would have let my fourth sister get it back if she had known."

That was something she won. Why should you give it to Lu Jing'er? Don't think too well!

Ms. Lu had already heard about Ye Zhen's contest with Tang Zhen. She didn't think anything. Only today did she know that she had earned her silver whip, that it never left her body. Can this silver whip be used as a bet on will it? Certainly not, it seems that Tang Zhen should have some meaning to Ye Zhen.

"The third sister's silver whip is useless, so it's better to take it out ..." Lu Jinger said with a small mouth, naively thinking that with her reputation at Women's College, she already wanted something at home.

Before she finished speaking, the door curtain lifted with a loud cry and Lu Lingzhi's upright voice came from outside, followed by a few siblings.

"The grandson greets the grandmother." Lu Lingzhi smiled and bowed.

When Ms. Lu saw her favorite grandson, she immediately smiled, "Why is everyone here together?"

"Grandma is going to have a feast here. I heard there are delicious meals. I don't have to rush for these few. We all meet on the way," Lu Lingzhi said with a smile and looked at Ye Zhen who was standing next to the Mrs. Lu.

Just one look, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, as if she hadn't seen him in a few days, this third sister had changed a bit, but she was no different, she just felt that she was different from what he had. seen before.

That Mr. Shan is so powerful, can he change so profoundly into a wild girl?

Ms. Lu laughed, "Monkeys, they only came to dinner with my grandmother when they heard something delicious."

Lu Lingzhi smiled without saying a word and sat on the Grandmaster's chair next to her, "The two cousins ​​are here too."

Chen Qiuping and Chen Liping stepped forward and saluted, "Senior cousin."

Ye Zhen glanced at them lightly, and the two cousins ​​met the other Lu family masters again. She noticed a shy joy on Chen Qiuping's face, and the corners of her eyes kept heading towards Lu Lingzhi.

I see!

It seems that Lu Lingzhi is now an excellent candidate for a husband-in-law in the eyes of many girls.

"I heard Jing'er say something about the silver whip when I walked in just now, what's wrong?" Lu Lingzhi asked lightly.

Lu Jing'er looked a bit embarrassed and smiled reluctantly to consider how to respond.

The second girl, Lu Fang'er, covered her mouth and smiled, "Big brother, the fourth sister wants the third sister's silver whip."
